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9/11 Commission Memoranda for the Record (MFRs)

* Status
Name Affiliation Date
# of
Team Status * Box # Notes
10th Mountain Division Soldiers, Bagram Military Base  Department of Defense 2003-10-22 3 N/A R 20
A Marine reenlists at US Embassy Kabul  9/11 Commission 2003-10-23 2 N/A O 20
Abdullah, Abdullah  Government of Afghanistan 2003-10-23 6 N/A H 20
Abeyta, Ashley  2004-06-23 1 1A R 02
Able, Allen  PriceWaterhouse Coopers see American Bankers' Association
Adams, John S.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-03 2 8 O 09
Adams, Theresa  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Afghan Interview #1  Government of Afghanistan 2003-10-23 4 N/A H 20
Ahern, Timothy  American Airlines 2004-01-07 8 7 O 01
Aires, Edward  NEADS 2004-01-23 3 8 O 14
Al Ashaikh, Saleh bin Abdulaziz  Saudi Arabia 2003-10-13 4 N/A R 20 folder: Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 1
Al-Bayoumi, Omar  Saudi Arabia 2003-10-16 and 2003-10-17 9 1A R 20 folder: Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 1
Al-Qudhaieen, Muhammad  Imam University 2003-10-25 and 2003-10-26 9 1A R 20 folder: Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 1
al-Rasheed, Saud  Saudi Arabia 2004-02-24 5 1A R 21
Al-Shalawi, Hamdan Bin Gharib  Imam University 2003-10-22 and 2003-10-23 7 1A R 20 folder: "Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 1
Al-Thumairy, Fahad  Saudi Arabia 2004-02-24 and 2004-02-25 4; 9 1A R 21
al-Yafai, Khalid Abdulrab  Saudi Arabia 2004-02-24 8 1A R 21
Albright, Madeleine  Department of State 2004-01-07 6 3 R 01
Alfaro, Charles  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 4 8 O 20
American Bankers' Association (ABA)   2004-03-18 4 4 O 01
American Express Briefing   American Express 2003-08-14 7 8 O 01
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)   American National Standards Institute 2003-12-03 26 8 O 01
ANA Live Fire Exercise   Department of Defense 2003-10-22 2 N/A O 20
Anderson, Frank  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-15 5 2 R 01
Anderson, Penny  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-18 2 7 R 01
Anderson, Walter  Department of State 2003-08-14 4 3 R 01
ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel on Emergency Preparedness and Continuity of Business for the Private Sector   American National Standards Institute 2004-01-28; 2004-02-27; 2004-03-22 10 8 O 01
ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel on Emergency Preparedness and Continuity of Business for the Private Sector Conference  American National Standards Institute 2004-04-29 49 8 O 01
Arias, Don  Continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region (CONR) 2004-02-04 2 8 O 04
ARINC   ARINC 2004-05-27 4 7 O 01
Armitage, Richard  Department of State 2004-01-12 7 3 R 01
Arnold, Larry  Continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region (CONR) 2004-02-03 11 8 O 04
Arpey, Gerard  American Airlines 2004-01-08 4 7 O 01
Arriza, John Gerald  Department of State 2003-09-30 5 5 H 01
Arroyo, Marcus  Transportation Security Administration 2003-10-24 12 7 R 01
Ashcroft, John D.  Department of Justice 2003-12-17 11 6 R 01
Ashooh, Pete  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-10 3 1A R 09
ASIS Briefing   ASIS 2003-12-02 2 8 O 01
ATF Special Agent #1  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 2004-05-25 1 5 R 01
ATF Special Agent #2  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 2 1A R 06
Atoigue, Joann  2004-06-22 2 1A R 02
Atta and al Shehhi's travel to Virginia Beach, summary  2001-02-17 [sic] 3 1A R 01
Atta's suitcases, review of investigation by FBI of  2004-02-10 3 1A R 01
Austin, [FNU]  Department of Defense 2003-10-23 1 N/A O 20
Avalon Bay Communities, Inc.  2003-11-25 2 1A O 01
Bach, Robert  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2004-05-14 17 5 R 01
Background Briefing on Afganistan and the Taliban  2003-08-01 4 3 O 11
Background Briefing on DoD  2003-06-30 4 3 R 15
Baginski, Maureen  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-13 8 2 H 01
Ballinger, Ed  United Airlines 2004-04-14 10 7 R 19
Baltimore, Richard  Department of State 2003-12-02 4 5 R 01
Bandar, Prince  Government of Saudi Arabia 2003-10-07 3 N/A H 20
Bank of New York  Bank of New York 2003-10-15 3 8 O 01
Banks, John H.  Consolidated Edison Company of New York see Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Barber, Mike  United Airlines see "Briefing on UAL Systems Operation and Crisis Center"
Barnik, Mark  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 O 03
Barno, Dave  Department of Defense 2003-10-21 2 N/A O 20
Barrett, Lorraine  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 4 8 O 20
Basnan, Osama  Saudi Arabia 2003-10-20 and 2003-10-21 6 1A R 20 folder: Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 1
Baughman, Bruce  Federal Emergency Management Agency 2003-11-17 5 8 R 01
Bauman, John  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 2 1A R 08
Belger, Monte  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-11-24 9 7 O 01
Belme, Rich  United Airlines 2003-11-21 3 7; 8 R 19
Ben-Veniste, Richard [Shootdown Authority]  9/11 Commission 2003-08-27 6 8 R 18
Berez, Morrie  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-02 14 5 R 02
Beringer, Richard  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Berkowitz, Bruce  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-02 7 2 R 02
Bertapelle, Joe  American Airlines see Marquis, Craig
Bertini, Judith  Drug Enforcement Administration 2003-10-16 5 2 R 05
Betts, Richard K.  Columbia University 2003-08-19 5 2 O 02
Bianchi, Steve  NEADS 2003-10-27 3 8 O 14
BICE Employee #1  Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement 2004-01-05 2 1A R 08
BICE Employee #2  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) 2003-07-29 4 6 R 10
BICE Employee #3  BICE 2004-06-30 1 1A R 02
BICE Employee #4  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) 2003-09-30 3 6 R 07
BICE Employee #5  Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement 2003-07-29 4 6 R 09
Bickham, Terry  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 10/20/2004
Biggio, Terry  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Biggs, Charlie  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Billy, Joe   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-20 13 6 R 07
Birch, Robert  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 3 8 R 05
Black, Cofer  Department of State 2003-08-14 46 5 R 05
Bloom, Alina  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-04 6 6 O 09
Blunt, E.T.   Arlington County Fire Department 2003-10-20 3 8 O 02
Boden, Katherine L.  Consolidated Edison Company of New York see Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Bodner, James  Cohen Group 2004-03-01 2 3 O 02
Bodner, James  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
Boehning, Richard  Insurance Services Office see Insurance Services Office, Inc."
Boicourt, Renee  Moody's Investor Services see "Meeting with Moody's Investor Services"
Boivin, Leo  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-17 4 7 R 02
Bolcar, Keith  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-09 2 1A R 09
Bonner, Robert  Customs and Border Protection 2003-12-18 11 5 O 02
Boone, Dave  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Boston, MA Summary  2004-02-02 11 1A R 02
Bottiglia, David  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 7 8 O 20
Bower, Daniel  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
Boykin, William  Department of Defense 2003-11-07 11 3 O 02
Brahimi, Lakhdar  United Nations 2003-10-24 4 N/A H 21
Breen, Ken  US Attorney's Office 2004-04-23 3 4 O 02
Brett, Diana P.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 5 6 O 06
Briefing by Federal Reserve Bank of New York  2004-01-09 15 8 O 10
Briefing by Fiduciary Trust   Federal Emergency Management Agency 2003-10-06 3 9 [NYC] O 10
Briefing by NCIS  Naval Criminal Investigative Service 2003-11-05 7 6 H 14
Briefing on Activities of Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-22 6 1A R 05
Briefing on Financing of Sept. 11 Plot  2003-07-16 10 4 R 05
Briefing on UAL Systems Operations Center and Crisis Center  2003-11-20 8 7; 8 O 19
Briefing re Mohdar Abdullah  Department of Justice/FBI 2004-06-07 3 1A R 05
British Interview #1  Great Britain 2003-11-19 2 H 01
British Interview #2  MI-5 2003-10-29 5 6 H 17
Brust, Peter  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 2 1A R 06
Bryant, R. Jeep  Bank of New York see Bank of New York
Buckingham, Virginia   MASSPORT 2003-11-05 9 7 R 02
Bueno, Daniel D.  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 4 8 O 20
Bukowski, Bob  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 2 1A R 07
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services Briefing   2003-07-24 5 5 O 04
Burgess, Ronald Jr.  Department of Defense 2003-11-10 3 2 R 02
Burkhardt, Roger  New York Stock Exchange see New York Stock Exchange Meeting
Burnett, Deena  family member 2004-04-26 2 7 R 05
Burns, William  Department of State 2003-11-25 3 3 R 02
Butterworth, Bruce  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-29 10 7 R 02
Byard, Richard  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-24 2 8 O 11
Byrne, John  American Bankers' Association see American Bankers' Association
Caine, John Daniel  U.S. Air Force 2004-03-08 4 8 R 01
Camp, Donald  Department of State 2003-11-25 5 3 R 03
Canadian Interview #1  Canadian Government 2003-09-30 3 2 H 03
Canadian Interview #2  Canadian Government 2003-09-30 3 2 H 03
Canadian Interview #3  Canadian Government 2003-09-30 3 2 H 03
Canadian Interview #4  Canadian Government 2003-09-30 4 2 H 03
Canadian Interview #5  Canadian Government 2003-09-30 3 2 H 03
Canavan, Mike  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-11-04 7 7 R 03
Canvas of language schools in Los Angeles   2004-06-23 and 2004-06-24 1 1A O 02
Canvas of motels and hotels within walking distance of King Fahad Mosque, Culver City, CA  2004-06-23 and 2004-06-24 3 1A O 02
Carney, Christopher   Department of Defense 2004-02-05 3 1 R 03
Carney, Tim  Department of State 2003-12-04 6 3 R 03
Carson, Patty  American Airlines 2003-11-19 2 7 O 01
Caruso, Nick  Riggs Bank see American Bankers' Association
Cash, James  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
Casson, William  Federal Aviation Administration see "Norfolk TRACON visit"
Castello, James  Department of Justice 2003-11-07 4 5 O 03
Catalano, Mike  Solomon Smith Barney 2004-01-16 3 8 O 03
Cates, Veronica  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2004-05-25 4 5 R 03
Cavanaugh, Thomas  Conference Board 2003-07-17; 2003-10-16 65 8 O 04
Cawley, Jean  Options Clearing Corporation see "Harrison, David H."
