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Official FCC Blog

Digital Firsts

by David Robbins, Managing Director
August 15th, 2012

Three years ago this week, the Federal Communications Commission joined the Twitterverse with our handle @FCC.   A few hours after sending our first Tweet, we used Twitter to announce our entry into the blogosphere: “FCC launches first-ever blog, called ’Blogband,’ to chronicle events of the National Broadband Plan. Check it out:”

With the goal of transparency, openness and citizen engagement, this began the FCC’s efforts to connect with our constituencies through social media to keep them informed about FCC events, issues we’re working on and our ongoing efforts to provide access to government data and digital content.

Three years and over 2,000 Tweets later, the FCC reaches nearly half-a-million followers on Twitter @FCC, which puts us in the top five among all government entities, behind @WhiteHouse, @NASA, @CDC and @Smithsonian.

In September 2009, we expanded our social media presence with the launch of our Facebook page, which now boasts 10,000 “lifetime likes.” We also posted our first video – Chairman Genachowski on the National Broadband Plan (viewed 3,615 times) – to the FCC’s YouTube channel.   And in November that year the FCC photo stream on Flickr went live.

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Some Things Never Change

by Siobhan Green, Guest Blogger, CEO and co-founder of Sonjara
August 14th, 2012

Siobhan GreenEven when the Internet was new – and expensive and slow – it gave us essential access to the rest of the world. In 1994, when I lived in Senegal, the only Internet access available to me was a hold and forward account through a science research group, meaning I would dial into their servers in order to upload and download my messages. It was very expensive (I believe I paid more than $500 during my year in Senegal), but compared with faxes and telephone was so much more cost-effective and efficient. And it became crucial during the devaluation riots when many phone lines were cut. Our families were relieved to get news through the Internet that we were safe.

By the end of 1999, dial-up connections in Africa were more and more available, but still rare, slow, and expensive. I remember in 2000, the look on the face of West African Nutrition Officers in a cybercafe in Bamako when I accessed (sllllloooooooowwwwwwlllllyyyy) the WHO Nutrition web page, with copies of important documents in multiple languages. The Nutrition Officer from Niger shouted "There it is! I have been asking for someone to mail me that document for over a year!" She was able to leave that day with a 160 page print-out and a copy on a floppy disk. She also got her first email account that day and we added her to the West African Nutrition Network mailing list.

Just two years ago, I was interviewing some folks from Academy for Educational Development (AED) on the Afghanistan Education Portal project, and they told me an almost identical story -- a senior official In the Ministry of Education was overcome with emotion when he saw there was a copy of a key document he had been seeking for a year, now available to him on the internet, in several languages.

Some things never change.

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Saving $1 million in 1 month … and $1.5 billion a year

by Pam Arluk, Assistant Chief, Pricing Policy Division
August 14th, 2012

Saving consumers $1 million in one month is a pretty good accomplishment.  That’s exactly what a small team of analysts at the FCC did this month as they pored over the detailed price lists – called tariffs – that flood into the FCC once annually.

These tariffs cover the regulated prices – called access charges – that phone companies charge each other for handing off calls. Filed on July 1 every year, tariffs are normally routine.  But not this year.  July 1, 2012 marked the beginning of historic reforms at the FCC that will eventually do away with this archaic access charge system.  Access charges – part of a broader system called intercarrier compensation, or ICC – indirectly impose billions in hidden costs on consumers.  They have become a convoluted, contentious revenue stream that is not only exploited for unfair gain but also distorts decisions about markets and technologies.  We estimate that eliminating these hidden costs will unleash over $1.5 billion in annual benefits to consumers.

The Connect America Fund and Intercarrier Compensation reforms adopted by the FCC last year address these problems by phasing out access charges over a number of years, starting last month.  To ease the transition, carriers especially hard-hit by the loss in revenues will temporarily receive some relief, including through the FCC’s Universal Service Fund.

We asked carriers to calculate their access revenues for the last year to give us a baseline for the entire transition.  It was important to make sure carriers got it right, because overstating revenues now would affect every year of the transition.

