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Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? An Alaskan Conference on the ...

... Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? An Alaskan Conference on the Future Directions of Graph Theory (U) 61102F ... Title: Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Operational Art - Quo Vadis

... Accession Number : ADA395026. Title : Operational Art - Quo Vadis. Descriptive Note : Monograph rept. Corporate Author ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? An Alaskan Conference on the ...

... Title : Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? An Alaskan Conference on the Future Directions of Graph Theory. Descriptive Note : Final rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 90,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Moldova Quo Vadis: Neutrality and European Integration? ...

... Title : Moldova Quo Vadis: Neutrality and European Integration? ... could achieve EU membership while maintaining its neutral strategic status. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Quo vadis, remote sensing

The use of satellite remote sensing data for resource management is discussed. The evaluation of the

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


... the clade Aves is defined by such salient characters as feathers, avian hand with digits 2-3-4, and ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Moldova Quo Vadis: Neutrality and European Integration? ...

... powers. Hobbes, along with Machiavelli, provided the basics of classical realism. According to Hobbes, the international ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Castro's Cuba: Quo Vadis

... News media manipulation of the revolutionary mythology dates back to the famous Herbert Matthews reports from the Sierra Maestra in the 1950s ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Psychiatrische und psychotherapeutische Versorgung im

h�chstem Niveau #12;Strategische Vorbereitung der Klinik Status quo? Klinik f�r PSP (MHH) Vollstation�rPsychiatrische und psychotherapeutische Versorgung im Zeitalter der Pauschalen Quo vadis? Stefan II Zentrum f�r Aus- & Weiterbildung #12;Strategische Ausrichtung Quo vadis? ...

E-print Network

Quo vadis Astrovirology? � Seminars � NAI � NASA Astrobiology

The presence of vast numbers and astounding diversity of viruses in all known ... Moreover, the discovery of new giant viruses has blurred the accepted ...

NASA Website

Quo Vadis NATO? Collective Defense, Collective Security ...

... 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. ... After September 11, the emergence of global terrorism and the proliferation of ...

DTIC Science & Technology

QUO VADIS PAYLOAD SAFETY? - NASA Technical Reports Server

constraints may force a rethinking of basic fault tolerance requirements, just as the design of ..... laboratories, the US Destiny, the European Columbus, ...

NASA Website

Life v2.0 - Quo vadis Homo sapiens?

This editorial briefly discusses the implications of the recent report by Craig Venter et al. on re-creating Mycoplasma mycoides as a synthetic life form.

PubMed Central

Germania Quo Vadis?: Dynamics of Change in German ...

... Deutschland. Von Konrad Adenauer bis Gerhard Schroeder (Berlin: Ullstein Verlag, 2004, Second Edition), 66. 10 Thomas ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Quo Vadis, Graph Theory: An Alaskan Conference on the Future Directions of Graph Theory.

The conference Quo Vadis, Graph Theory was held on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus August 13-16, 1990. The conference had 77 participants. Forty three were American citizens. Four came from industry. Two from the US-government. One from the Offi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Regenerating cochlear hair cells: quo vadis stem cell

Many elderly people worldwide lose the neurosensory part of their ear and turn deaf. Cochlear implants to restore some hearing after neurosensory hearing loss are, at present, the only therapy for these people. In contrast to this therapy, replacement of hair cells via stem cell therapies holds the promise for a cure. We review here current insights into embryonic, adult, and ...

PubMed Central

Quo vadis, hair cell regeneration?

Hearing loss is a global health problem with profound socioeconomic impact. We contend that acquired hearing loss is mainly a modern disorder caused by man-made noise and modern drugs, among other causes. These factors, combined with increasing lifespan, have exposed a deficit in cochlear self-regeneration that was irrelevant for most of mammalian evolution. Nevertheless, the mammalian cochlea has ...

PubMed Central

Quo vadis universitas? Kritische Beitr�ge zur Idee und Zukunft der Universit�t

verdienen: ,, habe", erz�hlt Diogenes Laertius, ,,um den Beweis zu liefern, dass es gar kein Kunstst�ck

E-print Network

Quo Vadis: The Problem of Medically Underserved Areas.

The multiplicity of reports and the contradictory data contained therein are described in the first part of this report relating to health manpower planning, and more specifically, to maldistribution of health manpower, particularly of physicians. Some fa...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Moldova Quo Vadis: Neutrality and European Integration. Problems of Policy.

When the Republic of Moldova gained independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the new country adopted a position of neutrality in world politics. Since then, Moldova's leaders have become interested in joining the European Union (EU), but there is i...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Germania Quo Vadis: Dynamics of Change in German Security Policy.

