Brown Bag Lunch

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Brown Bag Lunch is an educational event in which a professional lecturer is invited to introduce the Korean culture to USFK servicemen, give them a correct understanding about Korea, and allow them to have a positive impression of Korea. Brown Bag Lunch is hosted by ROK-US CFC PAO and supported by KAGNS, a ROK-US goodwill organization.

Next Brown Bag Lunch

Professor Yoo Seok Hoon is invited to introduce the Korean culture.

  • Date: 11:30 ~ 13:00, 23 Nov, 2011
  • Location: CBS Room
  • Participants: USFK members / families
  • Lecturer: Yoo, Seok Hoon (Professor at Korea University)
  • Subject: The Korean Culture Odyssey (People, History & Culture)
  • Dress Code: Duty Uniform

For more information, please contact USFK PAO: Ms. Minkyong Song (DSN: 723-7669) | Mr. Kyle Hathaway (DSN:723-4685) | e-mail:

* Snacks (sandwich, cookie, juice, coffee) will be provided.

Event Materials