United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Closed Appeal & FOIA/PA Cases by Subject - FY 2001

(Updated on 04/10/02)

(Updated on 04/10/02)
Subject FOI/PA Number Date Rec'd. Date Closed Response
Y=yes N=no
ADAMS project & system report prepared by Cambridge Computing Group (Cambridge, MA) rec'd by NRC since 03/01 2001-0272 05/31/01 07/17/01 Y
AEC security clearance, & employm records for 1968-1978 at Diamond Shamrock Corp 2001-0110 01/17/01 04/16/01 N
Allegation file for RIII-00-A-0177 and any resulting investigations 2001-0254 05/08/01 07/03/01 N
Allegation file NRR-1999-A-0057 2001-0191 03/21/01 05/23/01 N
Allegation file NRR-2000-A-0009 2001-0192 03/21/01 04/18/01 N
Allegation file on self 2000-0372 09/21/00 11/22/00 N
Allegation report RII-1999-A-0069, 9/23/99, & a May-July 1999 allegation of misconduct 2001-0070 12/15/00 05/23/01 N
Allegation report RIV-2000-A-0173 2001-0315 07/20/01 08/15/01 N
Allegation, RII-2000-A-0157, records by named individual, from 01/1993 re any related investigation 2001-0339 08/10/01 09/11/01 N
Allegation RIV-1999-A-0130, all documents 2001-0343 08/15/01 09/12/01 N
Allegation, RIV-94-A-0053, report & all assoc. docs 2001-0138 0212/01 03/27/01 N
Alligators and/or crocodiles, kept in cooling water used to cool nuclear pwr reactors 2001-0188 03/22/01 04/10/01 N
Appeal - FOIA/PA-2001-0122
OI report 1-1999-006 & associated documents
2001-009A 04/12/01 05/24/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0055 & -0056
Allegation file RIV-1998-A-0202
2001-004A 11/30/00 02/15/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0234
I.M.P.A.C. cardholder purchases, annual & quarterly reports 1999 to present
2001-013A 06/18/01 08/03/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0277
U.S. Robotech, Inc., OIG investigation records related to Contract RG4-97-246
2001-014A 06/22/01 07/19/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0061
Security clearance records
2001-006A 01/17/01 01/31/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0366
US District Court of Columbia Case 00-1610-HHK vs. Dept of health
2001-003A 11/24/00 01/10/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0151
Enforcement action EA-99-067, & Individual Action IA-99-021
2000-007A 04/27/00 02/05/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0252
Atlas Corp, 4/1/98 ltr to NRC re groundwater cleanup plan
2000-013A 08/14/00 11/15/00 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0351
Source Code, RADTRAD computer code version 3.02
2001-001A 10/19/00 01/16/01 Y
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0289
Self, search records related to earlier FOIA/PA requests
2000-014A 09/19/00 11/02/00 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0214
OI report 1-1999-006, Exhibits 14, 32, 33, 34, & 39
2001-010A 05/02/01 05/24/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0012
Named individual, all records 1/95 to 10/00
2001-007A 02/01/01 02/21/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0176
FOIA processing records related to identified FOIA cases
2001-015A 07/06/01 08/03/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0053
Civil case 00-369-HHK vs. U.S. General Accounting Office
2001-005A 01/17/01 04/30/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0162
USEC, OI reports & supporting documents related to allegations by named individuals & identified cases
2001-011A 05/03/01 06/28/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2000-0367
Diablo Canyon, notes provided by named individual re OI discrimination investigation
2001-002A 11/21/00 02/15/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0107
Employees working secretly for German Nazi secret service; investigation, removal & infiltration prevention
2001-008A 03/13/01 04/30/01 N
Appeal of FOIA/PA-1999-0283
Millstone plant, OI inquiry re named individual
2000-009A 06/19/00 02/13/01 Y
Appeal of FOIA/PA-2001-0251
Contract for medical services, fitness services at headquarters and remote sites
2001-016A 07/10/01 09/13/01 Y
Atlas Corp, 9/98 thru 9/99 all financial status records 1999-0377 09/28/99 11/16/00 Y
Atlas Corp, all financial records since 9/22/99 2000-0219 04/26/00 11/16/00 Y
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT, milltailings, license transferring license # SUA-917 to Moab Mill Reclamation Trust, and 12-1-99 court order confirming reorg of Atlas Corp 2000-0157 03/03/00 04/24/00 N
Atlas Corp, Moab, UT, all records related to site cleanup 2000-0257 05/26/00 11/16/00 Y
Atlas Mill Tailings, Moab, UT, all records re the "Trustee" (PricewaterhouseCoopers) & all reimbursement monies 2001-0229 04/17/01 06/04/01 Y
Atlas Minerals, Inc, Moab, UT, all corresp, investigations, reports, contracts, permits 2000-0359 09/15/00 10/05/00 N
Bausch & Lomb facility, St. Paul Blvd & Suntru St, Rochester, NY, various AEC licenses 2001-0126 01/30/01 04/10/01 Y
Bettis plant, Pittsburgh, PA, Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 9/57 PWR Hazards Summary Rpt., WAPD-SC-541 2001-0317 07/24/01 08/21/01 N
Blue Plains/WASA facility at 5000 Overlook Ave, SW, Washington, DC, documents related to handling of nuclear waste 2001-0212 04/02/01 06/20/01 Y
Braidwood plant, Braidwood, IL, re incident event #533140 related to release of oil 2001-0153 02/23/01 02/28/01 Y
Breitling U.S.A. Inc, Wilton, CT, lic. 06-23863-01 amend. 2, amend. 3 related records, & lic. 06-23863-02E amend. 1 related doc. 2001-0236 04/26/01 08/06/01 Y