This study analyzes the essence of FRG security and defense policy after reunification. The first section briefly explains the different theoretical approaches to cooperation of nation states. The second chapter describes German security policy during the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Epilepsy Research in the Netherlands, 1975-1985 - Quo Vadis,

Contents include: The kindling model of epilepsy of the hippocampus in the rat; Electrophysiological effects of convulsants in the hippocampus in vitro; Some biochemical aspects of research in epilepsy; Prediction of outcome of antieplieptic drug withdraw...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Castro's Cuba: Quo Vadis.

This paper serves multiple purposes, the most important of which is contributing to the depth of knowledge about Castro's Cuba and Cuba's Fidel in a time of transition. Evidence supporting the analysis and conclusions is derived from open sources. Interes...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Endothelial progenitor cells: quo vadis?

The term endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) was coined to refer to circulating cells that displayed the ability to display cell surface antigens similar to endothelial cells in vitro, to circulate and lodge in areas of ischemia or vascular injury, and to facilitate the repair of damaged blood vessels or augment development of new vessels as needed by a tissue. More than 10 years after the first ...


School Libraries in Sierra Leone's Educational System: Quo Vadis?

Examines the role of school libraries in Sierra Leone's (Africa) educational system and the problems affecting their development. Discusses the need for materials to support teaching activities; sociological factors; teachers' and students' information needs; current trends and changes; rural areas with no school libraries; and lack of standards, funding, and qualified staff. (Author/LRW)

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Quo vadis Face Recognition? Ralph Gross Jianbo Shi Jeff Cohn

for the camera. The AR database provides two scenarios: subjects wearing sun glasses and subjects wearing a scarf 3 publicly available databases that system- atically vary in multiple factors individually and in combination: CMU PIE, Cohn- Kanade, and AR databases. Our main findings are: 1) pose variations beyond ���

E-print Network

Quo Vadis astronomy (and physics!) education research?

In the preface of Feynman's Lectures on Physics, he confesses that ``I don't think I did very well by my students. When I look at the way the majority of students handled the problems on the examinations, I think the system is a failure.'' I was flabbergasted when I reread that admission recently, because I had felt the same pessimism about my introductory astronomy classes. I suspect that many ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quo Vadis Computational Physics?

In this Focus Session, and in the preceding DCOMP Invited Symposium, "Great Advances of Computational Physics: Past, Present and Future," we have heard about the vision for our field, reviewed (and previewed) cutting-edge numerical work, and considered where the resources might come to support our endeavors. In this talk I will summarize some of the common themes of this discussion, as well as ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


Advances in microbial source tracking (MST) have largely been driven by the need to comply with water quality standards based on traditional indicator bacteria. Recently, a number of PCR-based, culture- and library-independent methods have been gaining popularity among source tra...

EPA Science Inventory

Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer: Quo vadis?

The diagnosis of early gastric cancer (EGC) is of great interest because its endoscopic and surgical treatment presents the best chance for a cure. With technical development, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has been widely performed for the curative treatment of EGC in Korea. Multinational studies of ESD for EGC will be the next missions that overcome these limitations and global ...

PubMed Central

Emergent surgery for ruptured aortic arch aneurysm in an octogenarian patient: quo vadis?

Aortic arch aneurysms induce great morbidity and mortality especially when clinical signs of rupture are present. Surgical indications for repair in the high-risk octogenarian population are controversial. We present the case of an 87-year-old man with a ruptured aortic arch aneurysm with a good surgical outcome. We discuss the clinical impact of the surgical treatment in this group of patients. ...


DIMACS Technical Report 95�26 July 1995

coloring of graphs in surfaces. Journal of Graph Theory, 11:517--519, 1987. [3] C. Bernardi. On a theorem of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 23:247--250, 1977. [5] L. Cowen, R. Cowen, and D. Woodall. Defective colorings of (m; k)�colorings. In J. Gimbel, J. W. Kennedy, and L. V. Quintas, editors, Quo Vadis, Graph Theory

E-print Network

Beam-foil spectroscopy�Quo vadis?

Beam-foil spectroscopy after 45 years: what has been realized of the promises? What is the state of the art? What is the status of the field? What present atomic physics problems should the technique be applied to, where can it be done? Will it be done? Dedicated to the memory of Professor S Bashkin (20 June 1923-1 May 2007) and written in the honour of Professor L J Curtis (4 November 1935).

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

[Surgeon. Unde venis? Quo vadis?].

From the Old Age period until the middle of the 20th century, the surgeon was an artisan, whose medical activities were confined to the treatment of the external pathology. After World War II progress in knowledge and technology provided surgery with a scientific basis. The introduction of new anesthetic methods added to the explosion of surgical possibilities. The ancestral general surgeon gave ...


Quo Vadis, Japan. [Status of Japan's Nuclear Power Program

A pile of plutonium - 1.4 tonnes in all - was on board Japanese nuclear transport ship Akatsuki Maru when it left France on November 8, 1992 for Japan. Alongside it were Greenpeace's hostile and ever-vigilant boats and the great swells of public protest from around the world. Transports like this are likely to follow. But more to the tune of 30 to 40 tonnes of plutonium cargo is expected ...

