Measurement : Aerosol scattering

The scattering of radiative energy by processes at the aerosol and molecular level.



The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • AOS : Aerosol Observing System
    • IAP : In-situ Aerosol Profiles (Cessna Aerosol Flights)
    • NEPHELOMETER : Nephelometer
    • PASS : Photoacoustic Soot Spectrometer
    • RL : Raman Lidar
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • AOS : Aerosol Observing System
    • DRI-GND : Desert Research Institute Ground-Based Aerosol Instruments
    • AEROSOL-TOWER-EML : EML Tower based Aerosol Measurements
    • G-1 : Gulfstream
    • IAP : In-situ Aerosol Profiles (Cessna Aerosol Flights)
    • LASE : LASE-airborne Dial System
    • MSR : Multi-wavelength Scanning Radiometer
    • HSRL-AIR : NASA Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
    • CADENZA : NASA-Ames Cadenza Cavity Ring-Down Instrument
    • NOAA-AIR : NOAA Airborne Aerosol Instruments
    • RONBROWN : NOAA Research Vessel Ron Brown
    • NEPHELOMETER : Nephelometer
    • PHOTOACOUSTIC : Photoacoustic Instrument
    • PASS-AIR : Photoacoustic Soot Spectrometer- Airborne
    • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles
    • RL : Raman Lidar
    • UW-AIR : University of Washington Airborne Aerosol Instruments
    • UW-CONVAIR580 : University of Washington Convair 580 Aircraft

Value-Added Products

  • AIP : Aerosol Intensive Properties (Process)
    • AIP1OGREN : Derived: Aerosol intensive properties from AOS, Delene and Ogren et al, 2001
    • AIPAVG1OGREN : Derived: Hourly Averages of Aerosol intensive properties from AOS, Delene and Ogren et al, 2001
  • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles (Process)
    • 10RLPROFBE1NEWS : Raman LIDAR (RL): Best-estimate state of the atmospheric profiles from Raman Lidar
    • 10RLPROFBE1TURN : Raman LIDAR (RL): Best-estimate state of the atmos. profiles from RL & AERI+GOES retrievals
    • 1RLPROFASR1FERR : 1-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol scattering ratio and backscattering coefficient profiles, from first Ferrare algorithm
    • 10RLPROFASR1FERR : 10-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol scattering ratio and backscattering coefficient profiles, from first Ferrare algorithm
    • 10SRLPROFASR1FERR : 10-second Raman Lidar: aerosol scattering ratio and backscattering coefficient profiles, from first Ferrare algorithm


  • NEPHELOMETER : Nephelometer Datastreams
    • AOSNEPHDRY : AOS: ambient nephelometer measurements
    • AOSNEPHWET : AOS: humidified nephelometer measurements
  • AOS : Aerosol Observing System Datastreams
    • AOSNEPHDRY : AOS: ambient nephelometer measurements
    • AOSNEPHWET : AOS: humidified nephelometer measurements
    • AOS : Aerosol Observing System (AOS): aerosol data, 1-min
    • AOSPASS3W : AOS: 3 wavelength Photoacoustic Soot Spectrometer
    • NOAAAOS : Aerosol Observing System (AOS): aerosol data, 1-min, mentor-QC applied
  • PASS : Photoacoustic Soot Spectrometer Datastreams
    • AOSPASS3W : AOS: 3 wavelength Photoacoustic Soot Spectrometer
  • IAP : In-situ Aerosol Profiles (Cessna Aerosol Flights) Datastreams
    • IAP : In-situ Aerosol Profiles (Cessna Aerosol Flights), 1-second
    • IAPAVG : In-situ Aerosol Profiles (Cessna Aerosol Flights), averaged at various flight levels