Browns Ferry, late 1970 alleged incident re access by an individual to the facility 2001-0095 01/08/01 02/23/01 N
Brunswick plant, Carolina Pwr & Light, all investigation documents for 1998 2001-0142 02/16/01 03/21/01 N
Brunswick power plant, CP&L, OI rpt 2-1998-014 Exhibits 1, 14, 19, & 26 2001-0199 03/27/01 04/18/01 N
Budget, FY 2002 Information Technology (IT) Investment Portfolio (Exhibit 53), Capital Asset Plan & Justification (Exhibits 300A & B), and most recent long-range IT plan 2001-0223 04/12/01 05/02/01 Y
Byron plant, 01/01/97 thru 5/15/00, allegation review board minutes and OI investigation 2000-0243 05/15/00 01/31/01 Y
Callaway plant, 10/26/00 incident, all records 2001-0291 06/20/01 07/26/01 N
Chernobyl accident records 2001-0217 04/06/01 04/11/01 N
Cintichem Inc, 1553 Long Meadow Rd, Tuxedo, NY, license SNM-639, all records 2001-0152 02/22/01 04/16/01 Y
Civil case 00-369-HHK vs. US General Accounting Office 2001-0053 11/24/00 01/04/01 N
Clinton power plant, April &/or May 1995 allegations of wrongdoing 2001-0106 01/16/01 02/09/01 N
Clinton pwr plant, allegations & related records for the period 04/95 thru 06/95 2001-0150 02/21/01 03/07/01 N
Comprehensive Information Systems Support Consolidation Program (CISCO), original solicitation; all contracts, BPAs & task orders; all articles & budget information 2001-0316 07/23/01 08/21/01 N
Computer maintenance, contracts, purchase & orders with Compaq Corp &/or Digital Equip. Corp, 7/1/99 thru 9/1/00 2000-0352 09/11/00 10/19/00 Y
Conectiv Energy plants, work safety records during years of operation 2001-0119 01/23/01 02/01/01 N
Conflict of interest filings concerning travel for NRC employees 2001-0289 06/19/01 06/22/01 N
Consolidated Edison, 3/29/01 resp to NRC's 2/27/01 ltr re chilling effect & any statements taken by named Con-Edison investigator during investigation 2001-0219 04/09/01 04/26/01 N
Contract for medical services & fitness services at hdqtrs and remote sites 2001-0251 05/04/01 06/20/01 Y
Contract, NRC-10-99-151, Spotless Janitorial Services 2000-0339 08/29/00 11/08/00 N
Contract, NRC-26-00-307 awarded to Wang Gov. Services (now owned by Getronics) 2001-0250 05/04/01 07/03/01 Y
Contract, NRC-33-96-194, Sytel with all mods 2001-0027 10/23/00 02/14/01 Y
Contract, NRC-39-88-211, all docs provided on 2/13/01 to Janet Meiberger under subpeona 2001-0141 02/14/01 02/27/01 N
Contract, RG4-97-246, U.S. Robotech, Inc 2001-0207 03/29/01 04/03/01 N
Contract, Sytel Inc, NRC-33-96-194 & last 12 months of modifications 2001-0218 04/09/01 04/11/01 N
Contractor listing of companies doing business with NRC 2001-0067 12/07/00 12/22/00 Y
Contracts, pager & cell phone 2001-0308 07/11/01 09/07/01 Y
Contracts, Andersen Worldwide, & Société Coop., awarded in 1999 2001-0172 03/12/01 04/04/01 Y
Cooper power plant, significant operational event report 98-02 2001-0347 08/17/01 09/18/01 N
Cooper pwr plant, 9/16/94 enforcement conf transcript 2001-0068 12/12/00 01/04/01 N
Core design trends on ATWS Rule Basis, 6/12/87 Letter from A. Thadani to R. Newton 2001-0327 07/27/01 09/06/01 Y
Correspondence between NRC and Senator John Edwards, and/or his staff, since 01/1999 2001-0341 08/14/01 09/11/01 Y
Correspondence, 1/94 to present, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (CT) 2000-0326 08/22/00 11/20/00 Y
DC Cook, 5/31/74 "Staff Eval of Structural Tests of ... Ice Condenser System" as referenced in 10/25/74 Safety Eval Report 2001-0004 10/04/00 11/16/00 N
DC Cook, Amer. Elec. Pwr, OI report re reactor operator allegedly sleeping on duty 2001-0005 10/05/00 11/28/00 Y
DC Cook plant, Differing Professional Opinion (DPO) by Ross Landsman re Containment integrity 2001-0324 07/26/01 09/10/01 Y
DC Cook Unit 2, DPV referenced in 9/22/00 Weekly Info Report 2001-0003 10/03/00 11/20/00 Y
Delivery orders, Project Performance Corp, Vector Research Inc, & USinternetworking Inc 2001-0008 10/06/00 01/04/01 Y
Deposition of 10/14/99 & 2/99 transcript of conversation w/named individual 2000-0187 03/31/00 10/05/00 N
Dept of Veterans Affairs & Loma Linda Veterans Admin. Hospital corresp re the oversight & investigation of Radioimmunology Guided Surgery (RIGS) study 2000-0055 11/16/99 10/26/00 N
Diablo Canyon, notes provided by named individual re OI discrimination investigation 2000-0367 09/19/00 10/23/00 N
Diablo Canyon Units 1 & 2, Quarterly Progress Report on Status of Construction, all reports thru 12/31/74 2001-0273 06/01/01 06/15/01 Y
Document entitled "AEC Analysis of Appropriate Limits for Exemptions" cited in Federal Register on 6/6/61 2001-0334 08/06/01 09/10/01 N
Duke Cogema Stone & Webster, construction auth request re proposed Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility at DOE's Savannah River site 2001-0177 03/14/01 04/05/01 N
E-mail addresses for agency employees 2000-0313 08/09/00 02/01/01 N
Eastern Isotopes Inc, licenses & correspondence for either Ashburn, VA or Sterling, VA address 2001-0104 01/16/01 02/28/01 N
Eastman Kodak Hawkeye plant, St. Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY, various AEC licenses 2001-0127 01/30/01 04/13/01 Y
Employees under Series 1811, criminal investigator, questions re pay levels, part-time employment & maternity policy 2001-0124 01/29/01 01/30/01 N
Employees working secretly for German Nazi secret service; investigation, removal & infiltration prevention 2001-0107 01/17/01 02/27/01 N