Cella, Joseph J. III  Securities and Exchange Commission 2004-05-07, 2004-10-11 2 4 O 03
Cella, Joseph J. III  Securities and Exchange Commission 2003-09-16 20 4 P 03
Center for Strategic and International Studies  Center for Strategic and International Studies 2003-07-23 3 O 03
Cerda, Victor X.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) see Dougherty, Mike (2003-09-29)
Cervantes, Anthony   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-27 2 4 R 07
Chamberlin, Wendy  Department of State 2003-10-28 6 3 R 03
CIA Employee #1  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-02-24 7 5 H 12
CIA Employee #10   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-03 2 5 H 11
CIA Employee #11  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-05-10 4 2 H 12
CIA Employee #12  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-05 6 2 R 18
CIA Employee #13   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-05-30 3 2 H 10
CIA Employee #14  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-12-04 7 6 R 19
CIA Employee #15  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-29 7 6 R 05
CIA Employee #16  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-16 7 6 H 08
CIA Employee #2  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-20 2 N/A H 21
CIA Employee #3  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-03 10 5 H 13
CIA Employee #4  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-12-19 16 5 H 12
CIA Employee #5  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-13 3 N/A H 20
CIA Employee #6  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-21 4 N/A H 20
CIA Employee #7  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-26 4 N/A H 21
CIA Employee #8   Central Intelligence Agency 2004-02-24 4 5 H 05
CIA Employee #9  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-01-01 6 2 H 10
Clark, Suzanne  American Airlines 2003-11-18 2 7 R 01
Classification Review Pending  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-23 7 1 P 01
Classification Review Pending  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-01-27; 2003-09-22 17 1 P 01
Classification Review Pending  Defense Intelligence Agency 2004-01-01 4 2 P 05
Classification Review Pending  2004-03-03 13 N/A P 11
Classification Review Pending  2004-03-03 10 N/A P 12
Classification Review Pending  2003-11-28 5 P 16
Classification Review Pending  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-12-11; 2004-01-06 25 P 18
Classification Review Pending  Department of Defense 2004-02-05 3 1 P 18
Classification Review Pending  n.d. 9 P 18
Classification Review Pending  Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 2003-11-14 7 4 P 18
Classification Review Pending  Federal Aviation Administration 2004-07-1 4 8 P 18
Classification Review Pending  formerly Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-04 9 2 P 18
Classification Review Pending  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-05-12 4 3 P 18
Classification Review Pending  Drug Enforcement Administration 2004-03-03 2 4 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-11-10 7 2 P 01
Classification Review Pending   Department of the Treasury 2004-02-12 7 4 P 01
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 8 6 P 01
Classification Review Pending   Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 2003-11-05 6 4 P 01
Classification Review Pending   2004-02-04 14 N/A P 01
Classification Review Pending   Saudi Arabia 2004-05-05 1 1 P 01
Classification Review Pending   Department of State 2003-10-20 9 1 P 01
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2003-07-29; 2003-12-04 15 3 P 01
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2004-01-14 27 N/A P 02
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-12-09 12 N/A P 02
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2004-01-21 8 2 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-12-11 14 N/A P 02
Classification Review Pending   Department of State 2003-10-21 12 3 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-02 11 6 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-13 4 1 P 02
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-21 11 N/A P 02
Classification Review Pending   2003-11-17 9 N/A P 02
Classification Review Pending   Department of Justice 2004-02-17 9 4 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-08; 2004-01-06 12 2 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-09 15 4 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-18 12 6 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-12-11 9 2 P 02
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-07, 2003-10-17; 2003-11-21 18 5 P 02
Classification Review Pending   U.S. Air Force 2003-09-09 19 2 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-09-29 5 2 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-03-24 3 6 P 03
Classification Review Pending   White House 2004-03-31 6 3 P 05
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-31 8 2 P 06
Classification Review Pending   National Secuurity Agency 2003-11-07 6 2 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 2003-06-24 5 4 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Office of Foreign Assets Control 2003-11-19 5 4 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-07-15 9 4 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-08-14 6 2 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2004-01-06 4 2 P 03
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2004-01-12; 2004-02-03; 2003-12-18 67 N/A P 03
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-16 9 2 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-30 5 6 P 03
Classification Review Pending   Customs and Border Protection 2003-07-05 6 P 04
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-12-09 11 2 P 04
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-11-07 6 2 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-11-18 9 N/A P 04
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-04 7 6 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-20 5 6 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-21 10 4 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Counterterrorist Center 2003-07-29 10 2 P 04
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-15 12 N/A P 04
Classification Review Pending   Brookings Institution 2003-09-05 3 3 P 04
Classification Review Pending   President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 2003-11-12 11 3 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-08-12 5 3 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Bureau of Customs and Border Protection 2003-07-25 3 2 P 04
Classification Review Pending   National Targeting Center 2003-07-25 1 2 P 04
Classification Review Pending   Department of the Treasury 2003-09-25 4 4 P 04
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-11-06 5 2 P 05
Classification Review Pending   2003-09-03 9 P 05
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 7 6 P 05
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 3 1A P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-10 2 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-11 4 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-10 2 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-11 2 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-10 14 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-29 4 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-29 2 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-29 2 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-29 8 4 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-31 50 5 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-30 2 1A P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-29 5 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement/JTTF 2003-09-30 3 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-02 8 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 8 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-30 5 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-02 5 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-29 7 6 P 06
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-10-03 3 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 9 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-27 and 2003-10-28 9 4 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 4 1A P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-27 4 4 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-26 4 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-16 3 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-16 6 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-27 5 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-16 7 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-25 12 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-20 3 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Naval Criminal Investigative Service 2003-09-16 4 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-03 6 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-07-02 3 1A P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-04 3 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)/JTTF 2003-09-03 3 5 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-16 7 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-04 8 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-02 7 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-27 6 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-03 6 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   U.S. Secret Service 2003-08-26 7 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   New York Police Department/JTTF 2003-08-26 5 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-03 5 5;6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-04 6 6 P 07
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-04 8 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-03 4 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-26 8 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)/JTTF 2003-09-03 4 5; 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-27 8 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-26 & 2003-09-15; 2003-11-12 12 5; 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)/JTTF 2003-09-03 4 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   New York Police Department/JTTF 2003-08-26 4 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-16 4 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-21 11 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Air Marshal Service/JTTF 2003-10-20 4 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 2 1A P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-22 4 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 2 1A P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-21 6 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Scottsdale Police Department/JTTF 2003-10-20 6 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-22 8 6 P 08
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-11-19 5 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 3 1A P 09
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)/JTTF 2003-11-17 2 1A P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-16 5 1A P 09
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-08-12 6 6; 2 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-13 4 1 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-30 5 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of investigation 2003-07-29 5 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-06 7 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-04-01 8 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-07 7 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-04 7 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-04 4 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-07 5 6 P 09
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-29 6 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-05 7 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-07 6 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-08 5 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-03-04 10 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-04 8 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-11 7 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Arlington County Fire Department/JTTF 2003-08-12 7 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-07 14 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-31 5 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-31 6 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-06 8 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-08-12 6 6; 2 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Department of the Treasury 2003-12-11 5 8 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Department of Justice 2004-01-28 9 1; 4 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Department of Justice 2004-03-11 2 1;6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 2004-02-06 9 4 P 10
Classification Review Pending   CENTCOM 2004-04-09 18 3 P 10
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-19 12 N/A P 10
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-08 16 6 P 10
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-29 14 N/A P 10
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-28 12 3 P 10
Classification Review Pending   General Accounting Office 2003-08-18; 2003-08-19; 2003-09-12; 2003-09-23 15 5; 7; 8 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2004-03-02 8 4 P 11
Classification Review Pending   2004-05-04 6 1A; 6 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-03 3 4 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-11 4 5 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Department of State 2003-09-10 3 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   White House 2004-05-13 3 N/A P 11
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-16 through 2003-10-20 10 4 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-05-10 5 6 P 11
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2003-11-20 9 3; 8 P 11
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2004-01-31 14 N/A P 11
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2004-01-31 10 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   9/11 Commission 2004-05-12 1 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2004-01-23 10 2 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-08-25 14 2 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2003-11-10 12 4 P 11
Classification Review Pending   U.S. NORTHCOM 2003-10-29 11 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   U.S. NORTHCOM 2003-10-29 6 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-11-24 5 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   Cresent Partnerships 2004-05-07 12 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   formerly Department of State 2004-02-18 14 3 P 11
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-11-06 7 2 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-11-03 7 2 P 12
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2004-01-09 4 2 P 12
Classification Review Pending   National War College 2003-08-29 8 2 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-04-12 4 2 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-12 6 2 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 2003-11-05 5 4 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2004-03-18 2 3 P 12
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2003-12-22 12 P 12
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2003-12-16 6 3 P 12
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-09 17 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Los Angeles Police Department 2003-11-20 11 6 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-16 12 4 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 7 6 P 12
Classification Review Pending   2003-11-05 8 6 P 12
Classification Review Pending   Office of Foreign Assets Control 2003-11-19 and 2003-11-20 7 4 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 14 4 P 13
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-08 7 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-31 2 6 P 13
Classification Review Pending   2003-10-20 8 3 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-03-11 5 5 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Department of Justice 2004-02-13 13 5 P 13
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-21 1 5 P 13
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-12-15 9 2 P 13
Classification Review Pending   2004-04-19 12 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2004-04-29 3 1A P 13
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2004-03-18 2 3 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2003-11-05 8 2 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2003-08-29 8 2 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Office of Foreign Assets Control 2003-11-18 13 4 P 13
Classification Review Pending   2004-02-06 14 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-11 1 FO P 13
