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FHWA Resource Center



Transportation Planning Update


Winter Edition 2005

Dear Reader,

Welcome to our fourth joint issue of the Transportation Planning Update! We hope you enjoy the information presented. If you have transportation planning information to share please contact us.


Sherry B. Ways
Transportation Planner, FHWA Office of Planning

Ben Williams
Metropolitan Planning Specialist, FHWA Resource Center

In This Issue

What’s New for FHWA’s Vital Few?
Scenario Planning
Land Use & Transportation
Transportation and Active Living
Transportation Conformity
Tribal News
Metropolitan Planning
Transportation Planning Capacity Building
Let’s Talk Planning
Travel Model Improvement Program
Rural Planning
Bicycle & Pedestrian News
Division News
Planner Profile
Calendar of Events

What's New for FHWA's Vital Few?

The Vital Few priorities are the focus areas that show the biggest performance gaps in the transportation system and present opportunities for FHWA to make the greatest difference. We are committed to being successful in these focus areas. This section features the activities currently being undertaken in FHWA’s Vital Few focus areas. FHWA’s Vital Few priorities are:
· Safety
· Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining
· Congestion Mitigation


Safety Conscious Planning

The Safety Conscious Planning Working Group oversees work on Safety Conscious Planning (SCP). The Group consists of the FHWA Office of Interstate and Border Planning, the FHWA Office of Planning, the FHWA Office of Safety, the Transportation Research Board, and a number of other transportation agencies and stakeholder organizations. The SCPWG oversees a number of SCP work efforts including:
· SCP Forums: to date, forums have been completed in 19 states with five forums pending.
· SCP Training: training has been offered in seven states with two offerings in California. The training course, targeted for technical professionals, is offered under the auspices of the National Highway Institute and the National Transit Institute.
· Peer Exchange: a peer exchange dialogue session for large urban areas is scheduled for May 3-5, 2005 in Detroit, MI. Participating organizations include the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments; the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission; the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority; the Mid-America Regional Council, and the Houston-Galveston Area Council.
· Rural Scan: a scanning tour for selected officials from small urban and rural areas will take place April 11-15, 2005. Areas to be visited and studied include New Mexico and Iowa.
· Communications Materials: A communications resource portfolio for local elected officials is being finalized for distribution.
· Outreach: Members of the working group are available to make presentations on SCP to industry meetings or other events.

For additional information, contact Roger Petzold, FHWA Office of Interstate and Border Planning, at 202/366-4074 or Roger.Petzold@fhwa.dot.gov.

Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining

FHWA/FTA Program Guidance on Linking the Transportation Planning and NEPA Processes

FHWA/FTA Program Guidance on Linking the Transportation Planning and NEPA Processes

FHWA and FTA currently are developing program guidance to strengthen the ability to rely on transportation planning work in the NEPA process. This guidance is intended for use by State DOTs, MPOs, and transit agencies to clarify the circumstances under which transportation planning level decisions (pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 134-135 and 49 U.S.C. 5303-5306) can be adopted or incorporated into the process required by NEPA. A workshop was held on October 22, 2004 in Washington, DC for FHWA/FTA to meet with representatives of our public sector state/local partners (i.e., AASHTO, AMPO, APTA, and NARC) to explain the draft program guidance, discuss issues, answer questions, and obtain stakeholder input. Completion of this program guidance currently is slated for the first quarter of FY 2005. For more information, please contact Larry Anderson, FHWA Office of Planning, at (202) 366-2374 or E-mail: Larry.Anderson@fhwa.dot.gov or Carol Adkins, FHWA Office of Project Development and Environmental Review, at (202) 366-2054 or E-mail: Carol.Adkins@fhwa.dot.gov.

