Pacific Northwest Workshop

March 21-22, 2012

South Campus Center, University of Washington, Seattle

The links in the following agendas are to PDF files of participants that have granted permission to view their presentations at the PacNW workshop.

Agenda for Pacific Northwest Workshop forthe Update of the National Seismic Hazard Maps, March 21-21, 2012

Attendee List
Introduction & Overview (Frankel, Petersen)

Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ)

Crustal fault sources

Deep earthquakes

Ground-motion prediction equations

Engineering issues

March 28-29, 2006

Jackson Federal Building, downtown Seattle
(915 2nd Ave.; between 1st and 2nd Avenues and Madison and Marion Streets),
ground floor (on 1st Ave. side) auditorium (use 1st Ave. entrance)

The links in the following agenda are to PDF files of participants that have granted permission to view their presentations at the CEUS workshop.

Agenda for Pacific Northwest Workshop forthe Update of the National Seismic Hazard Maps, March 28-29, 2006  

Jackson Federal Building, downtown Seattle

March 28th

8:30 A.M. meeting starts

Introduction: Overview of scientific issues: whyare we here? Weaver and Frankel

Faults in the Puget Sound region and elsewherein western Washington (new findings on the following faults:Seattle (Kelsey),Tacoma (Sherrod), Canyon River (Walsh), Little River (Nelson), Boulder Creek (Sherrod), Saddle Mountain (Hughes), Calawah (McCrory).

New Seattle fault zone model: Brocher

Magnitude estimate for 900 A.D. Seattle fault earthquake: Muller

Summary of recent high-resolution imaging results ( Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia faults): Pratt

South Whidbey Island Fault experience: Blakely, Frankel

Faults in the Portland region and elsewhere in western Oregon(new results; discussion of Portland Hills, East Bank, and Oatfield faults): Madin, Wells, Blakely

Use of GPS measurements in hazard assessment. Mapping crustal deformation: McCaffrey. Estimating long-term earthquake rates using strain rates from GPS, Mazzotti, status of GPS observations and episodic tremor and slip( Melbourne).

Cascadia subduction zone: development of recurrence rate-magnitude distribution for great earthquakes M8-9 (Nelson, Goldfinger), time-dependent recurrence models (Petersen, Frankel, Adams), location of eastern edge of subduction zone (LaForge, McCaffrey), episodic tremor/slip implications for eastern edge of locked zone ( Rogers)

March 29

8:30 A.M. second day of workshop begins

Faults in eastern Washington, including Hanford area: Rohay

Faults in eastern Oregon: Madin

Faults in southwest British Columbia:Cassidy

Intra slab earthquakes, potential for western Oregon: Wong; geometry of slab under Puget Sound: McCrory; quantifying hazard for Portland: Frankel

Ground motion attenuation relations:

Subduction zone interface and intra slab earthquakes: Atkinson, Gregor

Effect of Moho reflections and focusing on ground motions: Rogers

Crustal faults: Next Generation of Attenuation Relations (NGA): Abrahamson

Effects of NGA on national maps, Frankel

Discussion of engineering issues by representatives of the Structural Engineers Associations of Washington and Oregon (Valley, Webber)

Brief description of other products (Frankel):

Probability of earthquake occurrence

Seattle urban hazard maps, plans for Portland;

scenario ground-motion maps for earthquakes on specific faults

Summary of possible changes to national maps based on workshop, with discussion of research priorities

5 PM adjourn meeting