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The evolution of QSO host colours

We summarise the evidence that the hosts of luminous QSOs are systematically bluer than normal (inactive) galaxies of comparable morphological type. We particularly emphasize the importance of performing such studies in a comparative way, placing QSO hosts in a context of the overall galaxy ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Power of Deconvolution for Study of QSO Host Galaxies

The major challenge in studying QSO host galaxies is to remove the QSO contribution, which often outshines the whole system. Our group has acquired the technical ability to handle such data, for images and slit spectroscopy, as well as integral field spectroscopy. We review here the major techniques developed by ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Searching for mergers in early-type QSO host galaxies and a control sample of inactive ellipticals

We present very deep HST/ACS images of five QSO host galaxies, classified as undisturbed ellipticals in earlier studies. For four of the five objects, our images reveal strong signs of interaction such as tidal tails, shells, and other fine structure, suggesting that a large fraction of QSO ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Uv Imaging of the Nearby QSO 2130+099 Host Galaxy

The host galaxy of QSO 2130+099 is suspected to be a barred spiral (Hickson & Hutchings 1987, Heap 1986). We will use the unique imaging capabilities of the GHRS to map the nucleus of QSO 2130+099 in UV (1200- 3200A) light. These observations will (1) demonstrate that the GHRS' imaging capabilites have been ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Effect of a QSO on the interstellar medium of its host galaxy

The hydrodynamic evolution of gas in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy of a quasar due to Compton heating by the QSO radiation is considered; a Lagrangian formulation of the problem is necessary. It is found that the hydrodynamic time scale becomes important compared to the Compton heating time scale. The single fluid ...

Energy Citations Database

Host galaxy of quasar IRAS 00275-2859 - an interacting system

Optical imaging of the recently discovered infrared quasar IRAS 00275-2859 shows that it can be decomposed into two point sources embedded in an underlying extended image. The brighter point source is the quasar; the extended image together with the fainter point source is identified as the host galaxy system. The IRAS 00275-2859 QSO 1 ...

Energy Citations Database

Understanding the Relations between QSOs and Their Host Galaxies from Combined HST Imaging and VLT Spectroscopy

The host galaxies of six nearby QSOs are studied on the basis of high-resolution HST optical images and spatially resolved VLT slit spectra. The gas ionization and velocity are mapped as a function of the distance to the central QSO. In the majority of the cases, the QSO significantly contributes to the gas ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Dark Side of QSO Formation at High Redshifts

Observed high-redshift QSOs, at z ~ 6, may reside in massive dark matter (DM) halos of more than 1012 M sun and are thus expected to be surrounded by overdense regions. In a series of 10 constrained simulations, we have tested the environment of such QSOs. The usage of constrained realizations has enabled us to address the issue of cosmic variance and to study the statistical properties of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Nearby QSO 2130+099: CYCLE-4 Baseline

We will obtain four types of observations of the nearby QSO 2130+099: (1) images with the PC: (2) UV maps of the nucleus with the GHRS N2 mirror; (3) UV spectrum of the nucleus with GHRS/D1 and (4) UV spectrum of a knot in the spiral spiral arm of the host galaxy.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

0351+026: a QSO spawned by interacting galaxies

We present the results of a detailed investigation into the nature of the H I-rich quasi-stellar object 0351+026. An improved H I profile reveals the presence of two distinct components. A high-quality CCD image clearly shows the presence of two galaxies. The brighter galaxy hosts the QSO while the less luminous ...

Energy Citations Database

Probing the Extent and Content of Low Ionization Gas in Galaxies: QSO Absorption and HI Emission.

The small projected separations of some QSO's and low-redshift galaxies provide unique opportunities to study the extent and content of gas in galaxies through observation of absorption in the QSO spectra. Observations of these systems provide valuable in...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

QSO activity and host galaxy evolution

The question of evacuation of the interstellar medium of the host galaxy of a quasar is examined. Compton heating due to hard X-rays from the quasar is considered. It is shown that the evacuation radius is much smaller than that hitherto believed and that it is redshift dependent. It is also shown that evacuation of the central part of the interstellar ...

