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Estudo de codigos de analises de reatores disponiveis no IPEN e suas aplicacoes em problemas de difusao de neutron em multigrupo. (Study of reactor analysis codes available at IPEN and their application to problems involving the diffusion theory).

Two computer codes that are available at IPEN for analyses of static neutron diffusion problems are studied and applied. The CITATION code is animed at analyses of criticality, fuel burnup, flux and power distributions etc, in one, two, and three spatial ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Estudo e aplicacao de codigos nucleares disponiveis no Ipen em problemas de fisica de reatores dependentes do tempo. (Study of reactor analysis code available at Ipen and their application to the time dependent problems).

Two computer codes available at IPEN are studied and applied to analyze time-dependent problems of nuclear reactors. The GAPOTKIN code can be used to analyze short-term transient behaviours and the CITATION code is applicable to long-term burnup analysis....

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Distribuicao de temperaturas na grafite durante seu recozimento em reatores refrigerados a ar. (Temperature distribution in graphite during annealing in air cooled reactors).

A model for the evaluation temperature distributions in graphite during annealing operation in graphite. Moderated an-cooled reactors, is presented. One single channel and one dimension for air and graphite were considered. A numerical method based on fin...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Desenvolvimento e simulacao computacional de bombas eletromagneticas termoeletricas para o controle do escoamento em reatores nucleares espaciais refrigerados a metal liquido. (Development and computational simulation of thermoelectric electromagnetic pumps for controlling the fluid flow in liquid metal cooled space nuclear reactors).

Thermoelectric Electromagnetic (TEEM) Pumps can be used for controlling the fluid flow in the primary and secondary circuits of liquid metal cooled space nuclear reactor. In order to simulate and to evaluate the pumps performance, in steady-state, the com...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Controle de oscilacao espacial em reatores de potencia e calculo numerico. (Spatial oscillation control in power reactors and numerical calculations).

This work uses the neutron two-groups model to establish the basic equations of spatial Xe oscillations control in power reactors. It is considered that slow neutrons and temperature alignment are in equilibrium with the neutron flux. (A.C.A.S.). (Atomind...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Contribuicao ao estudo da evolucao da composicao do combustivel em reatores tipo PWR. Nucleos a tres e a quatro regioes de enriquecimento. (Contribution to the study of the evolution of nuclear fuel composition in PWR type reactors. Reactor cores in three and four regions of enrichment).

The main methods for calculations of fuel depletion are studied and some approaches to do it are mentioned; the LEOPARD Code is described and full details are given for each subroutine, flow charts are included; the method given by the code for calculatio...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Contribuicao ao estudo da evolucao da composicao do combustivel em reatores tipo PWR nucleos a tres e a quatro regioes de enriquecimento. (Contribution to fuel depletion study in PWR type reactors, reactor core with three and four regions of enrichment).

The main methods for calculation of fuel depletion are studied and some approaches to do it are mentioned; the LEOPARD Code is described and full details are given for each subroutine, flow charts are included; the method given by the code for calculation...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Codigo para simulacao de transientes em um gerador de vapor de reator nuclear tipo PWR. (Computer code to simulate transients in a steam generator of PWR nuclear power plants).

A digital computer code KIBE was developed to simulate the transient behavior of a Steam Generator used in Pressurized Water Reactor Power PLants. The equations of Conservation of mass, energy and momentum were numerically integrated by an implicit method...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Aplicacao da teoria de perturbacao para calculos de sensibilidade em nucleos de reatores PWR, usando um modelo de dois canais. (Application of perturbation theory to sensitivity calculations of PWR type reactor cores using the two-channel model).

Sensitivity calculations are very important in design and safety of nuclear reactor cores. Large codes with a great number of physical considerations have been used to perform sensitivity studies. However, these codes need long computation time involving ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Analise de um acidente hipotetico de perda de vazao forcada em um reator tipo LMFBR. (Analysis of a postulated accident scenario involving loss of forced flow in a LMFBR).

