U.S. Department of Justice

Webinar: Evidence-Based Practices of Community Supervision: Part 2, What Works in Parole and the Prisoner Reentry Process

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Feb. 13, 2012

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  • Webinar: Evidence-Based Practices of Community Supervision: Part 2, What Works in Parole and the Prisoner Reentry Process

  • Part 2: Webinar: Evidence-Based Practices of Community Supervision: Part 2, What Works in Parole and the Prisoner Reentry Process

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “The goal of this webinar is to educate community corrections professionals on evidence-based practices (EBPs) of parole supervision, particularly with respect to the reentry of parolees leaving prison.” Participants will be able to: understand the core elements of EBPs and parole supervision; discuss the pros and cons of EBPs implementation; recognize leadership qualities that are conducive to using a successful evidence-based approach; and identify at least two practices that they could implement to enhance parole supervision and reentry outcomes.
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