Energy Citations Database

First case of strong gravitational lensing by a QSO: SDSS J0013+1523 at z = 0.120

We present the first case of strong gravitational lensing by a QSO: SDSS J0013+1523 at z = 0.120. The discovery is the result of a systematic search for emission lines redshifted behind QSOs, among 22 298 spectra of the SDSS data release 7. Apart from the z = 0.120 spectral features of the foreground QSO, the spectrum of SDSS J0013+1523 also displays the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The nature of the galaxy around 3C 48

New images are presented of the QSO 3C 48 in line-free bands centered at 0.58, 0.77, and 2.1 microns and in a narrowband centered on the forbidden O III5007 line. Careful profile subtraction of the continuum images shows an apparent luminosity peak centered about 1 arcsec northeast of the QSO position, which is tentatively identified as the nucleus of a ...

Energy Citations Database

APOD: August 24, 1996 - Why is QSO 1229+204 so Bright?

Aug 24, 1996 ... Not only was QSO 1229+204 at the core of an unusual barred spiral galaxy, but this galaxy was in the process of colliding with a dwarf ...

NASA Website

QSO winds and galaxy evolution

There exists a population of broad-line z~2 QSOs which have heavily absorbed X-ray spectra. These objects constitute ~10% of the population at luminosities and redshifts characteristic of the main producers of QSO luminosity in the Universe. Our follow up observations in the submm show that these QSOs are often embedded in ultraluminous starburst galaxies, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Evidence for Merger Remnants in Early-Type Host Galaxies of Low-Redshift QSOs

We present results from a pilot HST ACS deep imaging study in broadband V of five low-redshift QSO host galaxies classified in the literature as ellipticals. The aim of our study is to determine whether these early-type hosts formed at high redshift and have since evolved passively, or whether they have undergone ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Do all QSOs have the same black hole mass?

Quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) from SDSS, 2QZ and 2SLAQ covering an order of magnitude in luminosity at fixed redshift exhibit similar amplitudes of clustering, with the brightest sample showing a clustering length only 11 � 9 per cent higher than the faintest sample. In addition, QSO clustering evolution at z > 0.5 is well fitted by a model that assumes a fixed ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Do all QSOs have the same black hole mass?

Quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) from SDSS, 2QZ and 2SLAQ covering an order of magnitude in luminosity at fixed redshift exhibit similar amplitudes of clustering, with the brightest sample showing a clustering length only 11 � 9 per cent higher than the faintest sample. In addition, QSO clustering evolution at z > 0.5 is well fitted by a model that assumes a fixed ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Shining Light on Merging Galaxies. I. The Ongoing Merger of a Quasar with a "Green Valley" Galaxy

Serendipitous observations of a pair z = 0.37 interacting galaxies (one hosting a quasar) show a massive gaseous bridge of material connecting the two objects. This bridge is photoionized by the quasar (QSO), revealing gas along the entire projected 38 h -1 70 kpc sightline connecting the two galaxies. The emission ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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A QSO host galaxy and its Ly? emission at z = 6.43

Host galaxies of highest redshift quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are of interest; they provide us with a valuable opportunity to investigate physics relevant to the starburst-active galactic nuclei (AGN) connection at the earliest epoch of the Universe, with the most luminous black holes. Here, we report an optical detection of an extended structure around ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quasar induced galaxy formation: a new paradigm ?

We discuss observational evidence that quasars play a key role in the formation of galaxies starting from the detailed study of the quasar HE0450-2958 and extending the discussion to a series of converging evidence that radio jets may trigger galaxy formation. The direct detection with VISIR at the ESO-VLT of the 7 kpc distant companion ...

E-print Network

Studying QSO/Galaxy Associations with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph

We present far-UV spectra obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) of the QSOs VII Zw 244 and SBS 1122+594, which both have foreground galaxies within a projected distance of 35 kpc. The COS spectrum of VII Zw 244 (z = 0.131) shows strong (but not damped) Lyman alpha absorption as well as absorption from C II, C IV, Si III, and Si IV at the redshift of UGC 4527 (z = ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

QSO Narrow [OIII] Line Width and Host Galaxy Luminosity

Established correlations between galaxy bulge luminosity L, black hole mass MBH, and stellar velocity dispersion sigma in galaxies suggest a close relationship between the growth of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. Measurements of the MBH - sigma relationship as a function of cosmic time may shed ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

QSO Absorption Lines from QSOS

We present the results of a search for metal absorption lines in the spectra of background QSOs whose sight lines pass close to foreground QSOs. We detect Mg II ??2796, 2803 absorption in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra of four z>1.5 QSOs whose lines of sight pass within 26-98 h-170 kpc of lower redshift (z~=0.5-1.5) QSOs. The 100% detection rate (four out of four pairs) of Mg II in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

