Kinnick High School Campus Picture

Welcome to Our School

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the official Kinnick High School website. Our goal is to provide current and relevant information about our school to the military families we serve today and those we look forward to welcoming to our campus in the future.

Kinnick Net
Currently enrolled Students and Parents can access individual teacher’s websites, school calendar, daily bulletin, grades, and attendance on the school intranet.

Kinnick Net Website (password protected)

Go Red Devils

Nile C. Kinnick High, “Home of the Red Devils,” is a school filled with tradition, pride, and a sense of history. The name Yo-Hi has been around for a long time and currently describes the areas from which most family members come - Yokosuka/Yokohama. However, Yo-Hi began on the Bluff in Yokohama during the occupation after World War II. It then moved to the old Navy Exchange area in the Honmoku district of Yokohama. In the fall of 1971, it moved to a refurbished Marine Corps barracks that had previously been a Japanese Imperial Navy basic training camp.