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Browse AARP references on today's hot topics. Read



Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax
assistance and preparation service. Read

AARP Driver Safety Program

Cars have changed. So have traffic rules, driving conditions, and the roads we drive on every day. Brush up on your driving skills to stay safe! Read


The AARP Foundation Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) helps job seekers improved their skills, obtain training and find a job. Join the challenge! Do



Public Policy Institute


The Public Policy Institute informs and stimulates public debate on the issues we face as we age. The Institute promotes development of sound, creative policies to address our common need for economic security, health care, and quality of life.

Surveys and Statistics

Surveys and Statistics houses national- and state-based research on the needs, concerns, and interests of AARP members and the 50+ population as a whole.

Academic Affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs provides a series of Occasional Papers on aging issues, resources to help faculty teach aging content, and recommendations of books on aging issues for public libraries.

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Internet Resources on Aging

A searchable directory of 1,000+ sites for and about older adults.