GIS for Environmental Streamlining

The first sessions of the new workshop on GIS use for Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship in Transportation (GIS4EST) have been scheduled. The schedule is as follows: Oklahoma, February 16-17, Connecticut, March 22-23, and Ohio, April 26-27, 2005. The workshop provides an opportunity for State DOTs to partner with Environmental Resource Agencies to improve their processes through the use of GIS tools. For more information, please contact Ben Williams, FHWA Resource Center, at 404-562-3671 or E-mail: Ben.Williams@fhwa.dot.gov or Aung Gye, FHWA, at 202-366-2167 or E-mail: Aung.Gye@fhwa.dot.gov.

New FHWA/FTA Planning for Operations Website

Image of various transportation related scenes representing the New FHWA/FTA Planning for Operations Website

The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Office of Planning, Environment & Realty and Office of Operations, in partnership with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), have created a website around the theme of linking transportation planning and operations. This website is intended for planners and operations staff and managers at State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, transit operators, and local agencies that play a role in planning for and operating transportation systems.

The website contains background and other information on this theme, including discussion on opportunities for creating linkages, training opportunities, the benefits of greater linkages, and access to relevant publications and other materials and tools. The website also includes materials that emphasize maintaining sustained collaborative relationships between planners and operators, taking a regional approach to Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), and exploring opportunities for further linking transportation planning and operations.

Questions on the website may be forwarded to Harlan Miller, FHWA, at (202) 366-0847; Wayne Berman, FHWA, at (202) 366-4069; or Vincent Valdes, FTA Office of Systems Planning, at (202) 366-3052.

New Reference Manual on Opportunities for Linking Transportation Planning and Operations

FHWA’s Office of Planning and Office of Transportation Management have been developing a new reference manual to build stronger linkages between transportation planning and systems management and operations on a regional basis. Entitled “Getting More by Working Together--Opportunities for Linking Planning and Operations,” this reference manual contains information derived from an extensive literature review and discussions with nearly 30 transportation professionals representing the "planning" and "operations" disciplines at all levels of government. Based on this information, the document presents several opportunities for strengthening this linkage (e.g., systems operations performance measures, data sharing, ITS regional architectures, and congestion management systems). Publication and posting of this reference document is expected in February 2005. For more information, please contact Harlan Miller, FHWA Office of Planning, at (202) 366-0847; Robin Mayhew, FHWA Office of Planning, at (360) 753-9416; or Wayne Berman, FHWA Office of Transportation Management, at (202) 366-4069.

Scenario Planning

CTE National Teleconference Series: Scenario Planning for Better Transportation Decision Making

FHWA and the Center for Transportation and the Environment at North Carolina State University will present a national satellite and web broadcast of Scenario Planning for Better Transportation Decision Making on Thursday, March 3, 2005 from 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm EST.

This live, two-hour national broadcast will feature scenario planning leaders and practitioners who will discuss how land-based scenario planning might fit within the context of the metropolitan and statewide transportation planning and decision-making process. The panel will examine lessons learned from current and past efforts, the range of software tools available, technical assistance as well as future research needs.

The teleconference is designed for transportation planners and decision makers at state departments of planning, metropolitan planning organizations, and local transportation agencies. FHWA Division staff, other federal/state agency staff, and representatives from private or non-governmental organizations responsible for transportation, environment, and growth-related concerns are invited to attend.

Scenario Planning National Roundtable Report Available

FHWA and FTA have released a report entitled, "Scenario Planning: A Framework for Developing a Shared Vision for the Future." This report provides highlights from the September 2003 National Scenario Planning Roundtable. The Roundtable brought transportation leaders and other specialists together to discuss the trends, effective practice and available technical tools to support scenario planning. The report will be available on the FHWA Office of Planning website in March 2005. For more information, contact, Sherry B. Ways, FHWA at (202) 366-1587 or E-mail: sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov or Jody Mccullough, FHWA, at (720) 963-3562 or E-mail: jody.mccullough@fhwa.dot.gov.

Land Use and Transportation

National Report of Site Visits on Transportation and Growth

The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announce the release of the report, "National Site Visits on Transportation and Growth" documenting nationwide practices for integrating transportation and land use. The report will be available on-line via the AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence, and the USDOT Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program (TPCB) website in March 2005. For more information, contact Jody Mccullough, FHWA, at (720)-963-3562 or E-mail: jody.mccullough@fhwa.dot.gov.