Energy Citations Database

Proteomics and the dynamic plasma membrane: Quo Vadis?

Quo Vadis: where are you going? Advances in MS-based proteomics have enabled research to move from obtaining the basic protein inventory of cells and organelles to the ability of monitoring their dynamics, including changes in abundance, location and various PTMs. In this respect, the cellular plasma membrane is of particular interest, by not only serving ...


Proteomics and the dynamic plasma membrane: Quo Vadis?

Quo Vadis: Where are you going?Advances in MS-based proteomics have enabled research to move from obtaining the basic protein inventory of cells and organelles to the ability of monitoring their dynamics, including changes in abundance, location and various PTMs. In this respect, the cellular plasma membrane is of particular interest, by not only serving ...


Tsetse fly control and trypanosomiasis in Africa, quo vadis?

National and international efforts to eradicate tsetse fly-borne human and animal trypanosomiasis are critically evaluated, and possible reasons for their failure in many cases are discussed. Some formerly performed campaigns in specific areas with positive results cannot be taken as examples to solve the main problems. In future, a significant reduction of trypanosomiasis cases will be possible ...


Research on human cells reprogramming in Andalusia (Spain): Quo vadis Europe?

Andalusia has a special situation within Spain, among the group of countries that lead biomedical research on embryonic cell reprogramming at a global level, research which seems to have overcome the moral and ethical controversy surrounding other research techniques involving the creation-destruction of human embryos. Nevertheless, as there is no common European conception of human life, some ...


Quo vadis thermal spraying?

This paper is devoted to thermal spraying and presents the state of our current knowledge, as well as the following research or development needs: spraying heat sources, i.e., flame, high-velocity oxifuel flame (HVOF), detonation gun (D-Gun), and plasma torches; particle heat and momentum transfer (measurements and modeling), process on-line control, powder morphologies, and injection within the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Heart valve tissue engineering: quo vadis?

Surgical replacement of diseased heart valves by mechanical and tissue valve substitutes is now commonplace and generally enhances survival and quality of life. However, a fundamental problem inherent to the use of existing mechanical and biological prostheses in the pediatric population is their failure to grow, repair, and remodel. A tissue engineered heart valve could, in principle, accommodate ...


Grand unification: quo vadis domine

The present theoretical and experimental situation with grand unification is summarized. The issues of proton decay and the Weinberg angle are addressed, going through the predictions of both the standard SU(5) theory and its supersymmetric extension. The SO(10) theory, which provides a minimal one family model, is then studied. The gravitational characteristics of domain walls and strings are ...

DOE Information Bridge

[Quo vadis, hypophysis? Some news and prospects].

Knowledge of hypophysis could hardly stagnate in a context of general progress in medical science as such. New knowledge in physiology, pathology and treatment of hypophysis diseases is vast and only some of it could be included in the article. New regulators of hypophysial secretion have been discovered. Among them are hypothalamic chemokines and the KISS-1 gene product--kisspeptin. Impulses ...


[Quo vadis geropsychiatry? Perspectives for a new "state of the art"].

The number of older geropsychiatric patients is increasing dramatically. "The Big Three -- Dementia, Depression, Delusion" are challenging our care system. Today 80 % of those affected live at home, with 5-8 % receiving care in facilities. There is very little between. What is lacking: cross-facility co-ordination, co-operation, systems of reference with overall responsibility, ease of access, ...


[Angiogenesis research--quo vadis?].

The field of angiogenesis research has seen an explosion of knowledge within the last 10 years. More than 3500 angiogenesis-related papers are presently being published per year compared to the less than 200 annual papers published in the early 1990s. Paralleling the progress in the field of basic angiogenesis research, translational research has led to the identification of more than 100 ...


Tissue factor and cardiovascular disease: quo vadis?

The coagulation cascade represents a system of proteases responsible to maintain vascular integrity and to induce rapid clot formation after vessel injury. Tissue factor (TF), the key initiator of the coagulation cascade, binds to factor VIIa and thereby activates factor IX and factor X, resulting in thrombus formation. Different stimuli enhance TF gene expression in endothelial and vascular ...


Targeted therapeutics and nanodevices for vascular drug delivery: Quo vadis?

This issue of the journal is dedicated to targeted delivery of therapeutics in the vasculature, an approach that holds promise to optimize treatment of diverse pathological conditions ranging from ischemia and tumor growth to metabolic and genetic diseases. From the standpoint of drug delivery, circulation system represents the natural route to the targets, whereas its components (blood and ...


Quo vadis US oil policy

In the blink of an eye, the US has grown much more dependent on Middle East exporters of oil, specifically Arab countries. The authors graph shows that growth of imports from these countries is the principal change in 1985-1986 statistics (first half of each year). This fact alone seems to be driving much of the machinery of debate in official circles as to what to do to protect the US from being ...

