
  • Evacuees staying in temporary shelters in Cagayan De Oro City received drinking water containers as part of the continuing assistance by the United States Government to survivors of Tropical Storm Sendong.

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  • USAID helped reach millions of women with health information and provided thousands of women of reproductive age with health services. Photo shows a pregnant woman from ARMM receiving a tetanus shot, during a pre-natal care visit.

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  • Out-of-school youth from Bongao, Tawi-Tawi proudly display their certificates of completion of EQuALLS2’s training on the production and marketing of seaweed during their graduation.

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  • Members of the Tupi Balangon Farmer’s Association, who were trained in good agricultural practices by USAID, sort and pack organically-grown bananas for export at their farm in Tupi, South Cotabato Province.

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Trafficking deprives women of their freedom, their mobility and their physical safety
Stopping Trafficking, Saving Lives
Pineapple groves in the Philippines
Battleground Becomes Pineapple Grove
Former combatants on the Philippine island of Mindanao construct fish cages to raise high-value fish. They use existing seaweed-
Fishing for Peace



The Philippines has historic ties with the United States and is an important development, trade and regional security partner. The U.S. Government, through USAID, has made broad-based inclusive growth a main focal point. By addressing this key development constraint, the Philippines will have the potential to enjoy the same level of economic success as its neighbors. Additionally, specific aspects of this goal will help to improve the lives of a majority of the population which live on $2 a day or less.

In November 2011, the Philippines and U. S. Governments agreed to the new Partnership for Growth (PFG), which mobilizes the resources of both governments to address the most serious constraints to economic growth and development in the Philippines. Through this enhanced bilateral engagement, the PFG will help the Philippines move from a low economic growth path to a higher, sustained and more inclusive growth trajectory in line with other high-performing emerging economies.

USAID's programs in the country focus on accelerating and sustaining broad-based and inclusive economic growth, improving the quality of education at the basic and higher levels, enhancing natural resources and environmental services, strengthening family health and promoting peace and stability in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Gloria Steele, Mission Director
8/F PNB Financial Center, Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd.
Pasay City
+63 (2) 552-9900
+63 (2) 552-9999

Headquarters Contact

Melinda Manning, Desk Officer
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
(202) 712-4289

Mission Director

Last updated: August 22, 2012