2008 NSHM Software

The software used to create the 2008 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps is based on the “best available science” in earthquake hazards estimation for the United States. With this update the source code and corresponding input files are being publicly released along with the resulting maps and data. With a little know-how and carefully following the software documentation, one can scrutinize the science and even re-create the maps and data in this release. The software below is aggregated into zip files by geographic region containing source code, input, and data files required to run the software for the respective region. The online software documentation covers generic compliation and troubleshooting information. For specifics about running the code in individual zip files one should consult the readme file contained therein.

Western United States

Download (716Kb)

Upon downloading and extracting the zip file for the western United States you will see a documentation PDF along with two additional zip files. Please review the documentation contained in the zip file for more details about running the software for the western United States. The two zip files contain source content as follows:

  • WUSmap.zip
    Input ascii, binary, and source code files required for running the software for the western United States excluding the Cascadia subduction and most California sources (use one of the above downloads for these sources).
  • WUSfaults.zip
    Input ascii, binary, and source code files required for running the software for fault sources in the western United States.

Central and Eastern United States

Download (1.1Mb)

Upon downloading and extracting the zip file containing software for the central and eastern United States you will see four smaller zip files. These zip files contain source files as follows:

  • CEUS.map.input.zip
    Input ascii and binary files that are required for running hazgridXnga2 as well as the source code for hazgridXnga2.f.
  • CEUSchar.zip
    This is a companion zip file containing input files for the Charleston, SC region.
  • CEUS.faults.zip
    This is a companion zip file containing input fault files for the New Madrid Seismic Zone and for the Cheraw and Meers faults.
  • CEUS.combine.zip
    This zip file contains cshell scripts used to combine output from the above.

For more information about these files and how to run the software contained therein, please read the “documentation.pdf” file contained in the “CEUS.map.input.zip” file.


Download (404Kb)

This zip file contains two additional zip files: one corresponding to gridded background sources (CAmap), and the other corresponding to fault sources (CAfault). Each zip file has a “run” cshell file that can be examined for example usage. If you intend to use the cshell file you will have to modify directory paths to reflect what actually exists in your local file system. Each zip file contains the relevent input, data, and source code files required to run the software.


Download (102Kb)

This zip file contains all the input, combine, and source code files to run the software for the Cascadia region. Two main cshell scripts describe (programatically) the process to run the software. There are three main fortran programs called from these cshell scripts:

  1. hazSUBXnga
  2. hazallXL.v2
  3. hazinterp.nga

Corresponding source code (*.f) files are contained in the zip file. You will need to compile them for your specific computer. See the contained, “readme.Cascadia” file for more information.

Combining Hazard Output

Download (122Kb)

Output from running the software for the western/central/eastern United States and their corresponding background and/or fault sources must be properly combined to reproduce the final product. Software along with its documentation contained in this package describe the process to achieve this. There are three basic steps in this process:

  1. Combining Background Sources See “Combining.readme1.pdf”
  2. Combining Fault Sources See “Combining.readme2.pdf”
  3. Combining CEUS with WUS See “Combining.readme3.pdf”

Each of the above-referenced files are contained in the downloaded package.


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This utility zip file contains source code that is directly, indirectly, or otherwise useful when attempting to run/review the software for this release. This file contains the “iosubs.c” file that is used by nearly all the Fortran code as well as utilities to swap endian order - and inspect header information - of binary files. Read the online documentation or inline comments contained in each source file for more details.

ASCII Grid Files

Download (4.3Mb)

These files are ASCII equivilents to the binary grid files used in the software above. They are provided to give you a further in-depth look at how the software works. These grid file downloads contain “A”-grid, “B”-grid, and “Mmax”-grid files. You may download a combined set of all the grid files above or you can download regionalized grid files below. Note that only select grid files will have a corresponding map available for download.