Energy Citations Database

Matheronian geostatistics - quo vadis

Components of geostatistical estimation, developed as a method for ore deposit assessment, are discussed in detail. The assumption that spatial observations can be treated as a stochastic process is judged to be an inappropriate model for natural data. Problems of semivariogram formulation are reviewed, and this method is considered to be inadequate for estimating the function being sought. ...

Energy Citations Database

Laser Propulsion-Quo Vadis

First, an introductory overview of the different types of laser propulsion techniques will be given and illustrated by some historical examples. Second, laser devices available for basic experiments will be reviewed ranging from low power lasers sources to inertial confinement laser facilities. Subsequently, a status of work will show the impasse in which the laser propulsion community is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Laser Propulsion - Quo Vadis

First, an introductory overview of the different types of laser propulsion techniques will be given and illustrated by some historical examples. Second, laser devices available for basic experiments will be reviewed ranging from low power lasers sources to inertial confinement laser facilities. Subsequently, a status of work will show the impasse in which the laser propulsion community is ...

Energy Citations Database

Guidelines in dermatology--quo vadis?: Facts and controversies.

Since their introduction in 1980s, medical guidelines have become a milestone in the modern medical practice and science. Being a key feature of modern evidence-based medicine, guidelines offer the opportunity for unification and standardization of diagnostic procedures, their use guarantees the equal access of patients to medical service, and they represent a scaffold for inexperienced ...


Free radicals and antioxidants - quo vadis?

The field of free radicals and antioxidants, or 'redox biology', is fundamental to aerobic life. Aerobes constantly make reactive species, but modulate their actions by synthesizing antioxidants. This balance allows some reactive species to perform useful functions while minimizing oxidative damage. In general, dietary antioxidants are ineffective at modulating the 'redox balance' in humans. This ...


Astronomy Librarian - Quo Vadis?

"You don't look like a librarian" is a phrase we often hear in the astronomy department or observatory library. Astronomy librarians are a breed apart, and are taking on new and non-traditional roles as information technology evolves. This talk will explore the future of librarians and librarianship through the lens of some of the recent talks given at the sixth "Libraries and Information Services ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

[PSA--Quo vadis?].

Prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer in males. Because of the high cure rates, early detection of prostate cancer should identify organ-confined prostate cancers. An early detection examination should be performed annually starting at the age of 50 years and ending when life expectancy is less than 10 years. Digital rectal examination is supplemented by determination of prostate-specific ...


Topical dermatological drug delivery: quo vadis?

Skin disease (dermatological conditions') affects at least one-third of the US population and has been cited as one of the top 15 medical conditions for which prevalence and healthcare spending increased in the last decade. The outcome of topical dermatological drug treatment is significantly influenced by the choice of vehicle or delivery system. Advancements in the life sciences coupled with a ...


Street Children Quo Vadis? Summary and Resolutions of a Working Conference on the Management of Street Children in the South African Context (South Africa, November 1993).

The phenomenon of street children is a growing concern in South Africa. The Human Sciences Research Council and the South African Department of Health and Population Development organized a networking conference in November 1993 as a step toward developing, on a partnership basis, guidelines for policy and strategies in the best interests of street children. Experts on various aspects of the ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Quo vadis, personnel monitoring

With the increasing use of nuclear power and radiation sources, the selection of optimum systems for personnel monitoring is becoming a matter of worldwide concern. The present status of personnel dosimetry, sometimes characterized by unstable and inaccurate detectors and oversimplified interpretation of the results, leaves much to be desired. In particular, photographic film, although ...

Energy Citations Database

Quo vadis chimerism?

Although immunity in multicellular organisms is efficient in dealing with alien agents, it may fail for allogeneic chimerism. Natural chimerism is widely documented in nature, distributed in at least ten phyla of protists, invertebrates and plants, vertebrates and mammals, including humans; it is an important ecological/evolutionary tool manipulating metazoans' life history portraits. Instead of ...


Quo Vadis? The Capability Space and New Directions for the Philosophy of Educational Research

Amartya Sen's capability approach creates an evaluative space within which individual well-being is considered in ways that diverge from dominant utilitarian views. Instead of measuring well-being based on the accumulation of wealth and resources by individuals and nations, the capability approach focuses on the opportunities (capabilities) an individual has to choose and pursue a life they have ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

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Methodological quality in medical evidence, quo vadis?

Efforts in research quality have led to a diffusion of publication guidelines for high-quality reporting of medical evidence with the aim to instill transparency to its evaluation. The maturity of this process has led to a second stage in which a surplus of scales measuring methodological quality is in place. However, there is no clear consensus as to which of these guidelines should be ...

PubMed Central

Lipidology and lipidomics--quo vadis? A new era for the physical chemistry of lipids.