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-13 15 6 P 13
Classification Review Pending   Department of Treasury 2003-11-13 7 4 P 13
Classification Review Pending   NORAD 2004-02-17 11 P 13
Classification Review Pending   NORAD n.d. 7 N/A P 13
Classification Review Pending   2003-09-29 15 P 14
Classification Review Pending   Office of Foreign Assets Control 2004-02-04 5 4 P 14
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency n.d. 3 2 P 14
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2004-03-03 7 4 P 14
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2004-05-19 21 2 P 14
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-17 17 P 15
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2003-11-12 4 2 P 15
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-08 16 P 16
Classification Review Pending   United States Attorney's Office 2003-10-01 5 6 P 16
Classification Review Pending   Defense Intelligence Agency 2003-12-29 9 2 P 16
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-21 18 6 P 16
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-14 5 6 P 16
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-15 10 P 16
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-24 8 3 P 16
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2003-08-18 7 2 P 16
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-11 3 4 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-28 2 4 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Department of Justice 2003-12-16 5 6 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Department of Justice 2003-12-16 12 6 P 17
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2004-02-07 15 P 17
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-09 11 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2003-09-15 7 2 P 17
Classification Review Pending   2004-01-07 9 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-07 14 6 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 2003-11-05 5 4 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency P 17 see Classification Review Pending, CIA, 2003-10-02
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-02 4 4 P 17
Classification Review Pending   former National Security Council 2003-08-18 3 3 P 17
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-11-07 5 2 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2004-01-30 11 P 17
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-03; 2004-06-14 14 7 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-10-30 10 5 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-12 4 6 P 18
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-16 13 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2004-02-05 19 P 18
Classification Review Pending   2004-02-25 18 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2004-01-13 6 2 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Gordeon and Simmons 2004-04-13 4 4 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Citigroup, Inc. 2003-09-02 6 4 P 18
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2003-09-15 5 3 P 18
Classification Review Pending   2003-09-08 7 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Department of State see Classification Review Pending, 6/3/2003
Classification Review Pending   Department of State see Classification Review Pending, 2004-06-03
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-04 8 P 18
Classification Review Pending   Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 2004-04-12 3 1A; 6 P 18
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-12-10 14 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2004-01-22; 2004-01-28 39 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Centeral Intelligence Agency 2004-07-18 24 2 P 19
Classification Review Pending   National Security Agency 2003-11-06 6 2 P 19
Classification Review Pending   2003-07-30 4 5; 7 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 7/30/3006
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 7/30/3007
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 7/30/3003
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 7/30/3004
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 7/30/3005
Classification Review Pending   2003-08-05 5 7 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 2003-08-05
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 8/5/2004
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration see Classification Review Pending, 8/5/2005
Classification Review Pending   2004-06-02 11 7 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration P 19 see Classification Review Pending, 2004-06-02
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration P 19 see Classification Review Pending, 6/2/2006
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration P 19 see Classification Review Pending, 6/2/2008
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration P 19 see Classification Review Pending, 6/2/2005
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration P 19 see Classification Review Pending, 6/2/2007
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-17 7 2 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-03-23 5 4 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-06; 2004-02-05 9; 9 6 P 19
Classification Review Pending   National Security Council 2003-10-24 4 3 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-11-13 10 5 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Transportation Security Administration 2003-10-20 4 7 P 19
Classification Review Pending   National Imagery and Mapping Agency 2004-01-09 6 2 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-10 4 4 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Department of State see Classification Review Pending, State Dept., 2003-11-07
Classification Review Pending   Department of State 2003-11-07 7 4 P 19
Classification Review Pending   Alston & Bird 2003-07-14 5 5 P 20
Classification Review Pending   Immigration and Customs Enforcement 2003-07-15 6 5 P 20
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2004-01-20 11 P 20
Classification Review Pending   2003-12-23 12 P 20
Classification Review Pending   former National Security Council 2003-10-08 27 3 P 20
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2004-01-29 18 3 P 20
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-13 4 N/A P 20
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-16 3 N/A P 20
Classification Review Pending   Saudi Arabia 2003-10-17 7 N/A P 20
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-25 2 N/A P 21
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2003-10-26 9 N/A P 21
Classification Review Pending   Department of Defense 2003-10-27 2 N/A P 21
Classification Review Pending   Central Intelligence Agency 2004-04-29 3 1A P 21
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-22 6 1A P 21
Classification Review Pending   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-13 3 1A P 21
Classification Review Pending   2004-03-03 7 P 18
Classified Interview #1  2004-04-14 5 3 H 13
Clymer, Robert L.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 2 1A R 06
Cockburn, Carl  State Department 2003-10-29 8 5 R 03
Coda, Robert  Newark Liberty International Airport 2004-05-06 4 7 O 03
Cohen Group   Cohen Group 2003-12-12 5 3 O 03
Cohen, David  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-06-21 6 2 R 03
Cohen, William  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
Colgate, Stephen  Department of Justice 2004-05-19 8 6 O 04
Collins, Ted  Moody's Investor Services see "Meeting with Moody's Investor Services"
Colucci, Joanne T.  American Express see American Express Briefing
Columbia University Skyscraper Safety Campaign; World Trade Center Evacuation Study  2002-10-21 26 8 O 04
Concepcion, Rocky  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2004-06-15 2 5 O 04
Conference sponsored by DHS Department of Homeland Security  2004-01-12 and 2004-01-13 36 8 O 04
Connor, Benjamin L.  Freeway Airport Flight School 2004-04-12 1 1A R 10
Consolidated Edison Company of New York   Consolidated Edison Company of New York 2004-02-26 6 8 O 04
Contingency Planning Exchange Conference  Contingency Planning Exchange 2004-03-03 72 8 O 04
Cook, Tom  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2004-01-14 5 5 O 04
Cooper, Joseph  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Coschignano, Jimmy  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 3 8 O 05
Country Team Briefing, Embassy Kabul  Department of State 2003-10-21 2 N/A R 20 folder title: Staff Delegation International Trip
Country Team, Embassy Islamabad  Department of State 2003-10-26 2 N/A R 21
Cox, Christopher  House Select Committee on Homeland Security 2004-05-04 3 FO O 04
Cox, Edward T.  Dulles Airport 2003-10-16 5 7 R 04
Crane, Richard  NEADS 2003-10-28 2 8 O 14
Creaghe, James J.  American Express see American Express Briefing
Critchlow, Paul W., Sr.  Merrill Lynch 2003-07-16 2 9 [NYC] R 04
Customs Inspector #1  Customs and Border Protection 2004-03-26 10 5 R 04
Customs Inspector #2  Customs and Border Protection 2004-04-16 6 5 R 04
Customs Inspector #4  Customs and Border Protection 2004-03-22 14 5 R 04
Customs Inspector #5  Customs and Border Protection 2004-03-26 5 5 R 04
Customs Inspector #6  Customs and Border Protection 2004-03-25 6 5 R 04
Customs Inspector #7  Customs and Border Protection 2004-03-17 11 5 R 04
Cutler, Michael William  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-09-26 5 5 R 04
Danilevicius, Linas  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-29 2 1A R 06
David, Ruth  ANSER 2003-06-10 5 2 R 04
Davies, Fred  NEADS See NEADS Briefing
Davies, Tom  Federal Emergency Management Agency 2003-12-02 4 8 O 04
Davies, Tom  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Davis, Linda  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Dayhoff, William E.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 1 1A R 09
Dayton, Keith  Department of Defense 2004-01-10 4 2 R 04
de la Vina, Gus  Border Patrol 2003-11-19 11 5 O 04
Dean, William  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Deane, Matthew  American National Standards Institute see ANSI
DeBlasio, Stephen M., Sr.  Federal Emergency Management Agency 2003-03-15 3 8 O 04
Defense Department Employees #1-3  Department of Defense 2003-10-21 1 N/A R 20 folder: Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 3
Del Toro, Robert  Continental United States Air Defense Region (CONR) See Millovich, Jim
Delaney, Kevin  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 5 8 O 20
DeMauro, Joe  Verizon 2004-02-25 2 8 O 04
Dept. of Transportation Employee #1  Department of Transportation 2003-11-07 2 8 R 16
Deskins, Dawne  NEADS 2003-10-30 8 8 O 14
Determine the hotel...occupied by Jarrah in Las Vegas  2004-04-06 7 1A R 12
DHS Agent #1  Department of Homeland Security 2003-09-30 1 6 R 06
DHS Intel Flow on Border Security Intel and Information Briefing   Department of Homeland Security 2003-07-17 6 5 R 04
Dickson, Edward   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 2 1A R 07
Dies, Bob  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-04 8 6 O 04
Dillman, Don  American Airlines 2003-11-18 7 7 R 01
Dillon, Jim  US Airways see "Severance, Chuck"
Dion, Richard  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
Divincenzo, Anthony  2004-06-22 1 1A R 02
Dockery, Tracy L.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 2 1A O 06
DOD 9/11 Historical Project Meeting   Department of Defense 2003-07-31 3 8 O 05
DOD Employee #4  Department of Defense 2003-10-20 4 3 R 18
DoJ briefing on cell and phone calls from UA Flight 175   2004-05-13 3 7 R 05
DoJ briefing on cell and phone calls from UA Flight 93   2004-05-13 3 7 R 05
Don, Caysan Bin  2004-04-20 6 1A R 05
Donahue, Jennifer  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
Donlon, Tom   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-05 6 6 R 07
Dooley   NEADS See NEADS Briefing
Dorn, Alan  Arlington County Fire Department 2003-10-16 2 8 O 05
DOS Consular Affairs/Fraud Programs; Diplomatic Security; OIG briefing   2003-06-19 53 6 R 18
DOS Diplomatic Security Briefing   2003-08-21 10 R 18
DOS Office of Inspector General Briefing   Department of State 2003-06-30 8 5 R 18
DOS PRM Briefing on Refugee Entry and Security Clearances   Department of State 2003-08-20 60 5 R 18
Doucet, Phillip   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-04 2 1A R 08
Dougherty, Mike  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) 2003-09-29 8 4 R 05
Dougherty, Mike   Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) 2003-07-15 6 5 R 05
Dowis, Evanna  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 3 8 O 20
Downing, Joel  New York State Police 2003-09-03 3 6 R 07
Drucker, Adam  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-12; 2004-05-19 18 4 R 05
Drumheller, Tyler  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-04-20 4 2 R 05
Drury, Jill  SEVIS Program Office see "SEVIS"
Dubee, Melvin   Senate Intelligence Committee 2004-03-12 4 2 R 05
Ducharme, Richard J.  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-17 5 8 O 05
Duffy, Timothy   United States Air Force 2004-01-07 4 8 R 16
Dukeman, Greg  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 O 03
Dulles Employee #1  2004-01-19; 2004-02-10 24 1A; 7 R 11
Dulles International Airport briefing and site tour  2003-09-29 4 7 R 05
Dunbar, Carson J., Jr.  Mutual of America see Polanco, Elvis
Dunn, Frank E.  Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority see Dulles International Airport briefing and site tour
Durbin, Richard  U.S. Senate 2004-04-27 2 O 05
Dyer, Bob  Civil Aviation Security Field Office 2004-01-12 2 7 R 05
Eastham, Alan  2003-12-19 15 R 05
Eberhart, Arthur R.  formerly with Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-15 3 8 O 05
Eberhart, Edward   NORAD 2004-03-01 9 8 R 14
Edmonds, Sibel  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-11 7 6 R 05
Ehrensperger, John  SunTrust Bank see "SunTrust Bankers interview"
Ellingston, Vernon  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
Erenbaum, Allen  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-16 11 5 O 05
Ervin, Tim  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-17 3 1A R 09
Evans, Mark  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 O 03
FAA Employee #1  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-22 4 8 R 02
FAA Flight Standards and NTSB Briefing  2004-01-13; 2004-01-25 36 7 O 05
FAA New York Air Route Center (ZNY)   Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 2 8 O 20
FAA Operations Center visit and follow-up   Federal Aviation Administration 2003-06-04; 2004-02-06 7 7 R 05
FAA Special Agent #1  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-08-18 3 7 R 18
Fabian, Frank; Hathaway, Eric  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-20 3 4 R 05
Faggen, Edward S.  Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority see Dulles International Airport briefing and site tour
Fakihi, Muhammad Jabber Hassan  Saudi Arabia 2003-10-17 7 1A R 20 folder: Staff Delegation International Trip, Tab 1
Fanger, David L.  Moody's Investor Services see "Meeting with Moody's Investor Services"
Fanno, Steven R.  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 3 8 O 05
Farris, Leonard Travis  Department of State 2003-10-24 1 O 05
FBI Analyst #1  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-02 5 6 R 08
FBI Analyst #2  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-02 7 6 R 07
FBI Analyst #3  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-05 4 6 R 09
FBI Briefing on Trading   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-15 12 4 R 05
FBI Employee #1   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-01 3 6 R 09
FBI Employee #2  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-16 4 4 R 13
FBI Employee #3  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-31 5 6 R 10
FBI Employee #4  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-01 5 6 R 09
FBI Employee #5   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-28 3 4 R 07
FBI Intelligence Operations Specialist #1  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-06 4 6 R 09
FBI Intelligence Operations Specialist #2   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-02 5 6 R 07
FBI Intelligence Research Specialist #1  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-16 4 6 R 08
FBI Intelligence Research Specialist #2  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 4 6 R 06
FBI Language Specialist #1  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-01 5 6 R 10
FBI Language Specialist #2  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-02 4 6 R 07
FBI Language Specialist #3  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-03 4 6 R 07
FBI Language Specialist #4  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-06 6 6 R 10
FBI Language Specialist #5  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-01 4 6 R 09
FBI Language Specialist #6  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-02 3 6 R 06
FBI Language Specialist #7   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-02 6 6 R 07
