Office of Communications
Science Bowl

SLAC hosts an annual Regional Science Bowl for teams of high school students. The Science Bowl is a question-and-answer competition with buzzers, judges, and time keepers for high school teams of 5 students and 1 faculty coach.

This year's SLAC Regional Science Bowl took place on Saturday, February 28, 2009. Congratulations to Homestead High School on their win! The Homestead team is now on its way to compete in the 18th annual U.S. Department of Energy’s National Science Bowl® on April 30–May 5, 2009 in Washington, DC. The Department of Energy covers all expenses for travel as well as accommodations and organized activities at the national competition. Only those students who competed on the winning regional team are eligible to compete in the National Science Bowl.

Many thanks to all 137 competitors and coaches from across the Bay Area, as well as the more than 50 SLAC personnel who volunteered for the 2009 event.

Stay tuned for more information about SLAC Science Bowl 2010!

For more information, please see SLAC’s Science Bowl website and the National Science Bowl website.