Our picture of lipid membranes has come a long way since Gorter and Grendel in 1925 formulated the lipid bilayer hypothesis. Most modern textbook models of membranes are based on the Singer-Nicolson model from 1972, although we have in recent years seen significant amendments to this model, not least fuelled by the finding of lipid membrane domains and the subsequent 'raft rush'. The science of ...


Evidence-based medical education -quo vadis?

The evidence base for most educational initiatives, at least until very recently, is largely composed of low-level evidence. Four major barriers underlie this historical observation, namely: (1) perceived ethical and acceptability problems arising from the unequal treatment of learners in experimental designs; (2) limited choice of outcome measures and validated instruments; (3) time and resource ...


European best practice quo vadis? From European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG) to European Renal Best Practice (ERBP).

Although medical guidelines generally are graded according to their evidence level, low evidence 'judgement' are generally perceived as much as absolute truth by the medical community as high evidence 'guidelines' are. Being aware of this bias, a workgroup appointed by the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA), the members of which are the authors ...


Editorial: Advances in emission tomography: Quo Vadis

The issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine contains three articles representing advances in emission tomography instrumentation. Common to all three designs is the goal of acquiring volumetric data with good sampling in three dimensions. There are two motivations leading to the volumetric data acquisition. First there is a physiologic and clinical need to take into account the complex nature of ...

Energy Citations Database

Beam-Foil Spectroscopy - Quo Vadis?

Beam-foil spectroscopy after 45 years: what has been realized of the promises, what is the state of the art, what is the status of the field, what present atomic physics problems should the technique be applied to, where can it be done? Will it be done? Beam-foil spectroscopy and its sibling techniques have been outstandingly productive tools of atomic physics, providing both important data and ...

DOE Information Bridge

Status Quo and Future Trends of Aberration Correction in Electron Microscopy

Aberration correted electron microscopy (ACEM) has improved resolution to sub-angstrom regime, which allows us to study materials with light elements, with dopants and defects, and with electronic, magnetic and optical functions. Developments of ACEMs and applications that undertaken in the world are briefly reviewed, being focused particularly on 50 pm resolution STEM and TEM ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Lancing: quo vadis?

Today, lancing fingertips or alternative sites for obtaining a blood sample for self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is a standard procedure for most patients with diabetes. The need for frequent lancing and associated discomfort and pain can be seen as a key hurdle for patients to comply with SMBG regimens. This article provides an overview of the status quo and future of ...


Teaching to Ethnicity, Gender, and Race: The Quest for Equality.

This book contains seven chapters, written by graduate students in teacher education, on educational strategies to promote multiculturalism and combat racial, ethnic, and gender bias in the classroom. Chapters are: (1) "Diversity and Multiculturalism: Quo Vadis? What Is Multiculturalism?" (Deborah Bradford Basey, Michelle Danner, Stacy Graham, Rebecca ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Revista de Documentacao de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada (DELTA): Novos Estudos em Gamatica Gerativa, 2001 (Journal of Documentary Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics [DELTA]: New Studies in Generative Grammar, 2001).

These two issues of volume 17, include the following articles: "The Competing Motivation Model in the Functional Domains of Negation" (M. Angelica Furtado da Cunha); "Discursive Resonance and Politeness in Reading and Writing Practices" (Silvana Serrani Infante); "The Acquisition of Relative Clauses in Brazilian Portuguese" (Maria Cecilia Perroni); "Has the Adverbial Entao Already Become ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Research in the Mont Terri Rock laboratory: Quo vadis?

During the past 10 years, the 12 Mont Terri partner organisations ANDRA, BGR, CRIEPI, ENRESA, FOWG (now SWISSTOPO), GRS, HSK, IRSN, JAEA, NAGRA, OBAYASHI and SCK-CEN have jointly carried out and financed a research programme in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. An important strategic question for the Mont Terri project is what type of new experiments should be carried out in the future. This ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quo vadis, FAS?

Erste Assistenzfunktionen entstanden bereits in der Fr�hzeit der Automobilentwicklung, doch in der aktuell zu beobachtenden H�ufung und Qualit�t sind sie eine noch junge Erscheinung. Systeme, die heute �blicherweise mit dem Begriff Fahrerassistenzsysteme in Verbindung gebracht werden, gibt es seit etwa 20 Jahren, und neue Innovationen kommen in immer k�rzeren Abst�nden auf den Markt. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quo vadis nateglinide? Ten-year perspective.

Introduction: It has been hypothesized that reducing postprandial glucose spikes would result both in improved overall glycemic control and long-term (especially cardiovascular) outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. Nateglinide, a short-acting insulin secretagogue of the meglitinide class of antidiabetic agents, has been marketed for the past decade specifically to address the diminished ...


Quo vadis elasticity imaging?

In the past decade, an important field that has emerged as complementary to ultrasonic imaging is that of elasticity imaging. The term encompasses a variety of techniques that can depict a mechanical response or property of tissues. In ultrasound, its premise is built on two important facts: (a) that significant differences between mechanical properties of several tissue components exist and (b) ...