X-Raying the Ultraluminous Infrared Starburst Galaxy and Broad Absorption Line QSO Markarian 231 with Chandra

With 40 ks of Clzandra ACIS-S3 exposure, new information on both the starburst and QSO components of

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Comment on the discovery of the QSO and related galaxy 2237 + 0305

A critical analysis of the discovery of Huchra et al. (1985) of a high redshift QSO (z = 1.695) in the nucleus of the galaxy 2237 + 0305 is given. Posteriori calculations of the possibility that a QSO of 17 mag lies within 0.3 arcsec of the center of the galaxy in the CFA redshift survey are presented. It is ...

Energy Citations Database

Radio astronomical probes of the 1st galaxies Chris Carilli, Aspen, February 2008

] traces star formation: similar extension as molecular gas ~ 6kpc ! L[CII] = 4x109 Lo (L[NII] -of-the-Art: gas, dust, star formation in QSO host galaxies at z ~ 6 ! Pushing to normal galaxies with ALMA? MAMBO 250 GHz surveys of z>2 QSOs 1e13 Lo 2.4mJy #12;Dust => Gas: LFIR vs L'(CO) ! non-linear => ...

E-print Network

The CORALS Survey II$$bClues to Galaxy Clustering Around QSOs from z_abs ~ z_em Damped Lyman Alpha Systems

We present a list of z_abs ~ z_em (Delta v < 3000 km/s) DLAs discovered during the CORALS survey for absorbers in a radio-selected QSO sample. On the assumption that z_abs ~ z_em DLAs are neither ejecta from the QSO, nor part of the host galaxy itself, we use the number density statistics of these DLAs to ...

E-print Network

Host Galaxies of Luminous Quasars: Structural Properties and the Fundamental Plane

We present stellar velocity dispersion measurements in the host galaxies of ten luminous quasars (MV < -23) using the Ca H&K lines in off-nuclear spectra. We combine these data with effective radii and magnitudes from the literature to place the host galaxies on the fundamental plane (FP) where their ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mid-Infrared Spitzer Spectra of X-Ray-Selected Type 2 QSOs: QSO2s Are Not Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

We have performed a spectroscopic study of seven Type 2 QSOs using the mid-infrared spectrometer IRS on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. These are (to our knowledge) the first mid-IR spectra of X-ray-selected QSO2s taken. The objects have been selected according to their high intrinsic luminosities and column densities in X-rays. Their spectra strongly differ from template ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

New X-ray and optical observations of the X-ray discovered QSO-galaxy pair 1E 0104.2 + 3153

New X-ray and optical observations are presented of the QSO-galaxy pair 1E 0104.2 + 3153, originally

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Evolutional Schemes for Objects with Active Nuclei.

The observational properties of quasistellar objects (QSO) reveal that they are extremely violent nuclei of distant galaxies, but the evolutionary stage of these galaxies is still undetermined. Various published attempts to classify QSO under different cr...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Mapping the ionised gas around the luminous QSO HE 1029-1401: evidence for minor merger events?

We present VIMOS integral field spectroscopy of the brightest radio-quiet QSO on the southern sky HE 1029-1401 at a redshift of z = 0.086. Standard decomposition techniques for broad-band imaging are extended to integral field data in order to deblend the QSO and host emission. We perform a tentative analysis of the stellar continuum, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Unveiling the Mask on the ULIRG-to-QSO Transition Object [H89]1821+643 at z = 0.3: A Gas-poor/Gas-rich Galaxy Merger and the Implications for Co-based Dynamical Mass Estimates

We report the detection of the 12CO J = 1-0 emission line in [H89]1821+643, one of the most optically luminous quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) in the local universe, and a template ULIRG-to-QSO transition object, located in a rich, cool-core cluster at z = 0.297. The CO emission is likely to be extended, highly asymmetric with respect to the center of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Gas-rich galaxy pair unveiled in the lensed quasar 0957+561

Molecular gas in the host galaxy of the lensed quasar 0957+561 (QSO 0957+561) at the redshift of 1.41 has been detected in the carbon monoxide (CO) line. This detection shows the extended nature of the molecular gas distribution in the host galaxy and the pronounced lensing effects due to the ...