FBI Language Specialist #8   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 4 6 R 06
FBI Legal Attache #1  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-16 2 1A R 21
FBI Special Agent #1  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 3 1A H 07
FBI Special Agent #10  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #11  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-30 1 6 R 06
FBI Special Agent #12  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-30 2 6 R 06
FBI Special Agent #13  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 2 1A H 07
FBI Special Agent #14  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-05-05 3 7 R 05
FBI Special Agent #15  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-04 3 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #16  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 3 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #17  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-06 1 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #18  Federal Bureau of Investigation see Wente, Don
FBI Special Agent #19  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #2  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-11 3 1 H 01
FBI Special Agent #20  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 2 1A H 09
FBI Special Agent #21  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-09 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #22  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-09 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #23  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #24  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-06 4 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #25  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 3 1A R 07
FBI Special Agent #26  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 1 1A H 10
FBI Special Agent #27  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 1 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #28  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-29 2 4 R 06
FBI Special Agent #29  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 2 3 R 10
FBI Special Agent #3  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #30  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 2 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #31  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 4 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #32  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 3 1A H 10
FBI Special Agent #33  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #34  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-28 4 4 R 07
FBI Special Agent #35  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #36  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 1 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #37   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 2 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #38  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 2 1A R 07
FBI Special Agent #39   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #4  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #40  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-30 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #41  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #42   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 5 1A R 07
FBI Special Agent #43  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #44  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #45  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-23 6 6 R 08
FBI Special Agent #46  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #47  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-17 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #48  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-09 3 1A R 10
FBI Special Agent #49   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 3 6 R 07
FBI Special Agent #5  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #50  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-04 4 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #51  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 4 6 R 06
FBI Special Agent #52  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 3 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #53   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-06 2 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #54  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #55  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #56  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 2 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #57  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #58  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #59  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #6  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 1 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #60  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #61  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #62  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #63  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 4 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #64  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #65  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 2 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #67  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-21 5 4 H 04
FBI Special Agent #68  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 2 1A R 08
FBI Special Agent #69  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-03-11 5 6 R 09
FBI Special Agent #7  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 2 1A H 06
FBI Special Agent #70   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-21 4 6 R 09
FBI Special Agent #71   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-28 2 4 R 07
FBI Special Agent #72  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 3 1A R 09
FBI Special Agent #73   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-28 6 6 R 09
FBI Special Agent #8  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 1 1A R 06
FBI Special Agent #9  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-20 2 1A R 06
FBI Washington Field Office Brief on Pentagon Response and Incident Command System   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-05 5 8 O 05
Feinstein, Diane  United States Senate 2004-06-01 1 FO O 10
Feith, Douglas  Department of Defense 2003-08-18 3 3 O 10
FEMA Briefs   Federal Emergency Management Agency 2003-08-20; 2003-09-16 8 8 O 10
Ferrill, Arlene  Department of State 2003-10-25 2 N/A R 21
Filbert, Brian  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 2 4 O 08
Filbert, Brian  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-07 2 1A R 08
Findley, Rick  Canadian Forces see NORAD Filed Site Visit
Fingar, Tom  Department of State 2003-11-19 8 2 R 10
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-12 4 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-09 4 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-09 2 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-23 5 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-10 6 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-12 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-09 4 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-05 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-12 10 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2003-12-16 6 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-13 5 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-13 4 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-12 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-11 7 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-09 2 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-28 7 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 6 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-13 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-12 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-03 5 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-13 4 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 4 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2003-12-15 5 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-23 7 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-08 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-23 3 8 H 14
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-11 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-13 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-07 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-14 8 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-14 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-12 7 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-30 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-10 3 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-28 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-16 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-08 6 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-07 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-10 3 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-12 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 10 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York (retired) 2004-03-26 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-29 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-10 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-13 3 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-13 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-24 3 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-09 6 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-08 8 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-11 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-23 7 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-19 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-30 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-11 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-23 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-21 3 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-10 4 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-22 2 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-01-20 6 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-09 6 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-03-08 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Fire Department, City of New York 2004-02-09 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-04 5 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-16 5 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-24 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-16 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-10 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-16 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-19 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Office of Emergency Management 2004-03-18 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-19 6 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-19 5 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-09 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-05-04 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-04 8 6 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-01 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-01-14 6 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-24 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-10 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-09 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-19 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-10 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-24 5 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-09 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-01-14 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-24 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-19 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-17 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-24 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-03-10 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-20 5 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-04 6 6 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-20 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-20 6 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-24 4 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department (retired) 2004-03-11 3 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-17 2 8 H 15
First Responder  New York City Police Department 2004-02-20 5 8 H 15
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-10-24 7 7 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-10 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-03-31 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-03-29 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-03-31 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-10 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-20; 2004-02-24 8 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-20 7 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-25 4 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-10-27 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-25 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-24 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-03-31 3 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-12 4 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-24 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-03 5 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-03-30 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-04-01 2 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-11-06; 2004-05-10 9 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2004-03-30 3 8 H 16
First Responder  Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 2003-10-14 4 8 H 16
Fitzgerald, Patrick  US Attorney's Office 2004-03-11 7 1;6 O 10
Flynn, Cathal "Irish"  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-09 9 7 R 11
Flynn, Edward A.  formerly Arlington County Police Department 2003-11-26 4 8 O 11
Foley, Michael  Trammel Crow Company see American Express Briefing
Ford, Carl  Department of State 2003-10-22 10 2 R 11
Forensic Document Laboratory   Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) 2003-07-18 6 5 R 04
Fortin, Raymond  SunTrust Bank see "SunTrust Bankers interview"
Fournier, Martin  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 4 8 O 20
Fowler, Wyche, Jr.  Department of State 2003-11-13 4 3; 4 R 11
Fox, James  NEADS 2003-10-29 13 8 R 14
Freeman, Chas  Department of State 2003-12-03 3 1;3 R 10
Friebel, Kathy  Department of State see "DOS Consular Affairs/Fraud Programs; Diplomatic Security; OIG briefing"
Fruin, Richard K.  Mutual of America see Polanco, Elvis
Furey, Thomas  State Department 2003-12-05 6 5 R 10
Gabrielle, Monica  Skyscraper Safety Campaign see "Skyscraper Safety Campaign Meeting"
Galloway, Bret  Morgan Stanley see "Morgan Stanley briefing"
Garrett  Department of Defense 2003-10-20 2 N/A R 20
Garzon, Baltasar  Government of Spain 2004-02-13 6 1A H 21
Gause, F. Gregory, III  University of Vermont 2003-11-21 3 1; 3 O 11
Gayde, Rudolph  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Gayle, Michael A.  Department of State 2003-09-08 3 1; 3 R 11
Genton, Gina  National Imagery and Mapping Agency 2003-10-09 4 2 R 11
George, Jim  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-06 2 1A R 08
Gephard, Paul  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
GIANT KILLER Visit  U.S. Navy 2003-12-03 11 8 R 14
Gilmartin, Gregory J.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-09 3 1A R 06
Glick, Lyzbeth  family member 2004-04-22 2 7 R 05
Glossman, Diane  2003-09-22 2 9 [NYC] R 11
Gonzales, Daniel  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 5 1A R 09
Gonzalez, Nydia  American Airlines 2003-11-19 2 7;8 O 01
Gorelick, Jamie  Department of Justice 2003-09-03 3 3 O 11
Gorelick, Jamie  Department of Justice 2004-01-09 3 O 11
Gorelick, Jamie  Department of Justice 2004-01-13 8 5 R 11
Gower, James T.  Alexandria Fire Department 2003-11-04 3 8 O 11
Goyer, Tim  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-01 6 5 R 11
Grano, Joseph  Paine Webber 2004-02-24 3 8 O 11
Grant, Nicholas P.  Transportation Security Administration 2004-05-26 7 7 R 11
Grappo, Gary A.  Department of State 2003-10-30 8 4 R 11
Green, Ubie  United Airlines see "Briefing on UAL Systems Operation and Crisis Center"
Greene, Brenton C.  National Communications System 2004-03-16 4 8 R 11
Grigg, Gurvais Clayton  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-03-23 2 4 R 11
Gripper, Willie  Federal Aviation Administration 2004-05-05 7 7 R 11
Grizzle, Jerry  Joint Task Force - Civil Support See NORTHCOM Joint Task Force - Civil Support Site Visit
Groenenboom, Jill   representing Benevolence International Foundation see "Rowland, Mary M."