Enforcement Action, EA-99-067, & Individual Action, IA-99-021, records before 7/3/00 that demonstrate pending prosecution being considered by DOJ 2000-0295 07/17/00 10/23/00 N
Engelhard Industries & its subsidiary, D.E. Makepeace, docs re nuclear materials under AEC 2001-0117 01/19/01 05/09/01 N
Equipment list, printers & copiers 2001-0075 12/18/00 02/01/01 Y
Export application no. XCOM1128 filed by DOE in 1998 re equipment for fuel fabrication & plutonium handling to Russia 2001-0196 03/26/01 04/10/01 N
Federal employees listing, employees in state of NC 2001-0096 01/08/01 01/09/01 N
Fermi power plant, reports of incidents related to residual heat removal system & 480 VAC Load Center 2001-0019 10/17/00 10/19/00 N
Fire protection, identified OI cases, '93-'97 1999-0076 12/22/98 01/19/01 Y
FOIA case log, 8/1/00 to present 2000-0375 09/29/00 10/13/00 N
FOIA/PA requests 01/97 to 01/00 2001-0065 12/05/00 12/14/00 N
FOIA/PA-2000-0357, copy of documents released under the FOIA 2001-0296 06/28/01 07/13/01 N
FOIA/PA-2001-0043, document released regarding production of source material 2001-0340 08/14/01 09/18/01 N
FOIA/PA-2001-0190, Spent fuel pool accident risk at decommissioning plants, draft report published 1st quarter year 2000 2001-0200 03/27/01 04/04/01 N
FOIA processing records re FOIA/PA-2000-014A; 2000-0366; 2001-003A; 2001-0053; 2001-005A; 2001-0107 & its appeal 2001-0176 03/13/01 06/14/01 N
Fraud hotlines, governing procedures & regulations re hotline management & caller identity protection, audits/evaluations, etc 2001-0140 02/14/01 04/02/01 N
Freedom of Information Act requests and acknowledgments filed by self 2001-0332 08/06/01 09/10/01 N
Frequent visitor badge program, participants list to include organization affiliation 2001-0044 11/09/00 01/04/00 N
Genealogy records on self, all records related to birth, birth name, parents, other related info 2001-0253 05/10/01 05/16/01 N
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, license SNM-245, all records 2001-0274 06/01/01 08/29/01 Y
Graftel Inc., investigation re quality control, sales, product testing & calibration, & employee training 2000-0358 09/15/00 10/06/00 N
Haddam Neck plant, CT Yankee, re alpha contamination soil sampling plans & results since 1998 2001-0134 02/07/01 04/18/01 Y
Hartley & Hartley Landfill, State of MI owned portion, corresp 1995 to present 2001-0164 03/06/01 05/15/01 Y
Health records on self 2001-0352 08/27/01 09/17/01 N
Heritage Minerals, Inc, Lakehurst, NJ, License no. SMB-1541, various inspec. rpts, novs, & corresp. 1989-1995 2001-0125 01/30/01 03/26/01 Y
High speed copier/duplicators, purchase &/or lease orders 2000-0349 09/07/00 11/14/00 Y
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), all related docs 2001-0118 01/24/01 02/22/01 N
High-level waste, consolidation of activities in Office of NMSS, 2/28/96 & 4/9/96 EDO memos 2001-0087 01/03/01 02/26/01 Y
Hope Creek & Salem power plants, safety issue ltrs dated 3/25/97 & 3/26/97 to H. Miller, Region I 2001-0062 12/05/00 01/17/01 N
IMPAC cardholder purchases, annual & quarterly reports 1999 to present 2001-0234 04/25/01 05/22/01 N
IMPAC listing 2001-0047 11/15/00 11/15/00 N
IMPAC listing with e-mail addresses 2001-0330 08/03/01 09/10/01 N
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI), license renewal, request for waiver of fee billing 2001-0288 06/19/01 07/26/01 Y
Indian Point 3, NY Power Authority Report regarding a fitness for duty issue in the 2000 time frame 2001-0258 05/11/01 08/08/01 N
Indian Point Unit 2, Assessment Panel for the year 1998 2001-0057 11/29/00 01/12/01 Y
Individual, allegation file RIV-1998-A-0202, Dept. of Veterans Affairs & Loma Linda Veterans Admin. Hospital 2000-0056 11/16/99 10/26/00 N
Individual, individual response to IA 99-021 2001-0092 12/27/00 01/05/01 N
Industrial Dynamics Co, Ltd, 1976-1977 radiation compliance inspection audits & compliance statements 2000-0271 06/23/00 11/09/00 N
Information about NRC, general 2001-0371 09/20/01 09/20/01 N
Information technology contact listing, OCIO 2001-0108 01/16/01 01/18/01 N
Inspection reports, 1999, specific report nos. for specific sites 2001-0069 12/14/00 01/17/01 Y
Inspection reports, various power plants, 1999 and 2000 2001-0158 03/01/01 04/12/01 Y
Intern listing, 1995 to present, recommended by Rep. Gary Condit 2001-0320 07/24/01 08/24/01 N
Investigative Procedures Manual, OI 2001-0074 12/18/00 01/04/01 N
Isomedix Operations, Inc., inspection rpts for Whippany, NJ & Vega Alta, PR locations 2001-0155 02/23/01 04/13/01 Y
Laguna Verde power plant near Veracruz, Mexico, all records 2001-0221 04/11/01 09/10/01 Y
Lambda Research Inc, Cincinnati, OH, 1/1/98 to present 2001-0058 11/29/00 02/28/01 N
LaSalle plant, inspection rpt nos. 1999-19 & 1999-21 2001-0025 10/23/00 10/30/00 Y
License application, certification, or permit for reactor construction made by Dauvergne Brothers Industries (DBI) et al. 2001-0201 03/27/01 05/10/01 Y
License applications since 6/1/98 for new laundry facilities, & all corresp with Eastern Technologies Inc. 2001-0094 01/05/01 01/17/01 N
Licensee list for production of source material and/or mill tailings possession issued by AEC & NRC 2001-0043 11/09/00 02/07/01 N
Mailing list for Agreement State contacts & State Liaison officers 2001-0278 06/05/01 06/06/01 N
Mailing list, NRC publications 2001-0151 02/22/01 03/13/01 Y
Mailing list since 3/13/01, NRC publications 2001-0350 08/22/01 09/14/01 N
Maine Yankee, re "thermal" review, schedules & resulting RAI questions 2000-0312 08/08/00 12/06/00 Y