The Abundance of Distant and Extremely Red Galaxies: The Role of AGN Feedback in Hierarchical Models

We investigate the effect of AGN feedback associated with the bright QSO phase on the color distribution of galaxies from z=0 up to z=4. To this aim, we insert a blast-wave model of AGN feedback in our semianalytic model of galaxy formation, which includes the growth of supermassive black holes and the AGN activity triggered by ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On the use of photometric redshifts for X-ray selected AGNs

In this paper we present photometric redshift estimates for a sample of X-ray selected sources detected in the wide-field ( 2 deg^2), bright [ f_X(0.5{-}8 keV)?10-14 erg s-1 cm-2] XMM-Newton/2dF survey. Unlike deeper X-ray samples comprising a large fraction of sources with colours dominated by the host galaxy, our bright survey primarily probes the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

S. Nan Zhang : Are Quasars Physically Associated with Nearby Galaxies?

Jul 22, 2005 ... First, using different criteria, we generate four sets of QSO-galaxy pairs and find there is no evidence for a periodicity at the predicted ...

NASA Website

Quasars as the formation sites of high-redshift ellipticals: a signature in the `associated' absorption-line systems?

Published data on the average metallicities and abundance ratios for absorption-line systems in high-redshift quasars suggest that a dichotomy may exist between the chemical composition of damped Lyman alpha (Lyalpha) systems (interpreted as intervening galaxies in the QSO line of sight) and the z_abs~=z_em absorption- line systems associated with the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The First Observations of Low-redshift Damped Ly? Systems with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph

We report on the first Cosmic Origins Spectrograph observations of damped Ly? systems (DLAs) and sub-damped Ly? systems (sub-DLAs) discovered in a new survey of the gaseous halos of low-redshift galaxies. From observations of 37 sightlines, we have discovered three DLAs and four sub-DLAs. We measure the neutral gas density ?H I , and redshift density d {N}/d z, of DLA and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

SOAR imaging of sub-damped Lyman ? systems at z < 1

We present deep ground based imaging of the environments of five quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) that contain sub-damped Lyman ? (sub-DLA) systems at z < 1 with the Southern Observatories Astrophysics Research (SOAR) telescope and SOAR Optical Imager (SOI) camera. We detect a clear surplus of galaxies in these small fields, supporting the assumption that we are detecting the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

IRAS F13308+5946: A Possible Transition Phase from Type I Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy to Optical Quasar

We present a stellar population synthesis study of a type I luminous infrared galaxy: IRAS F13308+5946. It is a quasar with absolute magnitude Mi = -22.56 and has the spectral feature of a Seyfert 1.5 galaxy. Optical images show characteristics of later stages of a merger. With the help of the stellar synthesis code STARLIGHT and both Calzetti et al.'s and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Formation of High-Redshift (z>6) Quasars Driven by Nuclear Starbursts

Based on the physical model of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth via gas accretion in a circumnuclear disk (CND) proposed by Kawakatu & Wada, we describe the formation of high-z (z>6) quasars (QSOs) whose BH masses are M BH>109 M sun. We derive the necessary conditions to form QSOs at z>6 by only gas accretion: (1) a large mass supply with M sup>1010 M sunfrom ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


Based on the physical model of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth via gas accretion in a circumnuclear disk (CND) proposed by Kawakatu and Wada, we describe the formation of high-z (z>6) quasars (QSOs) whose BH masses are M{sub BH}>10{sup 9} M{sub sun}. We derive the necessary conditions to form QSOs at z>6 by only gas accretion: (1) a large mass supply with M{sub ...

Energy Citations Database

Galaxy associated with QSO 4C37.43

It is stated that the most convincing demonstration that QSOs are actually at the distances indicated by the Doppler interpretation of their redshifts has been the discovery of normal galaxies at small angular separations from QSOs that have essentially the same red shifts as the galaxies. Five examples of QSOs or related objects apparently in ...