Transportation and Active Living

Initiatives Surrounding Transportation and Active Living

FHWA has been very active in the obesity and built environment area during the last two years. FHWA has an active research program and has organized and moderated several technical sessions on the subject, including a half-day workshop at the 2005 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

In December 2004, FHWA organized and moderated a live telecast and web cast entitled “Transportation and Public Health: The State of the Science

FHWA has also examined the integration of active living in the transportation planning and decision-making process. The recently published “Integrating Health and Physical Activity Goals into Transportation Planning.”

For more information contact David Belluck, FHWA, at (202) 366-6549 or E-mail, David.Belluck@fhwa.dot.gov or Sherry Ways, FHWA, at (202) 366-1587 or E-mail: sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov.

Transportation Conformity

EPA Releases Draft MOVES2004 Model and Documentation for Public Review

On January 6, 2005 EPA released the draft version of the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES), MOVES2004, and supporting documents covering model use, design, and technical inputs. The release initiates a six-month comment period to allow model stakeholders to review and provide comment on any aspect of the model or documentation. Note that the draft MOVES2004 is being released for review purposes and does not affect the official status of MOBILE6. The draft MOVES2004 model has been posted on EPA’s website. Comments are due to EPA on July 15, 2005 and should be sent to mobile@epa.gov or by regular mail to MOVES Team, c/o John Koupal, U.S.EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division, 2000 Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. EPA plans to hold a MOVES2004 workshop in the spring and will post specifics on its website when the date and location are finalized.

EPA Reclassifies Nine Ozone Nonattainment Areas

On September 17, 2004 U.S. EPA announced the reclassification of nine areas to "marginal" instead of "moderate" nonattainment of 8-hour ozone standard. The reclassified areas are: Cass County, MI; Muskegon County, MI; the eight-county Detroit, MI metro area; Greensboro County, NC; Kent and Queen Anne counties, MD; Lancaster County, PA; LaPorte County, IN; the counties surrounding Memphis, TN; and the counties surrounding Richmond, VA. Although the new classification lifts some CAA mandates, including auto tailpipe emissions testing, it mandates faster compliance, requiring standards to be met by 2007 instead of 2010. For transportation conformity, these areas (except Greensboro, NC, which is an Early Action Compact area) will be allowed to choose between either the no-greater-than-2002 test or the greater-than-no-build test to demonstrate 8-hour conformity if interim emissions tests are applicable in these areas. However, it should be noted that the effective date of the nonattainment designation has not changed from June 15, 2004. The one-year grace period for conformity will expire on June 15, 2005 for these areas (except Greensboro). For more information, visit the their website.

Tribal News

Tribal Transportation Planning Case Studies

FHWA’s Office of Planning and Federal Lands Highways’ Office of Program Development will be developing a series of brief case studies that highlight innovative processes and practices for consulting with Native American Tribal governments in the development of transportation plans and programs. These case studies will focus on two primary areas: (a) consultation between State DOTs and Tribal governments in the development of transportation plans and programs and (b) coordination of Federal Lands, BIA, FTA and FHWA Division Office transportation planning programs. Completion and posting of these case studies is expected in September 2005. For more information, please contact Robin Mayhew, FHWA Office of Planning, at (360) 753-9416 or E-mail: Robin.Mayhew@fhwa.dot.gov.

Metropolitan Planning

Image of a metro skyline and highway.

FHWA/FTA Reference Document on the Transportation Management Area (TMA) Certification Process

FHWA and FTA currently are developing a reference document on the TMA certification process. Entitled the "TMA Planning Certification Review Primer," this document is primarily targeted to MPOs, State DOTs, transit agencies, and other State and local partnering agencies involved in transportation planning for urbanized areas over 200,000 population. This document is intended to provide an overview and basic understanding of the key concepts and expectations from a TMA certification review, along with references to pertinent Federal laws, regulations, policies, and other resources. Completion of this reference document is slated for Spring 2005. For more information, please contact Robin Smith, FHWA at (720) 963-3072 or E-mail: Robin.Smith@fhwa.dot.gov.