Mallinckdrodt, Harrisburg, PA, 8/30/00 Region 1 meeting minutes & relevant documents 2000-0365 09/19/00 10/26/00 N
Mallinckrodt Inc facility, Maryland Heights, MO, inspection report/records re alleged over-exposure on or about 4/13/00 2001-0139 02/13/01 04/26/01 N
Manhattan Project, FBI investigation re 03/1944 article published in Astounding Science Fiction publication 2001-0093 01/04/01 01/08/01 N
Manhattan Project, WWII development of nuclear weapons 2001-0016 10/17/00 10/19/00 N
Medical misadministrations, Northern Westchester Hospital Ctr, Mount Kisco, NY in 1987, & any occurring in Puerto Rico under license nos. 52-25114-01 & 52-16660-03 2001-0312 07/12/01 07/30/01 N
Medina Air Base, aka Medina Base Facility, Hondo, TX, rpt of AEC Area Manager re a 11/13/63 incident at the site 2001-0225 04/16/01 04/26/01 N
Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), all agency MOUs & memorializing documents, & related agency MOU procedural documents 2001-0284 06/14/01 09/10/01 Y
Millstone, Daily Events Report #37596, all related records 2001-0073 12/18/00 02/14/01 N
Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel & plutonium disposition in U.S. & Russia 2001-0242 04/27/01 05/22/01 N
Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, Environmental Review, submitted by Duke Cogema Stone & Webster on 12/19/00 2001-0098 01/09/01 01/11/01 N
Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, records re a May 22-23, 2001 meeting & site tour 2001-0294 06/26/01 08/08/01 N
Mixed-Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility, all documents between 01/1999 & 3/8/2001 2001-0168 03/08/01 04/17/01 N
MLTS, active licensees 2001-0269 05/23/01 06/06/01 N
MLTS, active licensees for medical, industrial & academic licensees 2001-0298 06/26/01 07/05/01 N
MLTS database 2001-0018 10/17/00 11/08/00 N
MLTS database 2001-0116 01/19/01 02/01/01 N
MLTS database 2001-0156 02/28/01 03/15/01 N
MLTS database 2001-0252 05/04/01 05/31/01 N
MLTS database, active licensees 2001-0038 11/01/00 11/15/00 N
MLTS database, active licensees 2001-0048 11/15/00 12/13/00 N
MLTS database, active & inactive licensees 2001-0241 04/27/01 05/10/01 N
MLTS database & agreement states licensee listings 2001-0148 02/21/01 04/11/01 N
MLTS database, nuclear medicine operations for the states of NJ, PA, DE, & VA 2001-0114 01/19/01 02/01/01 N
MLTS database, State of WI 2001-0031 10/27/00 11/13/00 N
MLTS database, State of CT 2001-0035 10/31/00 01/19/01 N
MLTS, license holders, Parts 30, 40, 70, & 72 2001-0321 07/24/01 09/07/01 N
MLTS, licensees for medical sites under identified program codes 2001-0325 07/26/01 09/07/01 N
MLTS, licensees listing for State of CA 2001-0286 06/14/01 06/19/01 N
MLTS, Materials Licensing Tracking System database, active & retired licensees 2001-0262 05/16/01 05/31/01 N
MOU between NRC & EPA, ltrs. from NRC to House Sub on Veteran Affairs, HUD, & Independent Agencies re decommissioning 2001-0171 03/12/01 04/02/01 Y
Named individual, "Employees Notice of Traumatic Injury & Claim for Continuance of Pay/Compensation," form CA1 for 9/2/98 & 9/21/00 incidents 2001-0066 12/07/00 01/12/01 N
Named individual, all docs 1901 thru 1971 2001-0007 10/06/00 10/13/00 N
Named individual, desk audit 2001-0045 11/13/00 11/21/00 N
Named individual, records on self & other individuals 2001-0186 03/16/01 03/26/01 N
Named individual, RI-2000-A-0015 2001-0042 11/06/00 12/01/00 N
Named individual, Sandia National Lab, 1999 concerns 2001-0028 10/24/00 02/12/01 N
Named Individual, 1-1-95 thru 10-13-00, all records in possession of NRC 2001-0012 10/13/00 09/19/01 Y
Named individuals, 1947 US Army Air Force Bomb Commanders School records 2001-0046 11/13/00 11/13/00 N
Named individuals, all records 2001-0076 12/19/00 12/21/00 N
Named individuals, OI case 4-1998-025, depositions & letter re incidents of investigation 2000-0376 09/29/00 10/23/00 N
Named individuals, OI rpts 1-1998-029 & 1-1999-027 2000-0373 09/25/00 02/14/01 N
National Semiconductor Corp, possession, processing, or manufacturing of wafers/silicon chips/silicon disks 2001-0113 01/17/01 02/12/01 N
National Semiconductor Corp, license nos. 18-13541-02 & -03, all public documents list 2001-0145 02/20/01 02/27/01 N
NRC contracting officers listing 2001-0167 03/07/01 03/15/01 Y
NRC Equipment Co, Newton, MA, & National Research Corp, Cambridge, MA, involvement in US nuclear weapons programs, 1940-1950 2001-0109 01/16/01 04/17/01 Y
NRC legislative accomplishment reports, annual rpts for past 10 years & quarterly rpts for past 2 years (1999-2000) 2001-0178 03/14/01 05/01/01 Y
NRC Monthly Parking Permit holders listing 2001-0090 01/04/01 02/01/01 N
NRC organizational information & telephone directory 2001-0163 03/05/01 03/15/01 N
NRC, organizational structure & processes 2001-0064 12/05/00 04/11/01 N
NRC Region IV Examiner's Office "Desk Guide" re preparation of operator license examinations 2001-0014 10/13/00 10/23/00 Y
NRC Region IV Licensed Operator Exam Good Practice 2001-0015 10/17/00 10/23/00 Y
NRC's Systems of Records, records related to named individual within identified systems of records 2001-0213 03/21/01 04/10/01 N
Nuclear Development Corp. of America, all records 1955 thru 1963 2001-0039 11/02/00 04/18/01 Y
Nuclear Energy Institute, nonpublic corresp between 11/1/99 & 6/22/00, & all corresp 6/23/00 to 8/29/00 2000-0337 08/29/00 11/14/00 Y