A model to analyse a postulated accident scenario involving loss of forced flow in the reactor vessel of a LMFBR is used. Five phases of the accident are analysed: Natural Circulation, Subcooled Boiling, Nucleate Boiling, Core Dryout and Cladding melt. Th...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Tailored Cognitive Testing with Provocative Amobarbital Injection Preceding

, Baltimore, MD 21287. � American Society of Neuroradiology AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 23:416�421, March 2002 416 for endovascular em- bolization prior to possible radiation therapy. AJNR: 23, March 2002 TAILORED COGNITIVE is expected. 418 MOO AJNR: 23, March 2002 #12;undertaken, and the patient was referred for subse- quent radiation

E-print Network

Distribuicao de potencia e fatores de canal quente usados em Angra 1 (W) e Angra 2,3 (KWU). (Power distribution and hot channel factor used in Angra 1 (W) and Angra 2,3 (KWU)).

In this report, the definition of hot channel factors and sub-factors used to quantify and qualify the nuclear power distribution and the thermal hydraulic performance of the core for KWU reactor (Angra 2 and 3) and Westinghouse (Angra 1), are presented. ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Analise dinamica dos internos de um reator nuclear PWR utilizando superelementos em um modelo 3-D integrado. Parte 1: descricao e testes estaticos do modelo. (Dynamical analysis of a PWR internals using super-elements in an integrated 3-D model model. Part 1: model description and static tests).

An integrated 3-D model of a research PWR reactor core support internals structures was developed for its dynamic analyses. The static tests for the validation of the model are presented. There are about 90 super-elements with, approximately, 85000 degree...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The Reaction Be$sup 9$(n,2n)Be$sup 8$ in Heterogeneous, Thermal Reactors Moderated with Beryllium: II. Calculation of the Fast Effect Factor; A REACAO Be$sup 9$(n,2n)Be$sup 8$ EM REATORES TERMICOS HETEROGENEOS MODERADOS A BERILIO: II. CALCULO DO FATOR DE EFEITO RAPIDO

Using the theorectical basis established in part one, an estimate was made of the fast effect in beryllium on the infinite multiplication factor of heterogeneous thermal reactors moderated by beryllium. Using available data relative to the different collision cross sections involved, the result obtained was a 7 % increase in the multiplication factor. This value is in agreement with ...

Energy Citations Database

Comparison of DNBR Estimation Methods in the Westinghouse and KWU Reactor Cores.

A method for foreseeing departure from nucleate boiling phenomenon in Westinghouse reator cores (OT delta T- signal for reator shut down) is described. The results from investigations done with the OT delta T system and in the efficiency of different meth...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Application of Thermography as a Technique for ...

... investigate the feasibility of thermographic inspection for facilities of the Japan Materials Testing Reator in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. ...

DTIC Science & Technology


... rocket chamber, and several possible methods for dynamic measurement ... "quent failures have occurred ... and ground on a modified model spark plug ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Automorphism groups of relatively free groups

For each positive integer n, let Fn be a free group of rank n with basis (in other words, free generating set) {x1, �, xEM>n>} . If [theta] is an automorphism of <EM>Fn> then {<EM>x>1[theta], �, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Strategic Defense Initiative Program: Extent of Foreign ...

... mi of zerodur (a glass ceramic with zero ... $1.4 million and aw-iru Technologies British companies ... neutron spectnm zooled reator technology, and the ...

DTIC Science & Technology


... illuminate the entire volume of space under aurveillance ... uý .....quent to the interim Fence operation have ... The ten filters were spaced 100 cps apart ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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Strategy and Force Structure in an Interwar Period

... Britain's weakness, ap- peasement, and conse- quent failure to deter Hitler in the 1930s has been well rehearsed elsewhere. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Prospects for Indian and Pakistani Arms Control and ...

... the major crisis in the 1980s, when political leadership under Zia-ul-Haq and subse- quent civilian leaders, like Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Parasitic Disease in the US Navy

... Methods cestode parasites, and intestinal helminths were more fre- quent among non-caucasian, non-black Navy personnel. ...

DTIC Science & Technology


it, such as those found for Anas platyrhynchos (40) are more fre- quent. In developing a calculating procedure based on the chord ...

NASA Website

Forest Health in the Southeastern United States: Assessment ...

... tool for management and control of hard- wood competition in loblolly ... quent fire needed for diverse southern pine grassland woodlands (Mitchell et ...

DTIC Science & Technology

CASE FIL COPY - NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS)

1) an increase in the proportion of PAS-positive cells which stimulate mitotic activity .... quent staining and microscopic examination. ...

