Overview of the OIG

The Inspector General, a Presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed officer, keeps the SBA Administrator and the Congress fully informed of any problems, recommends corrective actions, and monitors progress in the implementation of such actions.

The two operating components of OIG are the Auditing Division and the Investigations Division. The Auditing and Investigations Divisions each administer their respective activities through field offices around the country. The Management and Policy and Counsel Divisions support both the Inspector General and the operating divisions by providing policy, planning, administrative, and legal services, respectively.

OIG Helps SBA Improve Program Management


OIG conducts financial and performance audits of internal Agency functions and of participants in SBA programs to promote the economical, efficient, and effective operation of SBA programs.

Audits give SBA managers an objective and systematic assessment of how well their offices are carrying out their SBA-related programs and operations. Financial audits examine the presentation of financial information, internal controls, and adherence to financial requirements. Performance audits assess operations in terms of economical use of resources.


When an investigation finds a serious systemic deficiency in Agency procedures or practices of SBA personnel, OIG staff provide an advisory memorandum to the appropriate program officials setting forth the pertinent investigative findings and suggesting possible management actions or procedural changes to decrease or eliminate this vulnerability in the program.

Task Forces

OIG staff participate with SBA staff on Agency-wide task forces to address issues of concern to the Agency, the Congress, and the small business community.

Review of Laws and Regulations

OIG is mandated to review and evaluate legislation, regulations, standard operating procedures and other directives in terms of their impact on program economy and efficiency, or their prevention of fraud and abuse.

OIG Detects and Deters Fraud


OIG investigates allegations of possible criminal violations and other wrongdoing. Most investigations are conducted in conjunction with a U.S. Attorney’s Office. While the subject of an OIG investigation can be an SBA employee, the vast majority of the subjects are applicants for or participants in Agency programs.

Background Investigations/Name Check

OIG ensures that all Agency employees have the appropriate background investigations and security clearances for their duties. OIG’s name check program provides SBA officials with character-eligibility information on loan applicants and other potential program participants.