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SLAC Public Lecture Series

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Public Lecture Series

The SLAC Public Lecture Series is normally scheduled for the last Tuesday of every other month beginning at 7:30 pm in the Panofsky Auditorium.

WelcomePhoto by Peter Ginter of SLAC Linear Accelerator and Interstate 280 at twilight

Ever wonder what goes on at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory? Here is your chance to find out. The SLAC Public Lecture Series opens the doors to the inner workings of SLAC for the local nonscientific community. Find out what SLAC is all about: the research, the facilities, and the people that make this a world-class research institute. Hang around for refreshments after the talks. Physicists will be on hand to chat so bring your toughest questions to stump the professionals!

Free admission. No scientific knowledge needed. No RSVP required. For everyone's safety, please do not leave minors unattended. Limited seating only so please come a little early for a seat.  We apologized in advance if you will be asked to leave if we meet the seating capacity. Bring photo ID to enter SLAC campus.

If you have any questions, please contact Thanh Ly or Farah Rahbar.

The SLAC Public Lecture Series is sponsored by the SLAC Users Organization and by the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource

Next Lecture

May 12, 2009 at 7:30-8:30 PM, Panofsky Auditorium (overflow seating available in Kavli Auditorium)

Angels and Demons: The Science Behind the Scenes
Norman Graf, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Does antimatter really exist? How and why do scientists produce and use it? Does CERN exist and is there an underground complex deep beneath the Swiss/French border? Is truth stranger than fiction? Find out at the coming public lecture.
On Tuesday, May 12, SLAC physicist Norman Graf will discuss the real science behind Angels & Demons, Dan Brown's blockbuster novel and the basis of an upcoming Tom Hanks movie. Graf's' talk is one in a series of public lectures across the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico to share the science of antimatter and the Large Hadron Collider, and the excitement of particle physics research.


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Last update: May 06, 2009