Grossman, Marc  Department of State 2004-01-20 6 3 R 11
Hagel, Chuck  United States Senate 2004-06-21 1 N/A O 11
Haider, Anwar  Government of Pakistan 2003-10-20 2 N/A R 21
Haider, Moinuddin  Government of Pakistan 2003-10-20 3 N/A R 21
Haley, Robert  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-04 3 1A R 08
Halleck, Bill  American Airlines 2004-01-08 4 7 O 01
Halleck, Bill  American Airlines see SOC
Hallenbeck, Lane  American National Standards Institute see ANSI
Hallett, Carol   Air Transport Association 2003-10-22 11 7 O 11
Hamre, John  Department of Defense 2003-12-09 5 3 R 11
Hanback, Pat  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-12 3 2 R 11
Hancock, Don  International Association of Assembly Managers 2003-10-01 2 9 [NYC] O 12
Harris, Robert  Border Patrol see de la Vina, Gus
Harrison, David H.  Options Clearing Corporation 2004-04-02 2 4 O 15
Hart, Corey W.  Cedars-Sinai Hospital 2004-04-19 and 2004-04-20 1 1A R 02
Harter, John  Federal Aviation Administration see "Norfolk TRACON visit"
Hartling, John  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Harty, Maura  Department of State 2003-11-20 6 5 R 11
Hauer, Jerome M.  Response to Emergencies and Disasters Institute at George Washington Unviersity 2004-03-30 8 8 R 15
Hawley, John Steven   Transportation Security Administration 2003-10-08 10 7 R 11
Hawley, Len  2003-07-30 4 3 R 11
Helgerson, John  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-05 6 2 R 11
Hendershot, John  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-22 2 8 O 05
Hendrick, Steve  NEADS 2003-10-27 2 8 O 14
Herak, Bob  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 2 8 R 03
Hess, Charlie  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Higgie, Lincoln  2003-11-19 2 1A R 09
Hillock, Eileen  Morgan Stanley see "Morgan Stanley briefing"
Hinger, Robert  Joint Force Headquarters See NORTHCOM Joint Force Headquarters - Homeland Security Site Visit
Hoekstra, Peter  U.S. House of Representatives 2004-06-02 1 O 11
Holbrooke, Richard  Department of State 2003-11-20 3 N/A R 11
Holl, Stephen   Arlington County Police Department 2003-10-15 3 8 R 11
Holley, Robert  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-12 1 4 R 06
Hollick, Tony  2004-06-18 1 O 11
Holmes, David  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 2003-10-20
Holmes, David  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 2003-09-03
Holmes, Henry Allen  Department of Defense 2003-12-23 4 3 R 11
Homa-Arther, Catherine  SunTrust Bank see "SunTrust Bankers interview"
Homeland Security Industries Association   Homeland Security Industries Association 2004-03-04 7 8 O 11
Honore, Maj. Gen.  Joint Force Headquarters See NORTHCOM Joint Force Headquarters - Homeland Security Site Visit
Hoover Dam, Boulder City, NV, Mileage Review  2004-01-06 1 1A O 06
Hortman, Herbert  Hortman Aviation 2004-04-27 2 1A R 10
Houck, Peggy  American Airlines see Halleck, Bill
Howland, Ray  American Airlines see SOC
Hoylman, Brad  Partnership for New York City see "Partnership for New York City Meeting"
Huezy, Peter F.  Morgan Stanley see "Morgan Stanley briefing"
Hughes, Patrick M.   Department of Homeland Security 2004-04-02 5 6 R 11
Hull, Edmund  Department of State 2003-10-18 6 2; 3 R 11
HUNTRESS Personnel  Department of Defense 2003-01-27 6 5 O 14
IBM Crisis Response Team   IBM 2004-02-09 4 8 O 11
Iden, Ron  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-29 1 1A O 06
Impressions of CJTF Phoenix   9/11 Commission 2003-10-22 20 N/A O 20
Indyk, Martin  National Security Council 2003-10-10 6 3 R 11
Insurance Services Office, Inc.  2003-12-04; 2004-01-15 37 8 O 12
Intelligence Employee #1  2003-10-08 7 2 H 12
Intelligence Employee #1  2003-11-19 5 2 H 12
Intelligence Employee #2  2004-01-09 4 2 H 19
Interviews of UAL and AAL personnel in key roles on 9/11/2001  American Airlines; United Airlines 2003-11-17 through 2003-11-21 5 7; 8 R 19
Investigation of Mohdar Mohamed Abdullah's California DMV records   California Department of Motor Vehicles 2004-05-28 3 1A R 03
Investigation of Omer Salmain Bakarbashat;s California DMV records   California Department of Motor Vehicles 2004-05-27 2 1A R 03
IRS Employee #1  Internal Revenue Services/JTTF 2003-07-29 3 6 R 09
Jackson, Jack  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-15 3 8 O 20
Jackson, Tim  Transportation Security Administration 2004-04-12 5 7 H 12
Jalali, Ali  Government of Afghanistan 2003-10-23 1 N/A O 20
Jefferson, Lisa  GTE Airphone 2004-05-11 3 7 R 11
Jenkins, Brian Michael  RAND Corporation 2004-04-01 13 7 R 12
Jenkins, Steve  Transportation Security Administration 2004-02-24 7 7 R 12
Jeremiah, David  U.S. Navy 2003-10-22 6 2 R 12
Jervis, Robert  Columbia University 2003-08-19 4 2 O 12
JFK airport visit re: immigration inspection process   Department of Homeland Security 2003-07-28 54 5 R 04
Jimenez, Freddy  2004-06-22 1 1A R 02
Jiricek, Karl  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 2 8 O 05
Jones, Robert  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 R 20
Jordan, Bob  Department of State 2004-01-14 7 4; 1 R 12
Jordan, Bob  United Airlines 2003-11-20 2 7; 8 R 19
JTTF Member #1   Miami-Dade Police Department/JTTF 2003-10-01 3 6 R 06
JTTF Member #10  Los Angeles Police Department 2003-09-30 2 1A R 06
JTTF Member #11   Passaic County/JTTF 2003-11-06 3 1A R 07
JTTF Member #12  Torrance [CA] Police Department/JTTF 2003-10-01 2 1A R 06
JTTF Member #2  Florida Department of Law Enforcement/JTTF 2003-10-01 4 6 R 06
JTTF Member #3   Port Authority Police Department/ JTTF 2003-09-03 3 5 R 07
JTTF Member #4  Metro Transit Police/JTTF 2003-07-30 3 6 R 10
JTTF Member #5  JTTF 2003-10-02 5 6 R 07
JTTF Member #6  New York City Department of Investigation 2003-09-04 4 6 R 08
JTTF Member #7   Los Angeles Police Department/JTTF 2003-11-20 7 6 R 06
JTTF Member #8  Capitol Police/JTTF 2003-07-30 4 6 R 10
JTTF Member #9  New York State Police/JTTF 2003-09-04 6 6 R 08
Julius, Chris  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
Justice, Linda  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 O 03
Kahn, Abdul Faheem  Government of Afghanistan 2003-10-23 2 N/A R 20
Kashkett, Steve  Department of State 2003-11-04 7 4 R 12
Kath, Randy  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Kattouf, Theodore H.  Department of State 2004-04-21 6; 1 3; 4 R 12
Kelley, Shawn  Arlington County Fire Department 2003-10-16 3 8 O 12
Kelly, Michael  United States Air Force 2003-10-14 4 8 R 16
Kerinko, Tom  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 R 03
Kerr, Don  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-09-09 6 2 R 12
Kerr, John  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-17 2 1A R 09
Kettel, Richard  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-01 6 8 R 03
Khalil, Khalil A.  Saudi Arabia 2004-02-24 8 1A R 21
Khalili, Karim  Government of Afghanistan 2003-10-23 3 N/A R 20
Khalilzad, Zalmay  Department of State 2003-11-21 4 3 R 12
King County Office of Emergency Management and Partners   2003-09-30 10 8 O 12
Kingston, John  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-17 2 1A R 09
Kinton, Tom  MASSPORT 2003-11-06 10 7 R 12
Kline, Kevin; Turkington, John  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-06 4 1A R 07
Klotzman, Dave  2004-07-26 1 O 12
Knier, Thomas J.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-10 1 4 O 12
Kolly, Joseph  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
Kos, Dino   Federal Reserve Bank of New York see Briefing by Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Kruithof, Arne  Florida Flight Training Center 2004-04-12 1 1A R 10
Kuhn, Jeffrey R.  Bank of New York see Bank of New York
Kuhn, Lance  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-23; 2004-01-05 10 6; 1A R 08
Kula, Shirley  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
Kurtter, Robert  Moody's Investor Services see "Meeting with Moody's Investor Services"
Kurz, James  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 4 8 O 20
La Mesa Police Department   La Mesa Police Department 2004-06-23 2 1A R 02
LA Police Department #1  Los Angeles Police Department 2003-07-21 3 9 [NYC] R 13
LaCates, David  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-02 4 8 O 20
LaMarche, Jeffrey  NEADS 2003-10-27 6 8 O 14
Lance, Peter   2004-03-15 4 1A R 12
Landsman, Cliff  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-27 7 5 R 12
Lang, Gary  Immigration and Customs Enforcement see "SEVIS"
Lannon, George  Department of State 2003-10-15 9 5 R 12
Larson, Bud  New York City Office of Management and Budget see New York City Meeting
Las Vegas Investigative Summary   n.d. 8 1A R 12
Lawless, Joe  MASSPORT 2003-11-05 12 7 R 12
Lawson, Sheila   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 2 4 R 12
Leidig, Charles Joseph  Department of Defense 2004-04-29 7 8 R 12
Leonard, George  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 2 8 O 20
Levitt, Matthew  Washington Institute for Near East Policy 2003-10-28 4 1; 3 O 12
Lewis, Chuck  J2 See NORTHCOM Joint Task Force - Civil Support Site Visit
Libutti, Frank  Department of Homeland Security 2003-12-19 2 5 O 12
Lichtenstein, Jack  ASIS see ASIS briefing
Lindsey, Larry  formerly of the National Economic Council 2004-01-20 3 8 O 12
Liscouski, Robert  Department of Homeland Security 2004-01-20 4 8 O 12
List of mosques in San Diego  2004-05-06 3 1A O 02
Local Leaders in Bagram   Afghanistan 2003-10-23 6 N/A R 20
Local Leaders in Kandahar Province   Afghanistan 2003-10-21 2 N/A R 20
Longmire, Lee  Transportation Security Administration 2003-10-28 7 7 R 12
Longstretch, Thomas  RAND Corporation see Background Briefing on DoD
Lopez, Dametra  Olive Avenue Apartments 2004-06-22 1 1A R 02
Louch, Andrea Rae  2004-06-22 2 1A R 02
Lowder, Michael  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Loy, James  Department of Homeland Security 2003-12-10; 2003-12-15 25 5; 7 R 12
Luongo, Stephen   Logan Airport 2004-02-11 8 7 R 12
Lutomski, Steve  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-24 2 8 O 11
Lyons, Amy Jo  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-05 5 6 R 09
Mabahith Officials, Meeting with  Saudi Arabia 2003-10-14 and 2003-10-15 4 N/A R 20
Mabahith Officials, Meeting with  Saudi Arabia 2004-02-22 3 1A R 21
Mackey, Dave  MASSPORT 2003-09 3 7 O 12
Madani, Nizar  Government of Saudi Arabia 2003-10-15 2 N/A R 20
Mamula, Christopher  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 4 1A R 09
Manningham-Buller, Elizabeth  British Secret Service 2003-11-07 7 2; 6 H 12
Manno, Claudio  Transportation Security Administration 2003-10-01 11 7 R 12
Marquis, Craig  American Airlines 2003-11-19 9 7; 8 R 01
Marquis, Craig  American Airlines see SOC
Marr, Robert  NEADS 2004-01-23 9 8 O 14
Martens, Brazilino  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
Martinez-Fonts, Al  Department of Homeland Security 2004-01-20 3 8 O 12
McAleer, Gregory J.  United Airlines 2003-08-12 4 1A R 13
McCain, Joe  NEADS 2003-10-28; 2004-01-20 9 8 O 14
McCarthy, John A.  Critical Infrastructure Protection Project 2004-01-21 2 8 O 13
McCarthy, Patrick  Insurance Services Office see Insurance Services Office, Inc.
