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NEH in the News

Selected articles on NEH-supported projects.
Posted: July 15, 2010 Reuters article on the discovery of the tomb of a Maya king dating from 350 to 400 A.D., part of an archaeological investigation project supported by an NEH Collaborative Research grant. Also covered by Associated Press and National Geographic.
Posted: July 8, 2010 The Wall Street Journal on Peter Meineck, founder of New York City’s Aquila Theatre, who received an NEH Chairman’s Special Award to stage free readings of 10 Classical plays for the public-- - in particular, for combat veterans, inner-city residents and rural communities. Also the subject of a New York Observer item.
Posted: July 2, 2010 The New Scientist on using multispectral imaging to scan and decipher previously unreadable field journals by the 19th-century explorer David Livingstone, a project supported by an NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant. Also covered in The Guardian and Associated Press.