Video Remarks at OECD Event: "Growing Economies Through Women's Entrepreneurship"

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Paris, France
November 1, 2011


Good morning. I’d like to thank the OECD for co-hosting this event and continuing the international dialogue on how we can better tap into the power of women as economic drivers.

The evidence is clear: countries that include women are more competitive. Businesses owned by women make considerable contributions to national economies. But too often, their growth is limited by unfair barriers.

The United States is committed to advancing opportunities for women as entrepreneurs and business leaders. We view it as both a moral and strategic imperative for the 21st century. That’s why we are helping women entrepreneurs with business training and mentoring; and support policies that improve women’s access to finance, technology, and networks.

This week, G20 leaders will gather to discuss the significant economic challenges facing our world. This meeting will underscore the critical role women’s entrepreneurship can and should play boosting economic growth around the world.

The OECD’s Gender Initiative is already doing a great deal to gather hard data and help governments design policies to achieve gender equality that will work. I hope you continue to have productive sessions today, and I look forward to hearing how we can do more to empower women together.

Thank you.


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