NASA Website

Antigone: Implementing Policy in Secure Group ...

... After receiving and validating the initial heartbeat for a hash chain, subse- quent MAC ... number of keys which is roughly proportional to the log of the ...

DTIC Science & Technology

A space-charge-flow computer program - NASA Technical Report ...

quent runs of the same configuration, XR is available from the data output. ..... XR and its value. The Laplace potential field convergence information and ...

NASA Website

Estudo transiente de um pressurizador de um reator a agua pressurizada (pwr). (Transient study of a PWR pressurizer).

An appropriate method for the calculation and transient performance of the pressurizer of a pressurized water reactor is presented. The study shows a digital program of simulation of pressurizer dynamics based on the First Law of Thermodynamic and Laws of...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Artificial Radioisotopes Prepared with the IEA R-1 Reactor; RADIOISOTOPOS ARTIFICIAIS PREPARADOS COM O REATOR IEA R-1

A catalog of the radioisotopes prepared by the IEA R-1 Reactor, their characteristics, method of formation, cross section, and specific activity is presented. (J.S.R.)

Energy Citations Database

Varia��es nos per�odos de pulsa��o das estrelas PG 1159-035 e G117-B15-A

A medida que uma estrela evolui, sua trajet�ria no diagrama-HR passa pelas chamadas "faixas de instabilidade" podendo tornar-se uma vari�vel. Ao longo da seq��ncia das an�s brancas existem tr�s faixas de instabilidade, contando com a faixa das pr�-an�s brancas (DOs). Estrelas nestas faixas podem apresentar pulsa��es n�o-radiais com per�odos bastante est�veis, ente 100 e ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Determina��o da composi��o qu�mica em nebulosas planet�rias na dire��o do anticentro gal�ctico

Existe um gradiente radial de abund�ncias no disco gal�ctico, cujo comportamento � razoavelmente bem conhecido para dist�ncias galactoc�ntricas entre 3 e 10 kpc. Foi obtido a partir de resultados derivados de nebulosas planet�rias, regi�es HII e estrelas, como as estrelas quentes de tipo O, B e aglomerados abertos. Com o objetivo de investigar o comportamento ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Representation theory of homotopy types with at most two non-trivial homotopy groups localized at a prime

It is a classical result of Postnikov [15] that homotopy types X with at most two non-trivial homotopy groups [pi]mX = A and [pi]n<EM>X> = <EM>B>, 2 [less-than-or-eq, slant] <EM>m> < <EM>n>, are classified by the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Deligne-Lusztig characters for finite reductive monoids

The theory of reductive monoids has been well developed by Renner and the author, cf. [8, 13]. This paper concerns the finite reductive monoids MF where M is a reductive monoid and F[ratio]MEM>[rightward arrow]<EM>M> is a Frobenius map. We show that the Deligne-Lusztig characters ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Computation of a universal deformation ring in the Borel case

We compute the (uni)versal deformation ring of an odd Galois representation [rho]: Gal (M/Q) [rightward arrow] Gl2(Fp) with an upper triangular image, where MEM> is the maximal abelian pro-<EM>p>-extension of <EM>F>[infty infinity] unramified outside a finite set of places ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Structural basis for reversible photoswitching in Dronpa

. Based on the assumption that the light-induced movement of the chromophore induces all subse- quent- ence of the residue rearrangements on the energy landscape of light-induced switching in Dronpa, Japan). Proteins were expressed Fig. 3. Model for a cascade of residue rearrangements upon light-induced

E-print Network

StarChild: Gloss?rio

Camada muito quente e externa da atmosfera de uma estrela. ... Camada no meio de um planeta, localizada entre a crosta, ou superf?cie, e o centro. ...

NASA Website

Propagating Logical Combinations of Constraints Fahiem Bacchus

consists of a scope of variables to which it is applied, and a relation of allowed values for those of assignments to variables such that no variable is assigned more than one value by . The scope of an assignment. If in a subse- quent call Inc(Ci, D ), D is identical to D when restricted to the variables in scope

E-print Network

Patricia Adair Gowaty Distinguished professor,

Patricia Adair Gowaty Distinguished professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology by increasingly fre- quent arguments, being made by people out- side the field of evolutionary biology, molecular or developmen- tal biology that has caused a ripple in our basic understanding of evolutionary

E-print Network

NCI Cancer Bulletin for February 5, 2008 (PDF)

increased risk of hypertension with the use of other targeted drugs and antiangiogenesis agents, including sunitinib (Sutent). To see if sorafenib also increases this risk, and subse-quent risk of heart attacks and other serious cardiac events, the

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Lessons Learned, Headquarters, 11th Aviation Battalion ...