Energy Citations Database

0114 + 074 - A very asymmetric galaxy in the field of an intermediate-redshift QSO

New radio-continuum observations of 0114 + 074 (4C 07.4) are presented. It is shown that this radio source consists of two distinct objects: a point source identified with an 18.0 mag QSO and a highly asymmetric 18.5 mag galaxy. The patently asymmetric structure of the galaxy is most plausibly due to intrinsically asymmetric energy ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On the Formation and Evolution of QSOs

I had the privilege, many years ago, to be supervised by Alfonso Cavaliere in my Master thesis work. I remember the great patience and enthusiasm with which, in a warm summer day, he presented to me a score of exciting astrophysical problems. We finally determined to study the relationship of QSOs and BL Lacs�then considered rather exotic object�with normal galaxies. In ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The relation of quasars to galaxy clusters: circumstances of quasar formation and fuelling

We investigate how quasars trace the LSS in the form of galaxy clusters and study the relative positions and morphologies of clusters associated with quasars. Our cluster detection method is based on a maximum likelihood estimator applied to Voronoi cells and supported by colour discrimination. Here, we present the results for 60 low redshift radio-quiet quasars (z < 0.3) ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spectroscopy of 206 QSO candidates and radio galaxies

Optical positions of 66 of the objects discussed here are given, with rms accuracy of 0.''5, in the Appendix. (AIP)

Energy Citations Database

Microlensing of the Einstein ... - Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA

Dec 15, 1996 ... Microlensing of the Einstein Cross ... The gravitational effect of the galaxy on the distant QSO was similar to the lens effect of an empty wine ...

NASA Website

Complex QSO Absorbers: High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies.

Using the PSPC instrument on the ROSAT satellite, we have obtained deep exposures of the fields centered on the QSO's 1556+335, 1037-271, and 0854+191 in an effort to search for extended X-ray emission corresponding to complex QSO absorption-line systems ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

A Large Number of z > 6 Galaxies Around a QSO at z = 6.43: Evidence for a Protocluster?

QSOs have been thought to be important for tracing highly biased regions in the early universe, from which the present-day massive galaxies and galaxy clusters formed. While overdensities of star-forming galaxies have been found around QSOs at 2 < z < 5, the case for excess galaxy clustering around QSOs at z ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


QSOs have been thought to be important for tracing highly biased regions in the early universe, from which the present-day massive galaxies and galaxy clusters formed. While overdensities of star-forming galaxies have been found around QSOs at 2 < z < 5, the case for excess galaxy clustering around ...

Energy Citations Database

Adaptive Optics Imaging of Quasi-stellar Objects with Double-peaked Narrow Lines: Are They Dual Active Galactic Nuclei?

Active galaxies hosting two accreting and merging supermassive black holes (SMBHs)�dual active galactic nuclei (AGNs)�are predicted by many current and popular models of black-hole-galaxy co-evolution. We present here the results of a program that has identified a set of probable dual AGN candidates based on near-infrared laser ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

WFC3 Imaging Of z=6 QSO Hosts: A Method For PSF Characterization And Subtraction

We present an observation and analysis plan for using the Wide Field Camera 3 IR Channel on the Hubble Space Telescope to carefully characterize and subtract the central point source from a redshift 6 QSO, in an attempt to image and conduct photometry on the underlying host galaxy. We discuss parameters affecting measurement of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Galactic centers with massive black holes

In this thesis, several aspects of the evolution of galactic centers with massive black holes (BHs) are investigated. First, the evolution of binary black holes (BBHs) in realistic galaxy models is studied. The evolution of BBHs depends on BH mass ratio and host galaxy type. BBHs are most likely to form and survive in spherical or ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Galaxies and the Universe

This site is a collection of lecture notes for a course called the universe of galaxies. These notes discuss the integrated properties, classification, stellar and gaseous content of galxies; galaxies within, gasesous content, and the evolution of clusters of galaxies; QSOs, Seyfert nuclei, radio galaxies, and the ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Clustering of Obscured and Unobscured Quasars in the Bo�tes Field: Placing Rapidly Growing Black Holes in the Cosmic Web

We present the first measurement of the spatial clustering of mid-infrared-selected obscured and unobscured quasars, using a sample in the redshift range 0.7 < z < 1.8 selected from the 9 deg2 Bo�tes multiwavelength survey. Recently, the Spitzer Space Telescope and X-ray observations have revealed large populations of obscured quasars that have been inferred from models of the X-ray ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Starburst or AGN Dominance in Submillimetre-Luminous Candidate AGN?

It is widely believed that ultraluminous infrared (IR) galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity are triggered by galaxy interactions and merging, with the peak of activity occurring at z~2, where submillimetre galaxies are thousands of times more numerous than local ULIRGs. In this evolutionary picture, submillimetre ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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X-Ray Heating and Ionization of Broad-Emission-Line Regions in QSO'S and Active Galaxies.