Nuclear Materials Events Database, all data 2001-0261 05/16/01 06/20/01 N
Nuclear Metals (Starmet), 2229 Main St, Concord, MA 01742, all records 2001-0206 03/29/01 04/10/01 Y
Nuclear Metals Inc/Starmet Corp., at 2229 Main St, Concord, MA, all non-public docs, 1958 thru 1966 2001-0137 02/09/01 02/21/01 N
Nuclear non-proliferation treaty & treaty signers 2001-0085 01/02/01 01/12/01 N
Nuclear safety violation complaints at Commonwealth Edison facilities 2001-0318 07/24/01 08/23/01 N
Nuclear tests conducted in the state of NV, 1965-1975 2001-0216 04/06/01 04/11/01 N
NUREG/BRs, four identified publications 2001-0021 10/19/00 10/25/00 N
NUREG/CR-6365, re steam generator tube failures 2001-0072 12/18/00 02/07/01 N
NUREG-0981/FEMA-51 re operational response procedures, & NUREG-0230, "NRC Response Coordination Manual" 2001-0037 11/01/00 11/02/00 N
NUREGs, "Assessment of Environmental Qualification Practices & ... LOCA Test Results" & "The U.S. NRC & How It Works" 2000-0370 09/20/00 10/19/00 N
OGC Legal Brief Index listing 2001-0103 01/12/01 01/23/01 N
OI & OIG investigative records, 11/90 to present on self 2001-0034 10/30/00 11/16/00 N
OI FY 2000 Annual Report, breakdown of discrimination allegation numbers for the state of New York by power plant 2001-0255 05/10/01 05/31/01 N
OI investigation 1-2000-008 2001-0099 01/09/01 02/12/01 N
OI investigation report 4-1999-069, all related records, files, correspondence, & reports 2001-0263 05/17/01 06/20/01 N
OI report 1-1998-022 2001-0135 02/07/01 03/21/01 N
OI report 1-1999-006 & associated docs 2001-0122 01/26/01 03/21/01 N
OI report 1-1999-006, Exhibits # 14, 32, 33, 34, & 39 2001-0214 04/05/01 04/19/01 N
OI report 2-1998-014 2001-0245 05/01/01 05/10/01 Y
OI report 2-2000-027 2001-0233 04/24/01 05/10/01 N
OI report 2-98-023 & supplement 2001-0050 11/17/00 06/11/01 N
OI report 3-1997-043S & supporting documentation 2000-0357 09/15/00 02/16/01 N
OI report 3-2000-008 & allegation RIII-00-A-0024, reports & supporting documents 2001-0161 03/05/01 05/22/01 N
OI report 3-2000-008 & related documents 2001-0146 02/20/01 06/14/01 N
OI report 3-2000-009 & related documents 2001-0147 02/20/01 07/19/01 N
OI report 4-1998-048 2001-0342 08/14/01 09/18/01 N
OI report 4-2000-029 exhibits 2001-0224 04/13/01 04/26/01 N
OI report 4-2000-029 2001-0174 03/13/01 04/06/01 Y
OI report 4-2000-029 2001-0187 03/21/01 04/10/01 Y
OI report 4-2000-029 & exhibits 2001-0232 04/23/01 07/19/01 N
OI report 4-2000-029 2001-0265 05/22/01 06/03/01 Y
OI report 4-2000-031A 2001-0054 11/24/00 02/22/01 N
OI reports, 2-98-023 & 2-98-023S 2001-0006 10/06/00 10/20/00 N
OI reports, 4-1998-036 & 4-1999-033 2000-0088 01/03/00 11/08/00 Y
OIG 03/2001 investigation related to named individual 2001-0313 07/16/01 08/22/01 N
OIG investigation on self 2000-0318 08/14/00 10/11/00 N
OIG investigations 11/90 thru 12/99 on self 2001-0017 10/17/00 10/24/00 N
OIG records related to 1/12/01 letter requesting an OIG investigation 2001-0306 07/06/01 08/06/01 N
OIG report & supporting documents on NRC's handling of a Diablo Canyon issue 2001-0287 06/15/01 06/22/01 N
OIG report file related to allegation of wrongdoing by named individual 2001-0304 07/02/01 08/03/01 N
OIG report file related to allegation of wrongdoing by named individual 2001-0180 03/15/01 04/02/01 N
OIG transcript of July 16, 1998, by named individual 2001-0270 05/24/01 06/20/01 N
OIP Weekly FSU Status Meeting summaries before 9/7/00 & after 11/30/00 2001-0243 05/01/01 06/14/01 Y
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, KY, questions re changes in security workforce coverage 2001-0123 01/29/01 01/30/01 N
Peach Bottom plant, various information related to license expiration date, fines, problems, & financial information 2001-0329 07/30/01 08/03/01 N
Perry Nuclear Pwr Plant, First Energy, Lic NPF-58, 1/15/98 supplemental reply to NOV - EA 96-253, identified reference docs 2000-0305 07/31/00 10/10/00 Y
Perry plant, Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co, hour-by-hour wind speed & direction data for 1998, 1999, & 2000 2001-0319 07/24/01 08/22/01 Y
Perry plant, inspection rpt no. 1999-14 & 1999-15 2001-0026 10/23/00 11/06/00 Y
Perry plant, records re whistleblowers at Perry 2001-0220 04/09/01 06/28/01 Y
Personnel manual, handbooks, & directives, updates since 8/23/1999 2001-0194 03/22/01 03/26/01 N
Point Beach plant, Wisconsin Elec. Pwr. Co., EG&G of Idaho Technical Evaluation Rpt. EGG-NTA-7391, re GL 83-28, Item 2.2, Part 1 2001-0170 03/12/01 03/26/01 Y
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, NRC ltr dated 11/17/00 2001-0100 01/09/01 03/07/01 N
Position descriptions, Radiation Safety Officer & Safety Technician, including list of Knowledge, Skills & Abilities 2001-0120 01/23/01 02/01/01 N
Power plant employee listing for 1958 to 1975, plant located near Hallam, NE 2001-0121 01/24/01 01/30/01 N
Project on "Case Closed" & "The Truth" 2001-0009 10/06/00 10/13/00 N
Proposed 40 CFR, Part 197, "Domestic Licensing of Source Material," all corresp/records received or generated since 1/20/01 2001-0204 03/29/01 06/05/01 N
Quad Cities plant, May 2000 Operational Safeguards Readiness Eval (OSRE) violation inquiry 2001-0226 04/16/01 09/21/01 Y
R.M. Wester & Associates, Inc., 215 Indacom Dr, St. Peters, MO 63376, all records since 1997 2001-0279 06/07/01 06/28/01 Y
Radioactive waste site listing, U.S. & worldwide 2001-0222 04/12/01 04/18/01 N
Radioactively contaminated materials, types of contaminated materials & quantities released, reused, or recycled 2001-0169 03/08/01 06/12/01 N
