EPA dot gov home page ghgdata.epa.gov home page 2010 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Large Facilities Download
Hide gas filter panel GREENHOUSE GAS: CO2, CH4, N2O, CF4, C2F6, SF6, CHF3
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)    PFC-14  
 Nitrous Oxide (N2O)    PFC-116  
 Methane (CH4)  
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Sector 1, Power Plants, Options Sector 5, Refineries, Options
  • Sector 7, Chemicals, Options
  • Sector 9, Other Industrial, Options
Sector 2, Landfills, Options
  • Sector 3, Metals, Options
  • Sector 4, Minerals, Options
  • Sector 6, Pulp and Paper, Options
  • Sector 8, Government and Commercial, Options
Sector Power Plants Refineries Chemicals Other Industrial Landfills Metals Minerals Pulp and Paper Government and
2010 GHG Emissions
# of Reporting Facilities
This data set does not reflect total U.S. GHG emissions. Learn more about related EPA GHG data sources. Data reported to EPA as of 04/06/2012.
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Important Information about this Data Set
  • This data set does not reflect total U.S. GHG emissions.
  • The data was reported to EPA by facilities as of 04/06/2012. EPA continues to quality assure data and plans to release updated data periodically.
  • Learn more about what is included in this data set and view related EPA GHG data sources.
  • Visit our help section to learn about the features.

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Important Information about this Data Set
  • Suppliers are facilities or entities that supply certain products (e.g., fossil fuels or certain industrial gases) into the economy that, when combusted, released, or oxidized, result in GHG emissions. The emissions do not take place at the suppliers' reporting location.
  • The data was reported to EPA by suppliers as of 04/06/2012. EPA continues to quality assure data and plans to release updated data periodically.
  • Learn more about what is included in this data set and view related EPA GHG data sources.
  • Visit our help section to learn about the features.
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You are About to View Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Data from Large Facilities
Important Information about this Data Set

This data set does not reflect total U.S. GHG emissions.

The data was reported to EPA by facilities as of 04/06/2012. EPA continues to quality assure data and plans to release updated data periodically.

Learn more about what is included in this data set and view related EPA GHG data sources.
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You are About to View Greenhouse Gas Quantities from Suppliers
Important Information about this Data Set

Suppliers are facilities or entities that supply certains products (e.g., fossil fuels or industrial gases) into the economy that, when combusted, released, or oxidized, result in GHG emissions. The emissions do not take place at the suppliers' reporting location.

The data was reported to EPA by suppliers as of 04/06/2012. EPA continues to quality assure data and plans to release updated data periodically.

Learn more about what is included in this data set and view related EPA GHG data sources.
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