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Women Entrepreneurs from Afghanistan and Rwanda Graduate from the Peace Through Business Program

by Adrienne Divertie, Legal Intern and Roberta Braga, Undergraduate Intern, International Bureau
August 8th, 2012

The Peace Through Business program is an initiative of The Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women (IEEW), a non-profit group inspiring women in the United States and abroad to pursue greater entrepreneurial roles, to grow their businesses and start new ventures, and become more active public policy advocates.  Through its program, the IEEW recently hosted  twenty-five women from Afghanistan and Rwanda  here in the United States to receive high-level business and leadership training on topics such as accounting, finance, economics, digital marketing, and the importance of women’s involvement in politics.  

On July 24, 2012, we had the opportunity to accompany FCC International Bureau Chief, Mindel De La Torre to the graduation ceremony for these women and the experience was compelling.

Speakers at the graduation ceremony included Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues; Terry Neese, Founder and CEO of IEEW; and the Honorable Eklil Hakimi, Afghanistan’s Ambassador to the United States. Ambassador Verveer spoke of the difficulties that Rwanda and Afghanistan have faced after years of war and highlighted the progress each nation has made in women’s rights and economic and political development.

Today in Afghanistan, over 25% of Parliamentarians and 10% of judges are women. In Rwanda, women from different political and social parties came together to integrate their efforts and contributed to the prevention of further conflict after the genocide in 1994.  Today, 56% of Rwandan Parliamentarians are women.

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From Developing the World to Developing the Web, and Back Around Again

by Carla Briceno, Co-Founder of Bixal
August 6th, 2012


My career in international development began almost by accident when I heard my undergrad sociology professor talk about the Peace Corps. I had just returned from my first visit to Latin America and was strongly impacted by the poverty and difficult living conditions. I was hell bent on joining the Peace Corps and returning to the region, which I ended up doing in 1989 when I moved to rural Guatemala to serve as a health nutrition extensionist.  

In 2000, after five years of supporting international development programs in the region and at the peak of the first dot com wave, I made a career transition into the world of web development. I thought I wanted to become a hardcore programmer, so I dug in and studied everything from HTML to the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. I ended up working with two different Fortune 500 companies where I put these skills to use, but I soon realized that I was a bit too extroverted to sit in a cubicle and program eight hours a day.

I decided to pursue opportunities that allowed me to take advantage of my project management skills and ended up at Sprint Nextel, working on their Hispanic web presence, where I was able to combine my Spanish language skills, project management experience and my web skills and learn a great deal about culturally-relevant communications and how Latinos in the U.S. and Latin Americans are using digital technologies. 

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White House Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

by Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Bureau Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
August 2nd, 2012

Last week, I was honored to represent the Federal Communications Commission at the White House’s observation of the Americans with Disabilities Act’s (ADA) 22nd anniversary.  Kareem Dale, the Special Advisor to the President on Disabilities Issues, opened the event, and Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President, gave closing remarks.  

Joining a panel of 4 other administration officials, I had the opportunity to speak on the many ways in which the Commission has successfully implemented the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), signed by President Obama in October 2010.  The CVAA requires access by people with disabilities to emerging Internet-based and digital communications and video programming technologies.  Like the ADA, it seeks to ensure that people with disabilities can be fully independent and productive members of our society.

My remarks at the event highlighted 4 areas of accomplishment by the Commission:

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Connect America Fund Kicks Off in Rural California and Nevada with Frontier Communications

by Julius Genachowski, FCC Chairman
July 30th, 2012

Today, the FCC kicked off the first announcement of Connect America fund deployment in the nation with events in rural California and Nevada.  At ribbon-cutting events, I was joined by Frontier Communications CEO Maggie Wilderotter and met local residents, tribal, and business leaders that will benefit from the opportunities high-speed Internet will deliver to these areas.  In these areas, broadband build-out will happen thanks to Frontier Communications, the first carrier to accept Connect America funding.