Absorption of x-rays deep within the broad-line emitting clouds in QSO's and the nuclei of active galaxies creates extensive zones of warm (T approx. 10 exp 4 K), partially ionized N/sub e//N approx. 0.1) gas. Because Lyman alpha photons are trapped in th...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Confining hot spots in 3C 196 - implications for QSO-companion galaxies

VLBI observations of the extremely compact hot spot in the northern radio lobe of the QSO 3C 196 reveal the angular size of its smallest substructure to be 0.065 arcsec x 0.045 arcsec or about 300 pc at the redshift distance. The morphology of the hot spot and its orientation relative to the more diffuse radio emission suggest that it is formed by an oblique interaction ...

Energy Citations Database

The origin of the dust in high-redshift quasars: the case of SDSS J1148+5251

We present a semi-analytical model for the formation and evolution of a high-redshift quasar (QSO). We reconstruct a set of hierarchical merger histories of a 1013-M? dark matter halo and model the evolution of the corresponding galaxy and of its central supermassive black hole. The code GAMETE/QSODUST consistently follows (i) the black hole assembly via ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

GEMINI 3D spectroscopy of BAL + IR + FeII QSOs - I. Decoupling the BAL, QSO, starburst, NLR, supergiant bubbles and galactic wind in Mrk 231

In this paper we present the first results of a study of BAL QSOs (at low and high redshift), based on very deep Gemini GMOS integral field spectroscopy. In particular, the results obtained for the nearest BAL IR-QSO Mrk 231 are presented. For the nuclear region of Mrk 231, the QSO and host galaxy components were ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Dark and luminous matter in galaxies and large scale structure

In this dissertation, I investigate the transverse proximity effect in Lyalpha transmitted flux, the baryon fraction and stellar mass-to-light ratio in early-type galaxies, and the relation between dark matter halos and optical observables of galaxy clusters. The proximity effect is the observed reduction in absorption by HI in the Lyalpha forest in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Lecture 3 The hosts of AGN

-z QSOs: host properties RG RL QSO RQ QSO (Mc Lure et al. 1999) RG fit (Dunlop et al. 1993) If low-L AGN.4) QSO hosts (both RL & RQ) reside in E gals L!2L* with ~10 kpc scalelengths (Dunlop et al. 1993, Disney et al. 1995, Taylor et al. 1996, Hopper et al. 1997, McLure et al. 1999 ...

E-print Network

Adaptive Optics imaging of Quasar Hosts

We present the results of adaptive optics (OA) imaging of twelve (z < 0.6) quasars in the H and K bands using the PUEO system mounted on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). The QSOs ( m[V] > 15.0) themselves are used as reference for the correction. The images, obtained under poor seeing conditions, have typical spatial resolution of FWHM � 0.3 arcsec before deconvolution. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chemical Abundances in Broad Emission Line Regions: The ``Nitrogen-loud'' Quasi-Stellar Object Q0353-383

The intensity of the strong N V ?1240 line relative to C IV ?1549 or to He II ?1640 has been proposed as an indicator of the metallicity of quasi-stellar object (QSO) broad emission line regions, allowing abundance measurements in a large number of QSOs out to the highest redshifts. Previously, it had been shown that the (normally) much weaker lines N III] ?1750 and N IV] ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Snapshot Survey of 2MASS-selected Red QSOs

Using simple infrared color selection, the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) has found a large number of red, previously unidentified, radio-quiet quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). Although missed by UV/optical surveys, the 2MASS QSOs have Ks-band luminosities that are comparable to ``classical'' QSOs. This suggests the possible discovery of a previously predicted large population of dust-obscured ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Jets in extragalactic radio sources

Many galaxies and QSO's emit radiation at radio wavelengths. This radio emission is seen in two general locations. The first is a very small bright vision located at the very center of the galaxy or QSO, and the second is a double structured region lying on either side of the associated ...

Energy Citations Database

Heart of darkness

New insights into galaxy formation considering the connection between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

0114 + 074 - A very asymmetric galaxy in the field of an intermediate-redshift QSO

New radio-continuum observations of 0114 + 074 (4C 07.4) are presented. It is shown that this radio source consists of two distinct objects: a point source identified with an 18.0 mag QSO and a highly asymmetric 18.5 mag galaxy. The patently asymmetric structure of the galaxy is most plausibly due to intrinsically asymmetric energy ...

