Brazil's National Day

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
September 2, 2011


On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to all Brazilians as you celebrate your national day this September 7.

As President Obama said during his recent visit, Brazil is a shining example of the power of democracy to expand opportunity. Our two countries share a rich history of democratic values and mutual cooperation. Today, we are working together to promote open and accountable governance, curb the effects of global warming, and expand social inclusion. And this cooperation extends beyond the work of our governments -- our people and societies are united in ways large and small.

As you celebrate this special day, know that the United States is committed to strengthening this already close relationship. Congratulations and best wishes for a year of peace and prosperity.

PRN: 2011/1404


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