Radionuclide cesium, amount avail for release in case of accident during dry storage or pool storage, or transportation, 02/2000 2001-0111 01/17/01 01/24/01 N
Rancho Seco, OI case file no. 4-1999-011 2000-0194 04/05/00 01/31/01 Y
Rancho Seco power plant, allegation records re safety concerns, misconduct, & discrimination made by named individual 2001-0353 08/27/01 09/27/01 N
Reactor containment leakage testing & surveillance requirements, dtd 12/15/66 revised draft 2001-0040 11/03/00 11/13/00 Y
Reactor facilities; environmental, safety & health contacts 2001-0083 01/02/01 01/19/01 Y
Reactors, accounting of inspection efforts for 1998, 1999, & 2000 2001-0086 01/03/01 02/14/01 Y
Referral by FBI, security clearance 2001-0061 12/05/00 01/30/01 N
Referral from DOE of 1 record related to Blockson/Olin Chemical in Joliet, IL 2001-0264 05/18/01 05/24/01 N
Referral from DOE, 1 record re Olin Corp. in Joliet, IL 2001-0157 02/28/01 03/15/01 Y
REIRS database 2001-0231 04/20/01 06/05/01 N
Reports of loss, spillage, or presence of radioactive material in 1953 & reports of uranium deposits in the vicinity of Hillburn, NY 2001-0338 08/10/01 09/12/01 N
Research Information Letter #4 (RIL-0004) re validation of severe accident codes 2001-0033 10/30/00 11/02/00 N
Revere (aka Echo) in PA 2000-0286 07/06/00 12/12/00 N
Robert L. Thompson Hospital at Carswell Air Force Base, by-product materials license #42-23539-01AF under permit #42-30128-1AFP 2001-0281 06/13/01 07/10/01 N
Robert L. Thompson Hospital at Carswell Air Force Base, physicist report contained in the byproduct material license application #42-23539-01AF 2001-0283 06/14/01 07/26/01 N
Robert L. Thompson Hospital, Ft. Worth, TX, license #42-23539-01AF, Air Force permit #42-30128-1AFP, re nuclear medicine dept. 2001-0166 03/06/01 03/22/01 Y
Rollout Task Assignments Survey Visits for identified power plants 2001-0056 11/29/00 12/06/00 N
Russian Federal Nuclear & Radiation Safety Authority visit to NRC in 12/00, review of NRC safety program assistance to GAN 2001-0244 05/01/01 06/14/01 Y
Safety Evaluation of GE Topical Report DEDC-31858P, Rev. 2, 9/93 2001-0097 01/08/01 03/02/01 Y
San Onofre (SONGS) plant, report OI-4-2000-054 2001-0295 06/26/01 07/19/01 N
San Onofre (SONGS), 6/1/01 incident involving the dropping of a crane being moved by a gantry 2001-0300 06/29/01 08/28/01 N
San Onofre, OI report 4-2000-035 2001-0131 02/06/01 03/27/01 N
San Onofre, OI report 4-1999-037 2000-0301 07/27/00 10/31/00 Y
San Onofre, OI report 4-2000-054 2001-0337 08/08/01 09/10/01 Y
San Onofre plant, decommissioning & dry cask storage, supporting/opposing documents re NRC position stated in 10/02/00 ltr to G.R. Mills 2001-0022 10/19/00 12/22/00 Y
San Onofre plant, OI rpt 4-2000-035 & related documents 2001-0143 02/20/01 04/05/01 Y
San Onofre power plant, steam generators & eddy current testing, NRC position statement docs re response to NRR-2000-A-0043 2001-0055 11/27/00 01/19/01 N
Savannah River plant, access to records of 1950s employees 2001-0372 09/19/01 09/21/01 N
Seabrook power plant, records re their selection of MAXIMO Software Solution 2001-0311 07/11/01 08/15/01 Y
Security clearance on self 2001-0302 06/27/01 08/03/01 N
Security clearance verification for named individual 2001-0301 06/29/01 07/19/01 N
Security file on self 2001-0208 03/29/01 05/10/01 N
SECY Papers re potassium iodide, SECY-00-0037 & SECY-00-0040 2001-0032 10/30/00 01/19/01 N
Self, all records 2001-0063 12/05/00 12/21/00 N
Self, all records, 1/96 to present in possession of OE, OI, OIG, SECY, R-III 2000-0296 07/17/00 10/27/00 N
Self, all records in United States & Hong Kong, China, & Russia 2001-0052 11/20/00 02/07/01 N
Self, radiation exposure records 2000-0324 08/21/00 10/04/00 N
Self, security clearance & employment history 2001-0082 01/02/01 02/12/01 N
Self, security clearance file 2001-0036 10/31/00 11/14/00 N
Self, various privacy systems of records 2001-0084 01/02/01 03/02/01 N
Self, work performance & conduct, 7/99 thru 11/00 2001-0059 11/30/00 01/12/01 N
Shearon Harris plant, inspection rpt 50/400/00-03 dated 10/30/00 2001-0080 12/27/00 01/04/01 N
Shearon Harris plant, all corresp. re health & safety concerns, 1995 to present 2001-0130 02/06/01 05/03/01 Y
Shearon Harris plant, CP&L, spent fuel pool, event rpt #37036, Holtec Int'l 2000-0369 09/20/00 11/06/00 Y
Shearon Harris plant, CP&L, spent fuel pool, event rpt #37036, Holtec Int'l 2001-0189 03/21/01 06/15/01 Y
Shpack Landfill Superfund & FUSRAP site in Norton & Attleboro, MA, all docs since 4/91 2001-0165 03/06/01 04/20/01 Y
Site assessment, 1 General St, Akron, OH (General Tire Inc) 2001-0011 10/10/00 12/13/00 Y
Site assessment, 120 Stedman St, Lowell, MA 01851 (Pallis Corp/aka DS Graphics) 2001-0013 10/13/00 11/09/00 N
Site assessment, 170 South Main St, Freetown, MA 2001-0349 08/21/01 09/20/01 N
Site assessment, 1800 Tribute Rd, Sacramento, CA 95815 2000-0322 08/21/00 10/19/00 Y
Site assessment, 19 Old Mamaroneck Rd, White Plains, NY 10605 2001-0237 04/26/01 05/03/01 N
Site assessment, 21 Marcus St, SW, Grand Rapids (Cutlerville), MI (Hooper/Sheeran, Inc) 2001-0030 10/27/00 10/31/00 N
Site assessment, 400 & 410 S Wash. St, Kokomo, IN 46901, for identified site ownership entities 2000-0253 05/23/00 10/03/00 Y
Site assessment, 400 East Sibley Blvd (referred to as 147th St) Harvey, IL 2001-0051 11/20/00 02/14/01 Y