McCartney, John  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-17 5 8 O 05
McClelland, Gene L., Jr.   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-31 3 6 R 10
McCloskey, Peter  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 4 8 O 20
McCormick, Mike  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-15 5 8 O 20
McCormick, Mike  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 8 8 O 20
McCurdy, Chad  United Airlines see "Briefing on UAL Systems Operation and Crisis Center"
McDonnell, Patrick  formerly Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-24 12 7 H 13
McDonough, William J.  formerly of Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2004-01-21 3 8 O 13
McFadden, Robert  Naval Criminal Investigative Service 2003-12-30 5 1 R 13
McFeely, Richard A.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 2 8 R 10
McFeely, Richard A.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 2 1A R 10
McGraw, Mark  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) see Dougherty, Mike (7/15/2003)
McGraw, Mark  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) see Dougherty, Mike (2003-09-29
McKinley, Craig R.  Continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region (CONR) 2004-02-03 6 8 O 04
McLaughlin, Robert C.  Federal Aviation Administration 2004-06-03 5 7 R 13
McNulty, David  U.S. Air Force 2004-03-11 6 8 R 01
Meeting at Center for Strategic and International Studies  2003-07-23 3 O 17
Meeting of Team 1A   2003-12-01 4 1A O 19
Meeting of Team 3  2003-11-13 3 3 O 19
Meeting of Team 4   2003-11-25 3 4 O 19
Meeting of Team 5   n.d. 3 5 O 19
Meeting of Team 6  2003-12-02 4 6 O 19
Meeting of Team 7  2003-10-29 3 7 O 19
Meeting with BKA and Federal Prosecutors in Berlin, Germany  German Government 2004-02-18 13 1A H 11
Meeting with Langley Tower Personnel  U.S. Air Force 2003-10-06 4 8 R 12
Meeting with MOI Officials   Government of Germany 2004-02-16 9 1A H 21
Meeting with Moody's Investor Services   2004-01-06 5 8 O 13
Meissner, Doris  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-11-25; 2004-01-06; 2004-01-12 29 5 R 13
Mekhemar, Sami A.  Med Choice International, Inc. 2004-04-21 3 1A R 02
Melendez-Perez, Jose  Customs Border Patrol 2003-11-12 13 5 R 13
Members of Majlis Ash Shura   Government of Saudi Arabia 2003-10-14 5 N/A R 20
Merced, Mark  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 3 8 O 20
Merchant, Ken  NORAD 2003-11-14 3 8 O 14
Milam, William  Department of State 2004-05-10 3 3 R 13
Milam, William   Department of State 2003-12-29 7 3 R 13
Miles, Rich  United Airlines 2003-11-21 4 7; 8 O 19
Miller, Alan  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 1 8 O 20
Miller, Judith  formerly with the Department of Defense 2004-01-29 4 3 R 13
Miller, Mark  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-12-23 10 6 R 13
Miller, Marty  Union Oil Company of California (UNOCAL) 2003-11-07 3 5 O 13
Miller, Toby  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
Millovich, Jim  Continental United States Air Defense Region (CONR) 2004-02-04 3 8 O 04
Mineta, Norman  Department of Transportation 2004-01-08 3 7; 8 O 13
Molario, Dan   Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-11-17 3 5 O 13
Monette, Ted  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Monks, Donald R.  Bank of New York see Bank of New York
Moose, Dick  Department of State n.d. 7 5 R 13
Moose, George  Department of State 2003-10-09 7 3 R 13
Morgan Stanley briefing   2003-10-23 4 8 O 13
Morley, Mark  Department of State
Morris, Randy  Continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region (CONR) 2004-02-03 3 8 O 04
Morris, Randy  Air Operations Center (CONR) 2004-02-02 2 8 O 04
Morse, Mike  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-15 11 7 H 13
Moss, Frank  Department of State 2003-09-10 19 5 R 18
Moussaoui Team Briefing  Department of Justice 2004-03-18 3 1A R 13
Mulcahy, Mike  American Airlines see Marquis, Craig
Mulroy, Peter J.  Merill Lynch Global Technology and Services 2004-01-05 3 8 O 13
Murphy, Sharon  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-02 1 2 O 07
Myers, Henry  2004-06-18 1 R 13
Nahmias, David  Department of Justice 2003-12-12 3 6 O 14
Napoli, Louis   New York Police Department/JTTF 2003-09-04 5 6 R 08
Naquin, Douglas  Central Intelligence Agency 2004-01-06 3 2 R 14
Naranjo, Luis  see Pogrell
Nardi, Louis  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-20 2 5 R 14
Naser, Ashraf  Government of Pakistan 2003-10-27 3 N/A R 21
Nash, Daniel S  United States Air Force 2003-10-14 6 8 R 16
Nasypany, Kevin J.  NEADS 2004-01-22 and 2004-01-23 6 8 O 14
Navarrete, Frank  Arizona Office of Homeland Security 2003-10-21 4 6 O 14
Navratil, Thomas J.  Department of State 2003-09-01 15 4 R 14
NCIS Agent #1  Naval Criminal Investigative Service 2003-11-18 1 1A H 09
NEADS Briefing   2003-10-27 6 8 O 14
Neighborhood canvas...Sepulveda Blvd  2004-04-19 1 1A O 12
Nestor, Lisa  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-22 4 6 R 08
New York City Meeting   2004-03-11 13 8 O 14
New York Stock Exchange Meeting   2003-12-11 8 8 O 14
Newberry, Robert  Department of Defense 2004-06-21 4 3 O 14
Ng, [FNU]  United States Air Force 2003-10-14 2 8 O 16
NIMA Employee #1  NIMA 2003-12-11 3 2 H 03
Nolte, Bill  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-07-01 2 N/A O 14
Nonimmigration visa process...briefing  2003-06-03 33 5 R 18
Noonan, Patty  Partnership for New York City see "Partnership for New York City Meeting"
Noorani, Tasneem  Government of Pakistan 2003-10-27 2 N/A O 21
NORAD Field Site Visit  NORAD 2004-03-01 9 8 R 14
Norfolk TRACON visit  2003-12-01 8 8 O 14
Norgaard  Department of Defense 2003-10-23 33 N/A H 20
NORTHCOM Joint Force Headquarters - Homeland Security Site Visit   2003-10-02 6 8 O 05
NORTHCOM Joint Task Force - Civil Support Site Visit  2003-10-02 4 8 O 05
Novis, Gary  Department of State 2003-10-10 7 4 R 14
NSA Employee #1   National Security Agency 2003-09-29 6 2 H 03
NTSB Briefing  2003-09-11 4 8 O 14
O'Callaghan, John  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
O'Connell, Thomas  Department of Defense 2004-06-29 2 3 R 15
O'Connor, Barry  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
O'Mara, Pete  NEADS 2003-10-28 3 8 O 14
O'Neill, Bard  National War College 2003-09-03 6 8 O 15
O'Neill, Kevin  Department of State 2004-02-12 5 5 R 15
Oakley, Robert  Department of State 2003-09-17 6 3 R 15
Ochmanek, David  RAND Corporation see Background Briefing on DoD
Ohlsen, Richard  Federal Emergency Management Agency 2004-03-16 3 8 O 15
Orientation and Tour of National Military Command Center and National Military Joint Intelligence Center   Department of Defense 2003-07-21 4 8 R 14
Orr, Bill  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Osmus, Lynne  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-03 7 7 R 16
Ott, Marvin  National War College 2003-09-16 7 2 O 16
Pace, Peter  Joint Chiefs of Staff 2004-01-16 8 3 R 16
Padgett, James  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-07 9 7 R 16
Pakistan Interview #1  Pakistan 2003-10-25 3 N/A H 21
Pakistan Interview #2  Government of Pakistan 2003-10-27 2 N/A H 21
Pakistan Interview #4  Northwest Frontier Province 2003-10-25 1 N/A H 21
Palmieri, Anthony  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 3 8 O 20
PANYNJ Employee #1   Port Authority Police Department/ JTTF 2003-09-04 4 6 R 08
Parfitt, Craig  American Airlines see Marquis, Craig
Parfitt, Craig  American Airlines see SOC
Park, Tom  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Parkinson, Larry R.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-24 7 6 R 16
Parks, Bruce  Civil Aviation Security Field Office 2003-10-27 6 7 R 16
Partnership for New York City Meeting   2003-08-07 4 8 O 16
Pasha Raffat   Northwest Frontier Province Police 2003-10-25 1 N/A H 21
Payne, Gail  Conrad Villa Apartments 2004-06-23 1 1A R 02
Penn, Mark L.  Arlington County Fire Department 2003-10-20 3 8 R 16
Pennington, Laurie  SunTrust Bank see "SunTrust Bankers interview"
PENTTBOM Briefing on Abderraouf Jdey  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-06-24 2 1A R 06
PENTTBOM Timeline Briefing  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-12-10 and 2003-12-11 8 1A R 05
Perdue, Doug  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-05 3 1A R 06
Perez, Rick  Department of Defense 2003-09-24 2 8 O 05
Perry, William  Department of Defense 2004-04-12 4 FO O 16
Personnel in key roles  American Airlines; United Airlines 2003-11-17 through 2003-11-21 5 7; 8 R 01
Peterson, Grant C.  Titan Systems Corp. 2004-01-15 4 8 O 16
Peterson, Steve  Department of State 2003-08-20 47 5 R 16
Petro, Joseph  Citigroup, Inc. 2003-08-26 4 8 O 03
Petterson, Donald  Department of State 2003-09-30 7 3 R 16
Philips, Jeffrey  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Phillips, Charisse  Department of State see "DOS Consular Affairs/Fraud Programs; Diplomatic Security; OIG briefing"
Phillpott, Scott  Department of Defense 2004-07-13 2 1A O 16
Pickering, Thomas  2003-12-22 7 R 16
Pitt, Harvey   Securities and Exchange Commission 2003-12-18 4 8 O 16