... was hold 3 - 20 March at 12th Aviation Group ... SUBJECT MLL for Period *ding 3O April 1070, RCS CFOR ... Throughout the night he cv?0-'KR fli quent ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Capability Maturity Mo

of assessing an organization's process maturity, are its maturity levels, key process areas, and their goals include the maturity level of the organization, the identified process strengths and weaknesses between assessments in those cases where organizations moved up in level on a subse- quent assessment

E-print Network

Aug 22 - NASA

missions in 1975, and subse- quent Mars missions launched in the 1990s and 2001. The earlier missions were .... the future. I'm humbled by their accomplishments and treasure their memories. .... left wing, the one facing the camera. ...

NASA Website

Assessment of a Solid Phase Matrix for the Neutralization and ...

... disques semis de B. anthracis en faible concentration citajent de culture negative et qu'on pouvait par cons6quent les manipuler dans des ...

DTIC Science & Technology


the conse- quent) to the initial context set of presuppositions,'' and that we analyze the subjunctive mood to the presupposition set of the actual context of utterance by the use of the conditional and subjunctive. Stern of conditionals and the subjunctive. The crucial question, though, is whether these points serve to establish

E-print Network


EMS Review A review of the Wallops EMS, following EMS audit principles and .... accordance with WFF-EM-002, Wallops EMS Training Manual, located at: ...

NASA Website

Environmental Management Systems | Wastes | US EPA

Management Systems (EMS) EMS Basic Information EMS Training EMS Success Stories Waste Management Related Initiatives Waste Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Environmental... Websites

Lubrication flows between spherical particles colliding in a compressible non-continuum gas

The low-Reynolds-number collision and rebound of two rigid spheres moving in an ideal isothermal gas is studied in the lubrication limit. The spheres are non-Brownian in nature with radii much larger than the mean-free path of the molecules. The nature of the flow in the gap between the particles depends on the relative magnitudes of the minimum gap thickness, h[prime prime or minute]o, the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Abund�ncias espectrosc�picas de simbi�ticas amarelas

Este trabalho consiste no estudo de uma amostra de estrelas simbi�ticas amarelas cujas componentes frias apresentam tipos espectrais G ou K. Uma amostra de 20 estrelas foi usada, o que corresponde ao conjunto completo de estrelas simbi�ticas amarelas vis�veis no hemisf�rio sul presentes no cat�logo de Belczynski et al (2000 A&A Suppl. 146, 407). Os espectros estelares foram obtidos ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Experimental studies of strongly stratified flow past three-dimensional orography

Stably stratified flows past three-dimensional orography have been investigated using a stratified towing tank. Flows past idealized axisymmetric orography in which the Froude number, Fh=U/Nh (where U is the towing speed, N is the buoyancy frequency and hEM> is the height of the obstacle) is less than unity have been studied. The orography considered consists of two ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Universal Hilbert subsets

We show that the sequence 2n+n is a universal Hilbert sequence. That is, for each polynomial P(T, Y) irreducible in [open face Q](T) [YEM>], the polynomial <EM>P>(2<EM>n+n>, <EM>Y>) is irreducible in [open face ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Box and packing dimensions of projections and dimension profiles

For E a subset of [open face R]n and s [set membership] [0, n] we define upper and lower box dimension profiles, B-dims<EM>E> and B-dim<EM>sE> respectively, that are closely related to the box dimensions of the orthogonal projections of <EM>E> onto ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Toroidal Dehn surgeries on knots in lens spaces

Let M be a compact, orientable 3-manifold with [partial partial differential]M a torus. If r is a slope on [partial partial differential]M (the isotopy class of an unoriented essential simple loop), then we can form the closed 3-manifold M(r) by gluing a solid torus V<EM>r> to <EM>M> along their boundaries in such a way that ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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