My first stop was Alpine County, California, a 100 percent rural county with the smallest county population in the state, where broadband has recently been built out for more than 600 homes and small businesses in the area. Here I met local business, firemen, and other public safety officials, who told me how broadband has improved their lives.  I also met a local grandmother, who is now able to download photos of her grandchildren, and appreciated that broadband does truly ‘connect’ America. I also saw the Washoe Tribal Community, where tribe leaders told me how more than 200 members of their community now have access to high-speed Internet.

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Women's Access to ICT: Strengthening Policy Frameworks to Address the Mobile Phone Gender Gap

by Christopher Burns, Economic Growth and Agricultural Development Advisor the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
July 30th, 2012

When we think about mobile technology access to services, opportunities and products – particularly in remote, rural corners of the developing world – we occasionally miss the chance to emphasize the importance of tackling macro-level regulatory frameworks and policy-making functions.  Instead, we contemplate what it takes to provide women and men with the critical, micro-level social services and infrastructure they need to drive economic growth and strengthen family and community livelihoods.  We focus on reaching  “the last mile” and the components necessary for rural connectivity. 

But both ends of the spectrum must be targeted. 

Many assume if the mobile infrastructure has been built, connectivity exists and people can afford it, customers will sign-up and use the service.  Doing so will allow people the prospect of maximizing mobile technologies that can drive development change.  But this is often not true for many women in the developing world, where – although the infrastructure exists – they are 21 percent less likely to own mobile phones than their male counterparts.  There are greater factors at play -- primarily cost of mobile services, limited technical literacy and traditional attitudes around women owning productive assets.  These key barriers have shaped the objectives behind the GSMA mWomen Program.

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The Gender Gap in Mobile and Internet Access in the Developing World

by Ann Mei Chang, Department of State Senior Advisor for Women and Technology
July 23rd, 2012


We have seen evidence over and over again that investing in women and girls is one of the most direct and effective ways to produce economic and social progress.  We have also seen how information and communication technologies (or ICT) have accelerated the pace of change by introducing efficiencies, opening new markets, and creating technology-related jobs.  Now, imagine the tremendous possibilities that can arise from empowering women with ICT.  The promise is real, though there are a number of challenges to navigate.

One of the most challenging issues is gender inequity in the access to technology, whether that be a mobile phone or Internet connectivity.  Closing the gender gap presents an enormous opportunity for economic development.  The GSMA mWomen Program, launched by Secretary Clinton in October 2010, identified that women are 21% less likely than men to own a mobile phone in developing countries.  mWomen aims to halve that gap in the next three years.  The Internet is also out of reach for many women, who typically have more limited incomes and are unable to afford service costs, which can be prohibitively expensive in many low-income countries.  Certainly, without access to technology, women will not be able to take advantage of the many potential benefits technology can enable for their individual and family's livelihood, education, and well-being – as a consequence, their contributions to economic and social progress will not be as significant.

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Hosting a New Generation of Leaders at the FCC

by Mindel DeLaTorre, Chief, International Bureau
July 18th, 2012

On July 12, 2012, the FCC hosted a program for TechGirls, a U.S. Department of State initiative sponsoring an international exchange program designed to empower young girls to pursue careers in the science and technology sectors.

The FCC hosted an impressive group of 25 young women between the ages of 15-17 from eight Middle Eastern and Northern African (MENA) countries, including, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia and Yemen. All of the girls went through a rigorous application process and those who were selected are truly outstanding. At their young age, many have already taken robotics courses as well as computer classes.

While they were unified in their intelligence and capabilities, they were as unique as one would expect – some love sports, some love reading, writing and music, others love drama and art, and some even like fashion and shopping. Some were funny and some were earnest, but all were incredibly smart. Ideas just tumbled out of them.

Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel talked about their careers with the TechGirls – and were bombarded with questions about how to achieve similar success in their own lives. These young women were interested in subjects from across the science and information communications technology fields, from engineering to medicine, physics to app development. A few discussed establishing their own NGOs. They wanted to know how professional women balance work and family, how women can be successful in a male-dominated field, and how they can be sure that the choice they make is the right one. It was a lively conversation and those of us with long-time careers learned a lot from this younger generation!

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