Pitts, Dana A.  Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority see Dulles International Airport briefing and site tour
Platosh, Damian  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-10 2 1A R 10
Plaugher, Edward  Arlington County Fire Department 2003-10-16 6 8 O 16
Pogrell, Jason  2004-06-23 2 1A R 02
Polanco, Elvis  Mutual of America 2003-12-17 4 8 O 05
Policastro, Marc  United Airlines 2003-11-21 2 7; 8 R 19
Polt, Michael Christian  Department of State 2003-10-09 16 5 R 16
Pond, Terri Lind  IBM see IBM Crisis Response Team
Ponder, D. Philip  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-07-30 3 6 O 10
Povinelli, Linda  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-24 2 8 O 11
Powell, Colin  Department of State 2004-01-21 6 FO;3 R 16
Powell, David  Hortman Aviation 2004-04-12 2 1A R 10
Powell, Jeremy  NEADS 2003-10-27 6 8 O 14
Prominent Afghan Citizens   Afghanistan 2003-10-21 2 N/A H 20
Pugrud, John  Department of Defense 2003-10-24 2 8 R 16
Push, Stephen  2003-06-09 2 8 R 16
Quenneville, Donald J.  United States Air Force 2004-01-07 8 8 R 16
Quinn, Maureen  Department of State 2003-10-19 2 N/A R 21
Rahman, Yousef  New York City Office of Management and Budget see New York City Meeting
Raisch, William   New York Safety Council see "Meeting with Moody's Investor Services"
Raisch, William G.  Greater New York Safety Council 2003-09-10; 2003-09-30; 2003-10-08 2 8 O 11
Raisch, William G.  Greater New York Safety Council see "Skyscraper Safety Campaign Meeting"
Raisch, William G.   Greater New York Safety Council see ANSI
Ralston, Joseph  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
Rana, Louis L.  Consolidated Edison Company of New York see Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Randol, Mark  Civil Aviation Security Field Office 2003-10-08 7 7 R 17
Rantz, Alicia  2004-06-23 1 1A R 02
Rantz, Jim  2004-06-23 1 1A R 02
Raphel, Robin  Department of State 2003-12-08 3 3 O 17
Rashid, Ahmed  Pakistan 2003-10-27 2 N/A R 21
Ratliffe, Gerri  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-16 4 5 O 17
Redman, Kathy  Department of Homeland Security see "Sackett, Kenneth"
Regan, George  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-21 2 5 R 17
Regenhard, George  Skyscraper Safety Campaign see "Skyscraper Safety Campaign Meeting"
Regenhard, Sally  Skyscraper Safety Campaign see "Skyscraper Safety Campaign Meeting"
Reno, Janet  Department of Justice 2004-01-09 2 FO O 17
Report of California DMV re: Qualid Moncef Benomrane  California Department of Motor Vehicles 2004-05-06 5 1A R 03
Resheske, Frances A.  Consolidated Edison Company of New York see Consolidated Edison Company of New York
Review of FBI database [re: Garth and Nancy Nicholson interview]  2007-02-26 5 1A R 14
Reynolds, Jim  Department of Justice 2004-04-12 4 4 R 17
Richardson, Bill  formerly Department of State 2003-12-15 3 3 R 17
Richmond, Jeffrey  NEADS See LaMarche, Jeffrey
Ricks, Mark  City of New York see New York City Meeting
Riffe, Janet  Federal Aviation Administration 2004-02-26 8 7 P 17
Riffe, Janet  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-11 2 7 O 17
Ritter, Jim  National Transportation Safety Board See NTSB Briefing
Rivas, Elizabeth  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-29 3 1A R 06
Roberts, Sherry  2004-06-23 1 1A R 02
Robinson, Michael  Transportation Security Administration 2003-08-13 5; 1 7 R 17
Rocca, Christina  Department of State 2004-01-29 7 3 R 17
Rockefeller, Jay  United States Senate 2003-10-16 2 O 17
Roebuck, Steven  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Rogers, Sandy  United Airlines see "Briefing on UAL Systems Operation and Crisis Center"
Rohn, Douglas C.  Department of State 2003-10-20 2 N/A R 21
Rooney, John  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 9/3/2005
Rose, Susan Marie  NEADS 2004-01-23 1 8 O 14
Rosenberg   Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 3 8 O 20
Rosenberg, Michael  Santa Monica Police Department 2004-04-19 and 2004-04-20 2 1A O 17
Rosenblum, Deborah  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
Rosenzweig, David A.  Verizon 2004-02-25 62 8 O 17
Ross, Chris  Department of State 2003-10-23 3 3 R 17
Rost, Sherri O.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-09-30 2 1A R 06
Roundtree, Stacie  NEADS See NEADS Briefing
Roundtree, Stacie  NEADS 2004-01-21 2 8 O 14
Rowland, Mary M.   representing Benevolence International Foundation 2004-04-02 7 4 R 17
Roy, Bill  United Airlines see "Briefing on UAL Systems Operation and Crisis Center"
Roy, Stapleton  Department of State 2003-09-22 8 2 R 17
Rubock, Daniel B.  Moody's Investor Services see "Meeting with Moody's Investor Services"
Rudman, Mara  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
Rudman, Warren  President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 2003-11-13 5 2 O 17
Ruggeri, Ron  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-17 6 8 R 05
Ruiz, Griselda  2004-06-22 1 1A R 02
Ruiz, Hector  2004-06-22 1 1A R 02
Ruiz, Yajaira  2004-06-22 and 2004-06-24 4 1A R 02
Ruppert, Greg  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-03 5 4 R 17
Ryan, Mary  Department of State 2003-09-29 6 5 R 17
Ryan, Mary  Department of State 2003-10-09 5 5 R 17
Sackett, Kenneth  Department of State 2003-10-15 2 N/A R 20
Sagman, Bud  2004-06-23 2 1A R 02
Sale, Christina   Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-20 5 5 R 18
Sanderson, Ian  NEADS 2003-10-29 4 8 O 14
Saneh, Fouad  Metro Cab 2004-04-21 1 1A R 02
Santana, Hector  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 10/20/2005
Santana, Hector  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 9/3/2004
Sarwari, Arif  Government of Afghanistan 2003-10-24 4 N/A H 21
Sasseville, Marc  U.S. Air Force 2004-03-11 4 8 R 01
Saudi Institute Interview #1  Saudi Institute 2004-04-16 4 1A H 18
Saudi Interview #1  Government of Saudi Arabia 2003-10-14 2 N/A H 20
Saudi Interview #2  Government of Saudi Arabia 2003-10-14 4 N/A H 20
Saudi Interview #3  Government of Saudi Arabia 2003-10-29 and 2003-10-30 12 N/A H 21
Saudi Interview #4  Saudi Arabia 2004-02-23 and 2004-02-24 4 1A R 21
Saul, Steve  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 4 8 R 05
Schifano, Anthony  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-24 2 8 O 11
Schippani, Jon  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 O 20
Schoch, Robert  Immigration and Customs Enforcement see "SEVIS"
Schoomaker, Peter  Department of Defense 2004-02-19 8 3 R 18
Schott, Kevin  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 2 8 O 11
Schrotter, Fran  American National Standards Institute see ANSI
Schulz, Andreas  German Law Firm 2004-02-18 2 1A R 21
Schurott, Peter  Federal Aviation Administration 2004-03-03 3 7 R 18
Schwartz, Alan  PAN AM Commission 2003-07-07 3 7 O 18
Schwartz, Steve  Department of State 2003-12-30 4 3 R 18
Scobey, Margaret  Department of State 2003-10-13 3 N/A R 20
Scobey, Margaret  Department of State 2003-10-15 2 N/A R 20
Scoggins, Collin  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 3 8 O 20
Scott, William A.  Continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region (CONR) 2004-02-04 6 8 O 04
Scowcroft, Brent  2003-09-23 5 O 18
Secret Service Employee #1  Secret Service/JTTF 2003-07-30 5 6 R 09
Secret Service Employee #2  Secret Service/JTTF 2003-10-20 4 6 R 08
Sedney, David  Department of State 2003-10-21 2 N/A O 20
Seetin, Robert E.  U.S. Army 2004-03-03 2 8 R 14
Service of subpoena on NEXTEL Communications  2004-04-12 4 1A O 14
Sesay, Hannah S.  American Express see American Express Briefing
Severance, Chuck  US Airways 2004-04-15 6 7 R 19
SEVIS (Student Exchange and Visitor Information System)   Department of Homeland Security 2003-08-06 2 5 O 18
Shaffer  United States Air Force 2003-12-02 7 2 R 18
Shaffer, Gary  City of New York see New York City Meeting
Shah, Syed Iftikhar Hussain  Northwest Frontier Province 2003-10-25 3 N/A R 21
Shaheen, Mark  Department of State 2003-11-06 7 4 R 18
Shalev, Eddie Guigui  Congressional Air Charters 2004-04-09 2 1A R 11
Shaloff, Stanley  Department of State 2003-08-28 5 3 R 18
Shays, Chris  U.S. House of Representatives 2004-06-02 1 O 18
Shea, Robert  Federal Emergency Management Agency see FEMA Briefs
Shinn, David  Department of State 2003-08-29 4 3 R 18
Sigler, John   Department of Defense 2003-07-10 4 3 O 18
Simmons, Wickford  formerly of NASDAQ 2004-01-14 2 8 O 14
Simons, Thomas  Department of State 2003-12-12 3 3 O 18
Sison, Michelle  Department of State 2003-12-11 6 3 R 18
Site visit to FAA to listen to audio   Federal Aviation Administration 2003-06-12 3 8 R 05
Site visit to Logan Airport  2003-08-15 4 7 R 12
Site Visit to Portland International Jetport  2003-08-18 3 7 R 16
Skyscraper Safety Campaign Meeting   2003-09-22 36 9 [NYC] O 18
Slocombe, Walter  Department of Defense 2003-12-19 9 3 O 18
Smith, Daniel  Department of State see "DOS Consular Affairs/Fraud Programs; Diplomatic Security; OIG briefing"
Smith, Jeff  Arnold & Porter/Kerry Campaign 2004-06-23 2 FO O 18
Snell, Terry  Department of State 2003-10-24 4 3 R 18
Sobchack, James R.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-16 2 1A O 10
