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General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I receive training leading to promotion?

Yes, but only if you were competitively selected for training under your agency's merit promotion program.

Can I take courses in basic skills such as typing, math, or English?

Yes. Agencies may provide training in basic job-related skills. These courses may be given at government expense either during or after working hours.

Can my agency pay for internet courses?

Yes. This type of training can be utilized the same as any other type of training that your agency feels would be beneficial.

Can my normal working hours be readjusted so that I can take courses at my own expense?

Yes. Your supervisor may adjust your customary workweek to allow you to take courses not sponsored by the agency if additional costs to your agency will not be incurred; completion of the course will better equip you for work in the agency; and there will not be appreciable interruption of work.

Do annual and sick leave regulations apply to me during training assignments?

Yes, if salary payments continue during the training period, the annual and sick leave regulations apply.

How can I learn about developmental opportunities?

Your developmental needs should be a regular topic of discussion between you and your supervisor. Announcements of agency-supported programs are usually provided to supervisors and employees by the HRD office, which also maintains information on interagency and non government training programs. Periodically you should talk with your supervisor or HRD officer about opportunities available to you to improve your performance.

Is it required that training be applicable only to my present job?

No. Although your training must be related to your official duties, your agency can prepare you for anticipated future assignments or to accomplish special agency initiatives.

Is the development I receive recorded in official files?

Yes. Agencies keep records of approved training in their training files and procurement records. Agencies use their records for planning and evaluation purposes. You should also keep your own record of any significant programs, whether sponsored by your agency or taken on your own.

May I attend meetings and conferences and be reimbursed for my expenses under the training law?

Your agency may approve a meeting or conference as a developmental activity if the content is pertinent to your official functions and activities and it is evident that you will derive developmental benefits by attending.

May I get mileage allowance and parking fees for attending training at other than my normal work location outside of regular commuting hours?

Yes. Your agency could pay or reimburse you for such expenses although it is not required to do so by law.

May the government pay for my licensing or certification examination?

Yes. Your agency may pay for license and certification examinations as prescribed in title 5 CFR 5757.

What are some learning programs generally made available by agencies to their employees?

There are a wide variety of basic education, skills development, and career enhancement programs tailored to agency needs and resources. Some of these are adult basic education programs; the Veterans Readjustment Appointments Program; apprenticeship programs; administrative, technical, and professional career ladder programs; and career transition programs. Your HRD office is the best source of information on available programs.

What is a continued service agreement?

When you are assigned to training, your agency may require that you sign an agreement to continue employment in your agency for a period of time. If you do not complete the agreed service time you may have to repay the agency for your training expenses.

What is my pay status while in training?

Normally you are in full pay status while participating in agency or interagency training programs. However, training law prohibits paying overtime to title 5 employees who are in training or while they are traveling to training.

What training expenses can my agency pay?

Agencies are authorized to pay, or reimburse you for, all or a part of the necessary expenses of training. This includes tuition, books, supplies, and travel. It also means that you can share costs with your agency. For example, the agency could pay half the cost of a college course, while you pay the other half. However, the agency may not pay for training that is unrelated to your official government duties.