Revision I, May 2008

The 2008 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Maps were originally released in April of 2008. In early May 2008 they were modified slightly. As of May 13, 2008, the content available for download on our website is up-to-date and the following changes are reflected in the open file report (v1.1). Please take a moment to read an important note regarding appropriate usage of this release.

  1. Table 1, Item F magnitude bins updated.
  2. Figures 34-38. Figures now correspond to their respective figure caption.
  3. Figure H-1 updated to show traces of the South Whidbey Island fault and differentiation of reverse/thrust faults from oblique reverse faults used in the 2008 model.
  4. Table H-1 identifies oblique reverse faults in the 2008 model.
  5. Figure J-1 replaced.