ARCOS > ARCOS PC Field Edit Program) 

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ARCOS Personal Computer (PC)
 Field Edit Program

The Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) has given registrants the option of providing their ARCOS reports to DEA in automated format. The least desirable way to report to ARCOS is by the manual form (DEA Form 333). With that in mind, DEA developed a personal computer based software program for automated reporting to ARCOS. 

The "PC Field Edit Program" is supplied to ARCOS registrants free of charge to provide the paper-based forms reporter a more efficient and economical method for collecting, editing, storing and reporting ARCOS transactions to DEA. The program is available in a 32-bit Version 3.1 for use on stand-alone personal computers with the Windows XP operating system. The application offers several convenient features:

Creation of a database of a firm’s frequently used National Drug Code (NDC) Numbers and Associate Registrant Numbers;

Error prevention, identification and correction in many data fields before the records are sent to DEA;

A "carry over" feature for Transaction Code, NDC Number, Associate Registrant Number, DEA Order Form Number and Transaction Date.

ARCOS reporters interested in obtaining more information on this free software should contact the ARCOS Unit at (202) 307-8600.

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