Site assessment, 61-63 Delancey St., aka 105 Allen St., New York, NY 2001-0322 07/26/01 08/28/01 N
Site assessment, 720 South Front St, Elizabeth, Union County, NJ (Phelps Dodge) 2001-0010 10/10/00 11/21/00 N
Site assessment, 95 Beekman Ave, Sleepy Hollow, Westchester County, NY 2001-0282 06/13/01 06/26/01 N
Site assessment at 30 Technology Dr, Warren, NJ 07059 2001-0160 03/02/01 04/02/01 Y
Site assessment, Bert Ave/Howard Ave, Newburgh Heights, OH (McGean-Rohco Site, Chemtron Corp) 2001-0023 10/23/00 11/14/00 Y
Site assessment, Cross Westchester at 707 Westchester Ave, White Plains, Westchester County, NY 10601 2001-0175 03/14/01 04/02/01 N
Site assessment, Cross River at 890 Route 35, Lewisboro, Westchester County, NY 10518 2001-0173 03/13/01 04/04/01 N
Site assessment, East 4th St & Ave A, 150 East 2nd St aka 24 Ave A, New York, NY 10009 2001-0260 05/15/01 05/16/01 N
Site assessment, Frankford Arsenal, Bridge & Tacony Streets, Philadelphia, PA, 19137, Lic. # SUB-1339, Docket # 040-08702 2001-0089 01/03/01 01/08/01 N
Site assessment, Harahan Pump Canal Proj., Jefferson Parrish, LA 70123 2001-0049 11/16/00 12/07/00 Y
Site assessment, Inframetrics, Inc, 16 Esquire Rd, North Billerica, MA 01862 2001-0280 06/11/01 08/08/01 Y
Site assessment, Jessop Steel Co, 500 Green St and/or Weirich & Hayes Ave, Washington, PA 15301 2001-0060 12/04/00 02/14/01 Y
Site assessment, Menlo Park, CA, 4040 Campbell Ave & 4005 Bohannon Dr 2000-0361 09/18/00 11/28/00 Y
Site assessment, Mohansic/Taconic Corporate Park, 26-51 Strang Boulevard, Yorktown, Westchester County, NY 2001-0215 04/06/01 04/17/01 N
Site assessment, North Salem, 11-89 Delancy Rd, North Salem, NY 10560 2001-0276 06/04/01 06/14/01 N
Site assessment, NY-50th St. & 9th Ave, 712 9th Ave, New York, NY 2001-0183 03/15/01 04/04/01 N
Site assessment, NY-Broome & Broadway, 484-486 Broadway, New York, NY 2001-0184 03/15/01 04/05/01 N
Site assessment, NY-First Ave & 92nd St, 1756 First Ave, New York, NY 2001-0185 03/15/01 04/02/01 N
Site assessment, NY-Woodlawn, 4200 Herkimer Pl, Bronx, NY 10470 2001-0314 07/17/01 08/15/01 Y
Site assessment of 4 Pearl Court, Allendale, NJ, associated entities are Degussa Corp, PharmaGenics, Genzyme Molecular Oncology, Prostagen, & Molecular Staging Inc 2001-0159 03/01/01 03/21/01 N
Site assessment, Park Ave South & East 23rd St, 303 Park Ave South, New York, NY 2001-0228 04/17/01 04/26/01 N
Site assessment, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Rte 1, Plainsboro Township, NJ 08536 2001-0129 02/02/01 05/03/01 Y
Site assessment, Prometcor Inc (aka Ronson Metals Corp) 45 & 65 Manufacturer's Place, Newark, NJ 2001-0112 01/17/01 04/16/01 N
Site assessment, South Yonkers, 50 Saint Andrews Pl, Yonkers, Westchester County, NY, 10701 2001-0081 12/29/00 03/13/01 Y
Site assessment, Split Rock Mill, Jeffrey City, Freemont County, WY (Phelps Dodge Corp/Western Nuclear, Inc), 1957 to 1988 2000-0333 08/29/00 11/30/00 Y
Site assessment, St. Agnes Hospital, 305 North St, White Plains, NY 2001-0293 06/22/01 09/11/01 N
Site assessment, St. Charles & St. John the Baptist Parishes, LA, ZIP codes 70068 & 70084 2001-0247 05/01/01 05/10/01 N
Site assessment, Stew Leonard's, 1 Stew Leonard Dr, Yonkers Westchester County, NY 2001-0193 03/22/01 04/02/01 N
Site assessment, Superior Steel Castings, 309 Graham St, Benton Harbor, MI 49022 2001-0246 05/01/01 05/22/01 N
Solicitation #ASL-01-309, current contract info: bidders list, name of incumbent contractor, abstract of bids, & Sched. B line item pricing 2001-0290 06/19/01 07/03/01 N
Source code, RADTRAD computer code version 3.02 2000-0351 09/11/00 10/10/00 N
Southern California Edison, OI report 4-1999-037 dated 4/20/00 2000-0344 08/31/00 10/31/00 N
Spencer Chemical Co and/or Gulf Oil Co site, radiation exposure & site decontamination documents, late 1950s to present 2001-0268 05/23/01 09/13/01 Y
Spent fuel being transported thru Kent, OH 2001-0333 08/06/01 09/10/01 N
Spent fuel pool accident risk at decommissioning plants, draft report published 1st quarter year 2000 2000-0368 09/20/00 08/13/01 Y
Spent fuel pool accident risk at decommissioning plants, draft report published 1st quarter year 2000 2001-0190 03/21/01 06/19/01 Y
Spent fuel, risk assessment documents on security & safety of storage at offline nuclear power plants 2001-0102 01/11/01 05/15/01 Y
Spent fuel, staffs final report on spent fuel storage risks, sent to Commissioners 12/20/00 2001-0091 01/04/01 01/24/01 N
Split Rock Mill, Jeffrey City, WY, application & corresp re establishment of uranium recovery mill & Jeffrey City 2001-0179 03/14/01 04/04/01 N
Split Rock Mine, owned by Phelps Dodge Corp, all records for the period 1970-1976 2001-0205 03/29/01 04/05/01 N
Sterigenics International, inspection rpts for NJ locations (Salem, Rockaway, & Somerset) 2001-0154 02/23/01 04/13/01 Y
Syncor Int'l., radiopharmacy at 607 Cascade West Pkwy SE, Grand Rapids, MI, rpts re safety & environmental surveys 2001-0105 01/16/01 01/19/01 N
Task interface agreement (TIA) (96TIA008) Evaluation of Definition of Continuous Fire Watch 2001-0305 07/06/01 08/10/01 Y
Task Interface Agreement (TIA) 1999-021, re independence of auditors for emergency preparedness audits 2001-0029 10/26/00 01/05/01 Y
Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc., all licenses & related docs re sales agreement ORO-8009 between Doug King Assoc. & DOE 2001-0202 03/27/01 06/04/01 Y
TMI & Chernobyl, all records 2001-0088 01/03/01 01/17/01 N
