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EPA Smart Growth Grants and Other Funding


The Office of Sustainable Communities sometimes offers grants to support activities that improve the quality of development and protect human health and the environment. When these grants are offered, they will always be announced on this Web page and on www.grants.gov.

If you see a grant for which you wish to apply:


Request For Grant Proposals (RFP) - Announcements

There are no requests for proposals at this time.


More Information About EPA Smart Growth Grants

Announcements of Awarded Smart Growth Grants

Technical Assistance Programs for Sustainable Communities

On August 30, 2011, EPA awarded cooperative agreements to the Cascade Land Conservancy, Green USA, Project for Public Spaces, and Smart Growth America to create and deliver technical assistance programs to local and tribal governments facing land use and development challenges. The awardees will provide technical assistance to multiple communities using standardized, "ready to go" tools that can lead to changes in local policies and development regulations.

These awards were made in response to a competitive request for proposals titled "Technical Assistance Programs for Sustainable Communities" (EPA-OP-OSC-11-01). Submissions for that RFP were due March 31, 2011.


No grants have been recently awarded.

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Other Funding Resources

EPA has compiled lists of other funding resources for tribal, state, and local governments; communities; and non-governmental organizations that are seeking funding to address various aspects of smart growth.

Grants from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities
Other national funding sources
Regional, state, and local funding sources

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