Fiscal Constraint Scan Report Available

FHWA conducted a domestic scan to gather information on financial planning and fiscal constraint in the statewide transportation planning process. The scan was conducted in two parts: 1) a TRB Peer Exchange on Financial Planning and Fiscal Constraint and Congestion Management Systems; and 2) technical visits by a U.S. Department of Transportation team to three States to assess the role of financial planning and fiscal constraint in statewide transportation planning and programming.

FHWA has posted the Executive Summary of the Domestic Scan on Financial Planning and Fiscal Constraint.

Transportation Planning Capacity Building

New Transportation Planning Capacity Building Mini-CD

The TPCB Program recently issued a CD-card that includes a streamlined version of the TPCB web site. This CD-card provides access to sample program publications and resources and links to relevant issues and topics. This CD-card is available for field staff to distribute to state and local decision makers, transportation officials, and staff. For more information or to requests copies, contact Liz Fischer, FHWA, at 202-366-0349 or E-mail: elizabeth.fischer@fhwa.dot.gov.

New Transportation Planning Capacity Building Brochure

A new brochure is now available that highlights information on the TPCB program, its, products, and resources. This brochure is available for field staff to distribute to state and local decision makers, transportation officials, and staff. The TPCB mission is to provide the resources that afford local officials the means to resolve the increasingly complex issues they face when addressing transportation needs in their communities. Please help us share what the TPCB Program has to offer. For more information or to requests copies, contact Liz Fischer, FHWA, at 202-366-0349 or E-mail: elizabeth.fischer@fhwa.dot.gov.

Planning Peer Programs: An Effective Technical Assistance Tool

The TPCB Peer Program recognizes, supports, and promotes effective transportation planning practices nationwide. The Peer Program assistance may include one on one site visits, roundtables, workshops and topic-specific forums arranged as part of existing meetings and conferences. Events are designed to suit the specific needs of a region, State or locality. Topics are selected at the applicant’s request and based upon demonstrated need. For more information visit the TPCB website. The program is seeking applications from FHWA Divisions and FTA Regional Offices who have not participated or applied since the inception of the program. For more information contact Sherry Ways, FHWA, at 202-366-1587 or E-mail: sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov.

NEW Training Program for MPO Board Members

FHWA, FTA and the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, as part of the FHWA/FTA Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program (TPCB) have developed a 90 minute MPO Board Member Training Program. The purpose of the seminar is to provide MPO Board members with an overview of the purpose and process of metropolitan planning; the authority and responsibilities of a MPO; and the role of the MPO Board.

This training program is designed to be delivered by FHWA Division and FTA Regional planners to MPO Boards by request. For more information contact Sherry Ways, FHWA, at (202) 366-1587 or E-mail: sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov or Effie Stallsmith, FTA at (202) 366-5653 or E-mail: Effie.Stallsmith@fta.dot.gov.

Let's Talk Planning

Planning Video Conferences Scheduled
At the request of the FHWA Division Offices, The FHWA Resource Center and the FHWA Office of Planning have established a series of videoconferences to discuss current issues for the field staff. Topics for each month will be selected only a few months in advance to keep the discussions current. The dates for the 2005 videoconferences have be set:
March 10th, June 9th, September 8th, and December 8th.

The topic of the March 10th session will be Fiscal Constraint.
The presentations from the first videoconference on air quality conformity documentation are now available on CD. For more information about the CD or the series, contact Bob Radics, FHWA Resource Center at 404-562-3692 or E-mail: Bob.Radics@fhwa.dot.gov or Jose Dory, FHWA, Office of Planning at (202) 366-2151 or Jose.Dory@fhwa.dot.gov.