TMI 1979 accident, Exelon Corp., Exelon Corp. application re Pebble Bed Modular Reactors 2001-0323 07/26/01 08/29/01 Y
TMI, evacuation of a prison in Lewisburg, PA, due to effects of radioactive fallout 1/31/91 2000-0374 09/26/00 10/10/00 N
TMI, re 1979 accident 2001-0197 03/26/01 03/26/01 N
Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby (Towers Perrin) all records connected in anyway to named individual 2001-0235 04/25/01 05/23/01 N
Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby (Towers Perrin) all records & all records on self 2001-0128 02/01/01 02/12/01 N
Transportation of nuclear materials, list of authorized transporters in U.S. 2000-0353 09/12/00 10/13/00 Y
Trip report, Russia 1/27/01-2/1/01, tech mtg re joint efforts in plutonium disposition, attended by Andrew Persinko, NMSS 2001-0240 04/27/01 05/22/01 Y
U.S. District Court of Columbia Case 00-1610-HHK vs. Dept of Health, 1999 to present 2000-0366 09/19/00 10/23/00 N
U.S. export policy or controls on sales of nuclear materials to India & Pakistan, 6/98 to present 2000-0268 06/16/00 10/23/00 Y
UCAR Carbon Co., Inc., formerly Union Carbide Corp., all records 1963-1974, including AEC Staff Paper 74/47 dtd 12/8/64 2001-0181 03/15/01 08/15/01 Y
UNC Naval Products, 71 Shelton Ave, New Haven, CT, site characterization & decommissioning plans 2001-0077 12/21/00 01/11/01 N
United States Enrichment Corp (USEC), OI reports & supporting documents re allegations by named individuals & case nos. 3-1999-012, 3-1999-033, & 3-1999-034 2001-0162 03/05/01 04/05/01 N
United States Enrichment Corp (USEC), transcript of 10/18/00 mtg in Region III 2001-0041 11/06/00 11/14/00 Y
United States Enrichment Corp (USEC), NRC evaluation of financial condition, to include SECY-00-0181 & IFC Consulting report 2001-0020 10/18/00 02/21/01 Y
Univ. of Iowa, incident rpt IA-98-02 referenced at Appendix E of the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program rpt. 2001-0198 03/27/01 04/05/01 Y
Univ. of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor corresp for 01/00 thru 04/01 2001-0248 05/02/01 09/19/01 Y
US Robotech Inc, contract NRC-31-97-246, modification #9 2001-0230 04/18/01 07/03/01 Y
US Robotech, Inc., OIG investigation records re Contract RG4-97-246 2001-0277 06/05/01 06/20/01 N
US Steel, Duquesne, PA facility, licenses re possession & use of nuclear materials, inspection reports & identified violations 2001-0078 12/22/00 04/04/01 Y
US Steel, Homestead, PA, & Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp/LTV Steel Corp, Aliquippa, PA, licenses re possession & use of nuclear materials 2001-0079 12/22/00 04/13/01 Y
Vacancy announcement 0028003, applications, crediting plans, scores & disability hiring plan 2001-0115 01/19/01 01/23/01 N
Vacancy announcement 0044016, all related documents including communications between selecting official & identified offices/persons 2001-0144 02/21/01 03/29/01 N
Vacancy announcement 0144006, Personnel Security Specialist (Intern) 2001-0285 06/14/01 07/26/01 N
Vacancy announcement 0147003, Management Asst, OCIO, rating criteria, candidates evaluation, & complete application for named individual 2001-0238 04/26/01 05/15/01 N
Vacancy announcement 0148010, application of selected candidate 2001-0275 06/04/01 06/28/01 N
Vacancy announcement no. 0050035, rating factor submittals of named individuals & notes taken during panel session 2001-0002 10/02/00 10/13/00 N
Vacancy announcement no. 0050035, Sr-Reactor Analyst, rating factor submittals of named individuals 2001-0001 10/02/00 10/13/00 N
Vacancy announcement R0028003, complete file & NRC's Disabled Hiring Plan re Exec Order 13163 2001-0132 02/06/01 03/26/01 N
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, OI rpt 1-1999-009 2001-0203 03/28/01 04/20/01 N
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, OI reports 1-1998-003 & 1-1999-009 2000-0247 05/18/00 01/29/01 Y
Violations by named institutions of higher education, 1/1/98 to present in handling of nuclear materials 2001-0271 05/25/01 06/06/01 N
Violations, list of civil & administrative monetary penalties assessed for CY 1999 2001-0101 01/10/01 01/19/01 N
Waterford plant, inspection rpt no. 1999-22 2001-0024 10/23/00 10/24/00 Y
Weapons missile defense program 2001-0136 02/08/01 02/09/01 N
Weekly Information Report, week ending 6/30/00 2001-0266 05/23/01 05/23/01 N
Western Nuclear Inc/aka Lost Creek Oil & Uranium, SUA-56 license, Jeffrey City, WY, application & corresp re establishment of site & Jeffrey city 2001-0227 04/16/01 05/10/01 Y
Westinghouse Electric Corp Test Reactor, Madison, PA, license & contract files 1958 thru 1985 2001-0149 02/21/01 03/26/01 N
Williams Power Corp., OI investigation report no. 3-2000-025 files 2001-0259 05/14/01 05/24/01 N
Yucca Flats, NV, any maps & unclassified information 2001-0071 12/15/00 02/01/01 N
Yucca Mountain, NV, high-level waste repository 2001-0328 07/27/01 08/28/01 Y
Zion power plant, Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), various chapters & tables as identified 2001-0362 09/10/01 09/14/01 Y
Zion station, Commonwealth Edison, records related to identified letters of 1998 & 1999 to NRC from members of the State of IL government 2001-0211 03/30/01 05/31/01 N
Zion station, Commonwealth Edison, allegation RIII-98-A-0136 related to safety concerns & any other records related to named individual 2001-0209 03/30/01 07/12/01 Y
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012