Quarantine Plasma: Quo vadis?

Upon the introduction of mandatory nucleic acid amplification technology (NAT) testing in Germany for HCV, quarantining of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) was reduced in 2002 from 6 to 4 months. In 2004 HIV-1 NAT and in 2005 anti-HBc testing were introduced to further reduce the residual transmission risks for transfusion relevant viruses. After testing more than 40 million donations by HCV NAT it ...


Philippine population policy: quo vadis?

In the Philippines, debate engendered in 1994 by the introduction of a antiabortifacient bill written in such broad language that it would outlaw most contraceptives recalls earlier debates on population policy and shows that not much has changed on the surface: the US is still providing funds, the Catholic Church is still opposing program advocates, and the population is still growing. The ...


Medical journals of Nigeria, quo vadis?

The Nigerian health sector is beset with an underdeveloped Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme, a scarcity of reading materials and the lack of a reading culture. Recent issues of available journals were obtained and read to identify data such as: the ownership and base, presence of mission statement, print quality, administrative and editorial matters, abstract format, CME value of ...


Maintaining Faculty Excellence. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 79.

Offering new perspectives on community college faculty recruitment and training, and on the renewal of current faculty, this journal issue contains articles on preservice training, faculty development, and teacher improvement. The following 10 chapters are included: (1) "Quo Vadis: Staffing the People's College 2000," by Michael H. Parsons, which discusses ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Fortbildung im BID-Bereich der Offentlichen Verwaltung (Inservice Training for the Librarianship/Information/Documentation Field of Public Administration).

The first portion of this report describes a study of the relationship between inservice training requirements and training programs currently offered in the field of librarianship, information, and documentation in the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. Data on inservice needs were mainly gathered from a study on training requirements in the information sector; and information on the ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

DIFFUSIVE-Magnetoresistance(DMR) Proton(PMR)/Hydrogen-ion WATER: PRE-"Fert"/"Grunberg" GMR[and CMR]: Quo-Vadis "Honesty"???: PLAGIARISM!!!

Proton/Hydrogen-ion Diffusive-Magnetoresistance(DMR) of Siegel[APS March-Mtgs.(70s)] based upon Siegel[Int'l. Conf. Mag.-Alloys and Oxides("ICMAO"), The Technion(77); J. Mag. Mag. Mtls. 7, 312(78)] FIRST experimental-discovery of GMR and FIRST theoretical prediction of CMR[ibid. 7, 338 (78)], facilitates NEW water production in global-warming exacerbated dry arid/semi-arid regions: Only HYDROGEN ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Congenital scoliosis � Quo vadis?

Congenital spinal vertebral anomalies can present as scoliosis or kyphosis or both. The worldwide prevalence of the vertebral anomalies is 0.5-1 per 1000 live births. Vertebral anomalies can range from hemi vertebrae (HV) which may be single or multiple, vertebral bar with or without HV, block vertebrae, wedge shaped or butterfly vertebrae. Seventy per cent of congenital vertebral anomalies result ...

PubMed Central

Mammalian artificial chromosomes and clinical applications for genetic modification of stem cells: an overview.

Modifying multipotent, self-renewing human stem cells with mammalian artificial chromosomes (MACs), present a promising clinical strategy for numerous diseases, especially ex vivo cell therapies that can benefit from constitutive or overexpression of therapeutic gene(s). MACs are nonintegrating, autonomously replicating, with the capacity to carry large cDNA or genomic ...


The status quo of administrative information disclosure and the study on administrative information disclosure system

The status quo of administrative information disclosure and the study on administrative information disclosure system

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Puerto Rico: Statehood, Independence of Status Quo.

... Accession Number : AD0766120. Title : Puerto Rico: Statehood, Independence of Status Quo. Descriptive Note : Monograph,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Maintaining the Violent Status Quo: The Political Economy of ...

... Title : Maintaining the Violent Status Quo: The Political Economy of the Colombian Insurgency. Descriptive Note : Master's thesis. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Crisis Deterrence in the Taiwan Strait

... While the parties involved could be willing to live with the status quo, the domestic political transformation of Taiwan has called the status quo into ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Crisis Deterrence in the Taiwan Strait

... While the parties involved would be willing to live with the status quo, the domestic political transformation of Taiwan has called the status quo into ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Changing the Status Quo: The Canadian Forces Would be ...

... Title : Changing the Status Quo: The Canadian Forces Would be Better Postured to Meet the Current and Future Strategic Requirements by ...