Travel Model Improvement Program

TMIP Training

The Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) is currently planning its training calendar for FY05. TMIP will present three offerings each of its three one-day seminars: Activity and Tour-Based Forecasting, Forecasting Land-Use Activities and Travel Model Validation, Calibration and Reasonableness Checking. Additionally, TMIP will sponsor three offerings of a combination of "Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting" and "Estimating Regional Mobile Source Emissions" NHI Courses. To see a description of these courses and seminars, go to their website and select Course Listings.

At this time TMIP is seeking expressions of interest and/or suggestions for scheduling. Please contact Michael Culp, FHWA, at Michael.culp@fhwa.dot.gov or Supin Yoder, FHWA, at Supin.Yoder@fhwa.dot.gov.

Rural Planning

New Rural Planning Website

Under the auspices of the FHWA Office of Planning, the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and the National Association of Counties (NACO) developed a website on rural transportation.
The site provides rural consultation best practices from 21 states; a resource page with links to reports and organizations that address numerous issues related to transportation, including highways, air quality, rails, planning, safety, and aviation; information about intelligent transportation systems; links to state departments of transportation, national organizations involved in transportation, federal and congressional offices and agencies, and university-based research; and a meetings and events page. Contact Liz Fischer, FHWA, at (202) 366- 0349 or E-mail: elizabeth.fischer@fhwa.dot.gov.

Bicycle and Pedestrian News

Rails-With-Trails: Lessons Learned

The Federal Railroad Administration, FHWA, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and FTA published Rails-with-Trails: Lessons Learned. This study summarizes lessons learned about safety concerns and the development, construction, and operation of trails in, along, or near active railroad or transit rights-of-way. The CD is available now and hard copies will be available in February 2005. The publication is FTA-MA-26-0052-04-1 will be posted on the web.
For more information, contact Christopher Douwes, FHWA Trails and Enhancements Program Manager, 202-366-5013 or E-mail: christopher.douwes@fhwa.dot.gov; or Pamela Caldwell Foggin, FHWA Highway-Rail Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Programs, 202-493-6291 or E-mail: Pamela.Caldwell@fhwa.dot.gov.

Division News


MPO Board Member Training Pilot- Orlando, FL

On October 22, 2004, twenty-eight Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Staff Directors and elected officials previewed and critiqued the latest version of MPO Board Members Training Program. Participants provided suggestions for improving the content and delivery of the seminar. Sabrina David, FHWA, Florida Division, Bob Romig, Florida Department of Transportation, Howard Glassman, Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC), and Sherry Ways, FHWA, Office of Planning hosted the seminar. Brian Betlyon, FHWA, Resource Center provided the course instruction and Mr. John Boiney, Volpe Center conducted the seminar evaluation and revision of the course materials. For more information contact at Sabrina David, Florida FHWA Division, at Sabrina.David@fhwa.dot.gov or (850) 942-9650, extension 3008 or Sherry Ways, FHWA Office of Planning, at sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov or (202) 366-1587.

Scenario Planning Workshop- Orlando, FL

On December 9, 2004, thirty-nine people participated in a one-day Scenario Planning Peer Workshop, including representatives from FHWA, the Volpe Center, Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council, MPOs from Florida, and presenters from Envision Utah, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Idaho Transportation Department, and Envision Sustainability Tools, Inc. The workshop included an overview of scenario planning and available tools; Florida - Trends and Conditions; Peer Presentations; and a brainstorming session on ways to implement scenario-planning techniques in the transportation planning process.

As a result of the workshop, a scenario-planning forum is now being proposed for the Central Florida I-4 corridor, from Daytona Beach to Tampa. Jurisdictions will include thirteen MPOs, three Florida Department of Transportation districts, three Regional Planning Councils, numerous local governments, the FHWA Florida Division office, and the Florida Department of Community Affairs.

For more information about the Florida Scenario Planning Workshop, please contact Sabrina David, FHWA Florida Division, at Sabrina.David@fhwa.dot.gov or (850) 942-9650, extension 3008.

