U.S. Department of Justice

Jail Standards and Inspections


Jail standards and inspection agencies can be pivotal in improving jail facilities, management, and operations. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Jails Division provides technical assistance to these agencies in the development and revision of jail standards and related inspection systems. The Jails Division also works in partnership with standards agencies to provide training and technical assistance to the jails they serve. Finally, the Jails Division provides technical assistance to jail-related organizations that want to develop a jail standards and inspection system and need assistance in understanding how to do so.

Jail standards agencies that would like to apply for technical assistance or partner with NIC in providing training to the jails they serve should write a letter to the Jails Division expressing their interest. The letter must be signed by the agency’s chief executive officer.

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Recommended Reading

Date Title Type
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A Guide to Preparing for and Responding to Jail Emergencies: Self-Audit Checklists, Resource Materials, Case Studies
By Schwartz, Jeffrey A.; Barry, Cynthia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LETRA, Inc. (Campbell, CA).
This guide “will be broadly useful to U.S. jails in planning for crises, emergencies, and natural disasters and in developing the appropriate response capacities to cope with these events where they cannot be prevented” (p. vi). Six sections are contained in this publication: introduction; conducting an audit; Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Smaller Jails; Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Larger Jails; resource materials—leadership issues during crises, prevention ... Read More
180 p.
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Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors
By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This self-paced, self-instruction course explains the role and responsibilities of a jail inspector. Questions are asked at the end of each chapter which lead to answers from and discussion with their supervisors. Supervisors use the publication "Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide" (NIC accession no. 022123). Chapters cover: legal issues; standards; the inspection process; facility design; communication; government structures and processes; and resources.... Read More
136 p.
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Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide
By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guide prepares supervisors for conversations with new inspectors taking the "Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors" self-guided course (NIC accession no. 022124). Questions and answer keys are provided along with discussion topics for each chapter.... Read More
78 p.
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Jail Standards and Inspection Programs: Resource and Implementation Guide
By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
“The purpose of this guide is to give information that will help states and state jail-related organizations to develop or update jail standards and inspection programs" (p. v). This publication contains the following sections: introduction; role and purpose of jail standards; jail standards and liability; key elements of jail standards and inspection programs; strategies for developing and implementing jail standards programs; technical assistance and resources available from the National Insti... Read More
64 p.
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