Sodano, Salvatore F.  American Stock Exchange 2004-01-14 4 8 O 01
Soliday, Ed  United Airlines 2003-11-21 21 7;8 R 19
Speicher, Clark  NEADS 2004-01-22 3 8 O 14
Spence, Tim  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 3 8 O 05
Stack, Michael  ASIS see ASIS briefing
Staeben, Derwood  Department of State 2004-05-11 1 5 O 18
Staff Impressions of Kandahar Base, Helicopter tour of UBL Sites   9/11 Commission 2003-10-21 3 N/A R 20
Staff Visit to Boston Center, New England Region, FAA  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-9-22 to 2003-9-24 6 8 R 20
Star-Fix Operator #1  United Airlines 2003-11-21 3 7 R 01
State Consular Officer #1  Department of State 2003-10-14 3 5 R 19
State Consular Officer #2  Department of State 2003-12-30 6 5 R 18
State Consular Officer #3  Department of State 2004-03-01 10 5 R 12
State Department Employee #1  Department of State 2004-02-20 6 5 R 20
State Department Employee #2  Department of State 2004-03-02 10 5 R 02
State Department Employee #3  Department of State 2003-10-14 3 5 R 13
State Department Employee #4  Department of State 2003-09-24 4 5 R 05
Steinberg, Andrew  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-12 4 8 O 18
Steinitz, Mark  Department of State 2003-09-25 11 3 R 18
Stevens, Rich  Federal Aviation Administration 2004-03-01 4 7 O 18
Stiers, [FNU]  United States Air Force see Ng, [FNU], USAF, 10/14/2003
Strauss, Brandon  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 10/20/2006
Strong, Elsa  family member 2004-04-22 1 7 R 05
Strother, Michael  Federal Aviation Administration see "Norfolk TRACON visit"
Stuart, Mark  NEADS 2003-10-30 5 8 R 14
Studdert, Andy  United Airlines 2003-11-20 6 7 O 19
Submission of calling cards   2004-06-27 3 1A O 03
Summary of Interviews Conducted in Saudi Arabia  9/11 Commission 2004-02-25 9 1A R 21
SunTrust Bankers interview  SunTrust Bank 2004-04-01 9 4 O 19
Surveillance footage of interest from Dulles Airport on 9-10 and 9-11  2004-04-06 4 2 R 05
Suter, Stephen E.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-07 9 6 R 08
Sylvester, John   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 1 1A R 09
System Operations Command Center (SOCC)   American Airlines 2003-11-19 5 7; 8 R 01
Systems Operation Center (SOC)   American Airlines 2004-04-26 3 7; 8 O 01
Talbott, Strobe   Deparment of State 2004-01-15 7 3 R 19
Tariq   Karachi Police Department 2003-10-20 2 N/A H 21
Tatlock, Anne  Fiduciary Trust see Briefing by Fiduciary Trust
Tawil, Izzat  Marina Del Ray Hotel 2004-04-21 2 1A R 02
Taylor, Dennis  United Airlines see Jordan, Bob
Taylor, Frank  Department of State 2003-12-23 4 4 O 19
Temple, Caleb  Defense Intelligence Agency 2004-03-04 9 5 H 19
Texteira, Frank   Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-18 4 1A R 09
Thibault, Albert A., Jr.  Department of State 2003-11-05 10 5 R 19
Thorlin, Scott  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 1 1A R 08
Thornton, Charlene  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-11-14 10 6 R 08
Threadgill, Cathy  Park Newport Apartments 2004-06-23 2 1A R 02
Thumser, Paul  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-10-01 6 8 O 20
TIPOFF, SAOs, clearances....briefing  Department of State 2003-07-17 6 5 H 18
TIPOFF/CLASS briefing  2003-06-16 5 7 H 18
Tollerson, Ernest  Partnership for New York City see "Partnership for New York City Meeting"
Tomsen, Peter  Department of State 2003-10-08 6 3 R 19
Tomsen, Peter  Department of State 2004-07-15 1 3 O 19
Tour of GIANT KILLER  Department of Defense 2003-10-07 6 8 O 11
Townsend, Frances Fragos  Department of Justice 2004-02-13 3 6 R 19
TSA "Red Team" Briefing   2003-10-20 3 7 R 19
TSA "Red Team" Briefing   2003-09-03 4 7 R 19
TSA Analyst #1  formerly Federal Aviation Administration 2004-02-13 11 7; 2 H 12
Tucker, Courtney L.  Transportation Security Administration 2004-06-03 6 7 R 19
Tucker, David  Department of Defense 2003-09-05 10 7 R 19
Tueller, Matthew  Department of State 2003-10-15 3 N/A R 20
Tuohy, Michael  US Airways 2004-05-27 3 7 O 19
Turano, Mary Carol  Civil Aviation Security Field Office 2004-03-11 6 7 R 19
Turley, Frank  Department of State see "DOS Consular Affairs/Fraud Programs; Diplomatic Security; OIG briefing"
Tyrer, Robert  Cohen Group see "Cohen Group"
UAL Passenger #1  2003-08 2 7 R 16
Underwood, James  United States Coast Guard 2003-09-17 6 7 R 19
United Airlines #1   United Airlines 2003-11-21 2 7; 8 R 19
Usher, Steve  Continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region (CONR) 2004-02-04 3 8 O 04
Valencia, Pedro  Sunshine Yellow Cab 2004-04-19 2 1A R 03
Varney, Kevin  Business Executives for National Security 2003-09-10 2 4 O 19
Varri, Marc L.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-01 5 6 R 07
Vatis, Michael  Department of Justice 2004-01-21 3 6 R 08
Verdery, Stewart  Department of Homeland Security 2003-07-21 4 5 O 04
Verga, Peter  Department of Defense n.d. 4 N/A O 19
Visit to 119th Fighter Wing  U.S. Air Force 2003-10-07 6 8 R 12
Visit to Air Force Rescue Coordination Center  U.S. Air Force 2003-10-06 3 8 R 12
Visit to FAA Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) and Dulles Airport Control Tower  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-07-22 9 7 R 05
Visit to Langley Air Force Base, Base Operations  U.S. Air Force 2003-10-06 4 8 R 12
Visit to Reagan National Airport Control Tower and Andrews Air Force Base Control  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-07-28 9 8 R 05
Vito, Salvatore  Fiduciary Trust see Briefing by Fiduciary Trust
Vollaro, Steve  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 2 8 O 05
Von Jeinsen, Ulrich  Gohmann, Wrede, Haas, Kappus & Hartmann 2004-02-19 6 1A O 21
Vu, Trung  Federal Bureau of Investigation see FBI Special Agent #9
Wainwright, Duncan  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-08-13 6 6 R 10
Walker, Edward  Department of State 2004-01-06 2 1;3 R 19
Walsh, Steven  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-30 3 8 O 05
Waltman, Susan C.  Greater New York Hospital Association 2004-04-15 4 8 O 11
Wansley, Larry  American Airlines 2004-01-08 6 7 O 01
Watchorn, Kristin E.  ASIS see ASIS briefing
Watson, Dale  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-06-03 7 6 O 19
Watson, Shelley  NEADS See NEADS Briefing
Watson, Shelley  NEADS 2004-01-20 1 8 O 14
Wayne, E. Anthony  Department of State 2004-01-14 9 4 R 19
Weed, Sally  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-25 3 8 O 11
Weeks, Bill  Fiduciary Trust see Briefing by Fiduciary Trust
Weidner, Brian  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-28 3 1A R 10
Weinbaum, Marvin  Department of State 2003-08-12 4 3 R 19
Wente, Don  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-06 3 1A R 08
Wernica, Kim  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 O 03
Werth, John  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-01 6 8 O 03
Wherely, David  United States Air Force 2003-08-28 2 N/A R 19
White, John J.  Arlington County Fire Department 2003-10-20 4 8 O 19
White, Russell  Transportation Security Administration 2004-02-25 5 7 R 19
Whitmore, Vincent  Alexandria Fire Department 2003-11-04 2 8 O 19
Widawski, Lou  Transportation Security Administration see "TSA 'Red Team' Briefing," 9/3/2006
Wilcox, Phillip  Department of State 2003-11-17 4 3 O 19
Wiley, Winston  Central Intelligence Agency 2003-11-25 12 2 R 19
Willey, George  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-12-16 2 8 O 05
Williams, Kenneth  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-05-11 1 N/A O 08
Williams, Kenneth  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2003-10-22; 2004-01-07 17 6; 1A R 08
Wilson, Thomas  United States Navy 2003-12-04 8 2 R 19
Wolbers, Leo  Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center 2003-10-02 4 8 O 03
Wolosky, Lee  Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on Terrorist Financing 2004-01-09 3 4 R 20
Wong, Mark  Department of State 2003-12-03 4 3 R 20
Woodward, Michael  American Airlines 2004-01-25 4 7 O 01
Woodworth, Brent H.  IBM see IBM Crisis Response Team
Worcester, Paul  United States Air Force 2003-10-14 18 8 O 16
Wright, Beverly  formerly of Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-02-17 6 7 R 20
Wylde, Kathryn  Partnership for New York City see "Partnership for New York City Meeting"
Wyrsch, Mary Ann  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-10-10 14 5 O 20
Yemen Interview #1  Yemen 2004-02-29 6 1A R 21
Yim, Randall  Government Accountability Office 2004-03-04 14 8 O 20
Yowell, Thomas  Florida Department of Law Enforcement/JTTF 2003-12-04 2 1A R 08
Yun, William  Fiduciary Trust see Briefing by Fiduciary Trust
Zalewski, Peter  Federal Aviation Administration 2003-09-22 2 8 R 20
Zebley, Aaron  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-13 3 4 R 08
Zechter, Lee A.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 2004-01-05 2 1A O 06
Ziglar, James  Immigration and Naturalization Service 2003-11-14 24 5 R 20
Zito, Robert T.  EVP Communications see New York Stock Exchange Meeting

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