Planner Profile

Meet Valencia Williams, Community Planner

Meet Valencia Williams, Community Planner

Maryland Division Office

As an aspiring leader, Ms. Williams welcomes every opportunity to expand her horizons through education and training. She is an active participant in the Maryland Division’s Leadership Development Academy and was selected to participate in the DOT “So You Want To Be a Leader” course. Ms. Williams has 10 years of experience in the Urban and Regional Planning field. She has experience in the following planning areas: transportation planning, land-use and zoning, safety, housing, environment and site plan review.

Ms. Williams came to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the Professional Development Program (PDP). In the Maryland Division Office, her duties include directing statewide and metropolitan planning, air quality, and research. Ms. Williams is also responsible for coordinating with the Maryland Department of Transportation, the Maryland Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and the Maryland Transportation Authority. Ms. Williams works closely with the Federal Transit Administration Region 3 and the Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 offices to conduct joint reviews for air quality conformity.

Ms. Williams’ educational background includes a joint Masters degree in Urban and Regional Planning/Urban Affairs from Michigan State University, a Bachelors degree in Public Administration from Grand Valley State University, an Associates degree in Biblical Studies from Zion Bible Institute. Ms. Williams is an active partner of Spirit of Faith Christian Center working with the youth ministry and playing her flute in the church orchestra. She serves as a mentor and motivational speaker for the “For Our Kids and US” (FOK’US, Inc.) youth organization.

THE DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE NEXT ISSUE is April 30, 2005. Please forward submissions to Sherry Ways at sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov or Ben Williams at ben.williams@fhwa.dot.gov.

Calendar of Events

Here are a few of the upcoming events of interest to the planning community:

February 27- March 5, 2005
AASHTO’s Legislative Briefing
Washington, DC

For additional information contact: Janet Oakley, AASHTO, at (202) 624-5800 or joakley@aashto.org.

March 8 – 10, 2005
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Data Collection Workshop
Salt Lake City, Utah

Contact: Ralph Volpe, FHWA, at (202) 366-4048 or Ralph.Volpe@fhwa.dot.gov.

March 3, 2005
CTE National Teleconference Series: Scenario Planning for Better Transportation Decision Making.

March 16, 2005
FHWA Talking Freight Series: Truck Separated Lanes/Truck Tolling

For more information contact: Eloise Freeman-Powell, FHWA, at Eloise.Freeman-Powell@fhwa.dot.gov.

March 16 – 18, 2005
National Bike Summit
Washington, DC

Contact: League of American Bicyclists (202) 822-1333 or

March 19 – 23, 2005
American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference
San Francisco, CA

Phone: (312) 786-6397 or conference@planning.org.

March 30-April 1, 2005
Western Plains MPO Conference

Deadwood, SD
Contact: Terry Keller at 605-773-3721 or terry.keller@state.sd.us.

April 3-6, 2005
AASHTO Geospatial Information for Transportation Symposium
Lincoln, Nebraska

For more information contact: Ben Williams, FHWA Resource Center at (404) 562-3671 or Ben.Williams@fhwa.dot.gov. You may also contact Mark Sarmiento, FHWA, at 202-366-4828, or Mark.Sarmiento@fhwa.dot.gov.

April 20, 2005
FHWA Talking Freight Series: Freight Transportation and Air Quality- Notable Practices.

For more information contact: Eloise Freeman-Powell, FHWA, at Eloise.Freeman-Powell@fhwa.dot.gov.

April 24-28, 2005
TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference
- Doubletree Hotel, Portland, OR.

April 26-27, 2005
Midwest Traffic Data Technical Exchange Workshop

Detroit, MI
Contact: Tami Hannahs 614-424-3471 or hannahst@battelle.org.

May 11-13, 2005
TRB Census Data for Transportation Planning
Irvine CA

May 15-17, 2005
2005 Transportation Management Association Summit

Radisson Plaza Hotel- Minneapolis, MN

May 18, 2005
FHWA Talking Freight Series: Linking Freight with Context Sensitive Design: Notable Practices

For more information contact: Eloise Freeman-Powell, FHWA, at Eloise.Freeman-Powell@fhwa.dot.gov.


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