Sami Gopalsami

Electrical Engineer
- Nuclear Engineering

Nachappa “Sami” Gopalsami conducts research on development of fieldable electromagnetic sensors for detection of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive materials.

He has developed and field tested at the DOE Nevada test site active and passive millimeter-wave systems for remote chemical detection. With a heat cell spectrometer built at Argonne, he has measured and catalogued for the first time terahertz spectral signatures of high explosive molecules. He is currently investigating remote detection of radioactive plumes using radio waves.

He is also working on standoff detection of biomarkers for determination of intent of a person.

Awards, Honors, and Memberships

  • Research and Development Magazine, R&D 100 Award 2007
  • Research and Development Magazine, R&D 100 Award 1996
  • American Society of Nondestructive Testing Best Paper Award 1994