DTIC Science & Technology


... Accession Number : AD0612942. Title : COMPUTER STATUS QUO. Descriptive Note : Professional paper,. Corporate Author ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Chapter #9: Valuation of Environmental Benefits Contents: General Overview

) do the project. Suppose that the outcome under no action is certain and equal to "Status Quo Benefit Under the Project: 1/2 Status Quo Benefit + $6M. 1/4 Status Quo Benefit + $3M. 1/4 Status Quo Benefit of no action = Status Quo Benefit � Expected Benefit with project: = Status ...

E-print Network

Does mean mean MEAN!? Digits For A Very Long Time Giving Us The Finger!: 1881 Statistics Log-Law was: Quanta=Digits!: BEC; Zipf 1/f-Law; Information-Thy; Random-#s = Euler V Bernoulli; Q-Computing = Arithmetic; P=/=NP SANS Complexity: Euclid 3-Mille

Classic statistics digits Newcomb[Am.J.Math.4,39,1881]-Weyl[Goett.Nachr.1912]-Benford[Proc.Am.Phil.Soc.78,4,51,1938]("NeWBe")probability ON-AVERAGE/MEAN log-law: =log[1+1/d]=log[(d+1)/d][google:``Benford's-Law'';"FUZZYICS": Siegel[AMS Nat.-Mtg.:2002&2008)]; Raimi[Sci.Am.221,109,1969]; Hill[Proc.AMS,123,3,887,1996]=log-base=units=SCALE-INVARIANCE!. Algebraic-inverse d=1/[�(w)-1]: ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


-sandbar: 541.2 mt dw non- sandbar LCS - Status Quo SCS - Status Quo Pelagic Sharks - Porbeagle: Add porbeagle-2012 due to overharvests: GOM = 390.5; ATL = 187.8 - Status Quo SCS - Status Quo Pelagic Sharks - Porbeagle Reporting - Research Fishery: 100% observer coverage on research vessels - Observers/Logbooks: ...

E-print Network

The Blue Blazer Club: Masculine Hegemony in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fields

The under-representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields is of continuing concern, as is the lack of women in senior positions and leadership roles. During a time of increasing demand for science and engineering enterprise, the lack of women and minorities in these academic disciplines needs to be addressed by concentrated institutional ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

The impacts of knowledge of the past on preferences for future landscape change

the status quo). Knowledge of the past therefore seems to have an impact on preferences for future landscapes, or whether they preferred no change to the existing situation (the status quo). This was accomplished using Box 5 was equivalent to preferring to keep the current situation or status quo, rather than have

E-print Network

Other Species Analysis March 2007i OTHER SPECIES ANALYSIS 2007

groups. This analysis considers five alternatives ranging from maintaining the status quo to setting ...................................................................................................... 2 Alternative 1: Status Quo"..................................................................................................... 3 Overview of BSAI ...

E-print Network

Mass media and environmental issues: a theoretical analysis

A critique of the weak empirical and theoretical foundations of commentaries on the mass media in the environmental literature argues that they stem from the incidental rather than fundamental concern for the social dimensions of environmental problems. The contributions of information theory, cybernetics, sociology, and political science to micro and macro theories of mass ...

Energy Citations Database

Developing Agency through Peacebuilding in the Midst of Intractable Conflict: The Case of Israel and Palestine

This paper discusses the presence of "peacebuilding islands" within civil society as potential agents of transformation in the midst of intractable conflict. Focusing on the particular case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the argument stems from a deconstruction of the legacy of national myopia perpetuated through social and political institutions and the capacity of ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

[A European discussion about stem cells for therapeutic use].

Stem cells as a source material for growing cellular transplants to repair dysfunctional organs appear to be a new challenge for medical science. Though stem cells are also present in foetal and adult organs, embryonic stem cells from the pre-implantation embryo in particular have the potency to proliferate easily in vitro and the ...


UBI Sumus? Quo Vadimus?: Charting the Course of Maritime ...

... Title : UBI Sumus? Quo Vadimus?: Charting the Course of Maritime Interception Operations. Descriptive Note : Final rept.,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

The Central Heating Plant Status Quo Program.

... Accession Number : ADA294419. Title : The Central Heating Plant Status Quo Program. Descriptive Note : Final rept.,. Corporate ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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The Business of Cutting Tools: The Ever Changing Status Quo ...

... Accession Number : ADD808893. Title : The Business of Cutting Tools: The Ever Changing Status Quo. Descriptive Note : Journal article,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

NASA Procedural Requirements - + NODIS Library - NASA

The list of alternatives will include the status quo, as well as ... E.5 Step 4: Conduct Cost Analysis for the Status Quo and Each Alternative ...

NASA Website

NASA - Some Thoughts On Challenging the Status Quo

Mar 3, 2005 ... Certainly people clinging to the status quo resent change and, oftentimes, the advocate of change too. This is so everywhere, but especially ...

NASA Website

NASA - Listening to the Voice Inside - ASK Magazine

Mar 3, 2005 ... Oftentimes, challenging the status quo is about simply believing in oneself. ... The status quo thing to do would have been to try and keep ...

