Federal Aviation Administration

Aircraft Certification

Export an Aircraft

A request to cancel an aircraft's registration due to its export from the United States must be made by the last registered owner, the last owner of record, the foreign purchaser when supported by evidence of ownership, or by the authorized party under an Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorization ( IDERA ).

Requests to cancel an aircraft registration for export must include:
  • a complete description of the aircraft, including manufacturer name, model designation, serial number and registration number;
  • the reason for cancellation (export to foreign country),
  • the name of the country to which the aircraft is being exported,
  • the signature and appropriate title of requester,
  • a release, or consent to export for all outstanding security instruments and unexpired leases with a term of six months or more that were executed on or before February 28, 2006,
  • the resolution of outstanding interests in the aircraft executed on or after March 1, 2006, in accord with the following:
    • If the aircraft is subject to the Cape Town Treaty and an IDERA is on file, then the IDERA authorized party must include with its request;
      • a copy of the International Registry Search Certificate,
      • a written certification, "that all registered interests ranking in priority to that of the requestor have been discharged or that the holders of such interests have consented to the cancellation for export purposes" (This specific wording from 14 CFR Part 47 ยง47.47(a)(3) must be used in its entirety.),
      • evidence of the discharge of interest or consent to export from the holders of interests ranking in priority to the interest of the requestor.
      • Note: An IDERA request will only be honored with regard to aircraft subject to the Cape Town Treaty.
    • If the aircraft is subject to the Cape Town Treaty , and there is no IDERA on file, then the aircraft owner must include with his request;
      • a written certification that all outstanding interests recorded with the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch have been discharged or that the holders of the interests have consented to the cancellation for export purposes, and
      • evidence that the holders of these outstanding interests have discharged their interest or consented to the export
    • If the aircraft is not subject to the Cape Town Treaty, the aircraft owner must include with his request:
      • a release or consent to export for all outstanding security instruments and unexpired leases with a term of six months or more.

We handle exports on a priority basis. Please indicate "Export" in red ink on the envelope and the request.

For additional information, review Information to Aid in the Cancellation for Export of United States Registered Aircraft, AC Form 8050-124E (PDF, 48 KB) or contact the Aircraft Registration Branch

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Page Last Modified: 08/20/10 11:35 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/export_aircraft/