Hawaii Data Files

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Data files are presented in two formats, text and binary. Both formats for a given file contain the same information. The text file is white-space delimited and can easily be imported into your favorite spreadsheet application (i.e. Microsoft Excel™) for further analysis. The binary format is more useful for programatic access from custom pieces of software.

In addition to the output ground motion files below, you may also download the input catalog file that went into our calculations.

File Contents Spectral Acceleration Return Period Downloads
Ground MotionPeak Ground Acceleration10% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground MotionPeak Ground Acceleration2% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground Motion0.2 Second (5Hz)10% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground Motion0.2 Second (5Hz)2% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground Motion0.3 Second (3.33Hz)10% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground Motion0.3 Second (3.33Hz)2% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground Motion1.0 Second (1Hz)10% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]
Ground Motion1.0 Second (1Hz)2% in 50 Years[ TEXT | BINARY ]

Click a file header to re-sort table listing by that column.

More About File Formats

Text File Formats
These files are simple white-space delimited files. The format should be farily easy to decipher without much guidance.

Binary File Formats
These files were created from the text files and have the same format. In order to help with programatic reading of these files there is additional header information at the top of these files. Header information contains:

  • 0 → Hazard Curve File 1 → Ground Motion File
  • The decimal degree increment between adjacent latitudes/longitudes
  • The number of points per hazard curve. This value is only present in hazard curve files.

For convenience we provide sample binary file readers for potential developers to examine the source and get a better idea of how to read the file format. Download our reader (requires Java™). To use this application, open a command line terminal and type: java -jar HIParser.jar <datafile>.