NASA Website

NASA - Four Ways I Battle the Untenable Status Quo

Mar 3, 2005 ... It provides them with either a defined "venting" space or an opportunity to formulate a proposal to change the status quo. ...

NASA Website

NASA - Challenging the Status Quo

The second annual Masters Forum took place September 18-20, 2000. It included several panels with presentations on the topics of Challenging the Status Quo, ...

NASA Website

NASA - ASK Issue 2 - ASK Magazine - NASA

Mar 3, 2005 ... Challenges to the status quo threaten many people. ... In this issue we consider the Status Quo and what it connotes for several exceptional ...

NASA Website

NAMRC XX: Challenging the Status Quo.

... Accession Number : ADD808486. Title : NAMRC XX: Challenging the Status Quo. Descriptive Note : Journal article,. Corporate Author : ...

DTIC Science & Technology

May 4, 2010 Assessment of current water conditions

recommended status quo for their state. No UT state representatives were on the call, so details about UCRB. So, status quo has been recommended for Colorado. #12;

E-print Network

Future Directions for US Foreign Policy: Balancing Status Quo ...

... Accession Number : ADA469638. Title : Future Directions for US Foreign Policy: Balancing Status Quo and Reform. Descriptive Note : Monograph. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

From Status Quo to Continuous Improvement: The ...

... Accession Number : ADD806641. Title : From Status Quo to Continuous Improvement: The Management Process. Descriptive Note : Journal article,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Entrenchment of the Status Quo in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

... Accession Number : ADA273229. Title : Entrenchment of the Status Quo in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Descriptive Note : Master's thesis. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Development of the Central Heating Plant Status Quo ...

... Accession Number : ADA265069. Title : Development of the Central Heating Plant Status Quo Program. Descriptive Note : Interim rept. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Animated Simulation: Optimal Family Practice Clinic Staffing ...

... A status quo model was build, validated, and deemed credible by the clinic staff. From the status quo model, two alternative ...

DTIC Science & Technology

A regret-induced status-quo bias

A suboptimal bias towards accepting the �status-quo� option in decision-making is well established behaviorally, but the underlying neural mechanisms are less clear. Behavioral evidence suggests the emotion of regret is higher when errors arise from rejection rather than acceptance of a status-quo option. Such asymmetry in the genesis of regret might ...

PubMed Central

A regret-induced status quo bias.

A suboptimal bias toward accepting the status quo option in decision-making is well established behaviorally, but the underlying neural mechanisms are less clear. Behavioral evidence suggests the emotion of regret is higher when errors arise from rejection rather than acceptance of a status quo option. Such asymmetry in the genesis of regret might drive ...


Prospects of induced pluripotent stem cell technology in regenerative medicine.

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are derived from adult somatic cells via reprogramming with ectopic expression of four transcription factors (Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4; or, Oct3/4, Sox2, Nanog, and Lin28), by which the resultant cells regain pluripotency, namely, the capability exclusively possessed by some embryonic cells to differentiate into any cell lineage under ...


Steller Sea Lion Mitigation Committee North Pacific Fishery Management Council

also be interested in your view of how to score (or what constitutes) status quo for your proposal into the PRT, and how status quo for each proposal will be defined. Status quo for each proposal would define status quo for each proposal. No scoring of proposals will occur until proposers present

E-print Network

Policy-Speci...c Information and Informal Agenda Power Alexander V. Hirsch1

is voted on, up or down, against an exogenous status quo policy. Under an open rule, the oor may o , and the status quo policy q has valence normalized to 0. Because preferences over valence v are linear of the status quo policy q. We consider the case where 0 status quo is in the Pareto set

E-print Network


- ined the basis of the status quo bias, because previous status quo bias studies always confounded power with defensive role. After testing four status quo bias hypotheses, results suggested that, contrary to previous explanations, a defender-challenger frame- work sometimes provides a better account of the status ...

E-print Network

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Fisheries (Status Quo) ..........................................................2-3 2.1.2 Alternative Suite to that key topic from no fishing (i.e. a quota of zero with all species prohibited) to status quo (SQ) (i and Recreational Shark Fisheries (Status Quo) The status quo alternative suite would maintain the ...

E-print Network

Acceptable Risk Levels in Hydraulic Engineering Projects in the UK Folkert Schoustra1,2

quo Enhancement South Hams Coast & Countryside Service Damage to coast path Keep status quo Enhancement English Nature Construction on or damage to SSSI Keep status quo Enhancement DETR Negative impact on navigation Mitigation against negative impacts Keep status quo MAFF Negative environmental impact

E-print Network

5 CFR 316.703 - Effect on tenure of position change of status quo employees.

...false Effect on tenure of position change of status quo employees. 316.703 Section 316.703 ...703 Effect on tenure of position change of status quo employees. (a) A status quo employee who is promoted, demoted, or...

Code of Federal Regulations, 2011

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