Approach to the Geriatric Patient
Physical Changes With Aging
expand / collapse Evaluation of the Elderly Patient
Unusual Presentations of Illness in the Elderly
Drug Therapy in the Elderly
expand / collapse Pharmacokinetics in the Elderly
Pharmacodynamics in the Elderly
expand / collapse Drug-Related Problems in the Elderly
expand / collapseDrug Categories of Concern in the Elderly
Prevention of Disease and Disability in the Elderly
expand / collapseOverview of Prevention in the Elderly
expand / collapsePrevention of Disease in the Elderly
Prevention of Frailty
expand / collapsePrevention of Injuries in the Elderly
expand / collapse Prevention of Iatrogenic Complications in the Elderly
Prevention of Psychosocial Problems in the Elderly
Aging and Quality Of Life
expand / collapseQuality of Life in the Elderly
Therapeutic Objectives in the Elderly
Social Issues in the Elderly
expand / collapse Family Caregiving for the Elderly
The Elderly Living Alone
Self–Neglect in the Elderly
Alternative Living Arrangements for the Elderly
Effects of Life Transitions on the Elderly
Intimacy and the Elderly
expand / collapse Religion and Spirituality in the Elderly
Elder Abuse
expand / collapseElder Abuse
Provision of Care to the Elderly
expand / collapseOverview of Geriatric Care
expand / collapseHome Health Care
expand / collapseDay Care for the Elderly
Respite Care
expand / collapseHospital Care and the Elderly
expand / collapseNursing Homes
Board-and-Care Facilities
Assisted-Living Programs
Life-Care Communities
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
expand / collapsePharmacists and the Elderly
Falls in the Elderly
expand / collapseFalls in the Elderly
Gait Disorders in the Elderly
expand / collapseGait Disorders in the Elderly
The Older Driver
expand / collapseOverview of the Older Driver
expand / collapseFunctional Assessment of the Older Driver
expand / collapseMedical Assessment of the Older Driver
expand / collapseInterventions with the Older Driver
Funding Health Care for the Elderly
expand / collapse Medicare
expand / collapse Medicaid
expand / collapseOther Federal Programs Affecting the Elderly
expand / collapse Private Insurance for the Elderly
expand / collapseModels for Comprehensive Health Care Coverage for the Elderly

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