Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a sampling of some the questions we hear from callers to our office. If your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us at (504) 680-3000 or you can write to us at 500 Poydras Street, Suite B-210, New Orleans, LA 70130.

The Office is called the "U.S. Attorney;" does that mean you represent "U.S." citizens like my self?

Not in individual litigation you may wish to bring against another person, company or government agency. Here is what we do.

Okay, then can you suggest someone who could represent me?

Sorry, our office is not permitted to make direct referrals. May we suggest, however, that you contact either the California State Bar Association at who can refer you to an attorney in good standing who handles your particular type of litigation.

Is your office under the "Attorney General?"

Yes, but it is under U.S. Attorney General, Eric H. Holder Jr., not under the California Attorney General.

Does your office pursue "deadbeat parents?"

Yes, federal law allows us to become involved when the non-custodial parent is in another state. They must have failed to have paid a past due child support obligation for over a year or one that is greater than $5000.

I am having a problem with a local business. Where can I turn for help?

Though it is not our function to provide legal advice, may we suggest that you contact either the Better Business Bureau at or the California Chamber of Commerce at Both organizations have clearinghouses for such complaints.

I need to contact a federal agency other than the Department of Justice. Can you tell me how?

If the agency has a local office, you can find their number in the blue pages of the telephone book. If not or if you need to contact their Washington, D.C. office, you may call the Federal Information Center toll-free at (800) 688-9889. You can also check and see if we have their web site listed in our links pages.

If I want to report a federal crime, who should I call?

Ultimately an investigative agency like the FBI (916-481-9110) or the DEA (415-436-7900) may handle your information but you can call us first and we'll try to direct you to the correct agency.

Check back frequently as we will add to and change the above list of FAQs.

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