Energy Citations Database

QSO Strong Gravitational Lensing and the Detection of Dark Halos

We present recent results concerning the possibility to detect dark satellites around galaxies using QSO strong gravitational lensing. Combining high resolution hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation and analytic studies we show that current QSO observations data do not present any evidence for the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ly alpha and IR Galaxy Companions of High Redshift Damped Ly alpha QSO Absorbers.

We have used a Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS3) HgCdTe 256x256 array detector with the Infrared (IR) camera on the 2.3m telescope at Steward Observatory to image several Quasi-Stellar Object (QSO) fields. The limiting magnitude...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 1: Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies

. C. Ho (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press) QSO Lifetimes PAUL MARTINI The Observatories review, the lifetime of a QSO is defined to be the total 1 #12;P. Martini amount of time that accretion onto for a 107 M black hole. 2 #12;P. Martini 1.2 The Net Lifetime The main methods used to estimate the net

E-print Network

Incidence Rate of GRB-Host DLAs at High Redshift

We study the incidence rate of damped Ly? systems associated with the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRB-host DLAs) as functions of neutral hydrogen column density (NHI) and projected star formation rate (SFR) using cosmological SPH simulations. Assuming that the occurrence of GRBs is correlated with the local SFR, we find that the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Interstellar Medium of Nearby Galaxies Using Supernovae as Probes

We propose using the GHRS and ECH-B grating to observe bright (< 12.5 mag) supernovae which explode in external galaxies. The supernovae will serve as probes of the interstellar gas in the disk and halo, enabling us to search for Mg II and Mg I absorption lines arising from the host galaxy. The 6 km/s resolution of the echelle will ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On statistical lensing and the anticorrelation between 2dF QSOs and foreground galaxies

We study the cross-correlation of Automated Plate Measurement and Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies with background quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) taken from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey, and detect a significant (2.8?) anticorrelation. The lack of a similar signal between stars in the 2dF survey and our galaxy samples gives us confidence ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Role of Massive Black Hole Recoil in Galaxy Evolution

The ringdown and coalescence of a black hole binary produce a strong gravitational wave signal. Asymmetries in this emission, caused by dissimilar black hole masses or spins, can produce beamed gravitational wave discharge, which carries away linear momentum. As a consequence, the remnant black hole recoils in the opposite direction with a velocity ranging from 100 < v < 4000 km/s. Large ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Multiphase Gas in Galaxy Halos: The O VI Lyman-limit System toward J1009+0713

We have serendipitously detected a strong O VI-bearing Lyman-limit system (LLS) at z abs = 0.3558 toward the quasi-stellar object (QSO) J1009+0713 (z em = 0.456) in our survey of low-redshift galaxy halos with the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. Its total rest-frame equivalent width of Wr = 835 � 49 m� and column density of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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More evidence for extinction of activity in galaxies

This Research Note amends an article in which we showed that radio-loud quasars can become radio-quiet. Exploring the analogy between galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries (XRB), we pointed out there that this transition in quasars could be identified with a switch from low/hard to high/soft state in microquasars. Here, we present the evidence that traces of past occurrences of this kind of phenomena ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


We present a stellar population synthesis study of a type I luminous infrared galaxy: IRAS F13308+5946. It is a quasar with absolute magnitude M{sub i} = -22.56 and has the spectral feature of a Seyfert 1.5 galaxy. Optical images show characteristics of later stages of a merger. With the help of the stellar synthesis code STARLIGHT and both Calzetti et ...

Energy Citations Database

The redshift of 0938+119

Digicon observations of the Molonglo radio source 0938+119, originally classified as a faint radio galaxy, show it to be a QSO with a redshift z=3.19 and a spectrum similar to that of OH 471. (AIP)

Energy Citations Database

Color Analysis of Local (U)LIRGs

Luminous and ultra-luminous galaxies, galaxies with LIR > 1011Lsol and 1012Lsol respectively, are critical in understanding galaxy interaction and evolution; however, the local population (z < 0.088) as a class has been understudied. We present a color analysis of a subset of 22 local (U)LIRGs from the Great Observatory All-sky ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Apparent discordant redshift QSO-galaxy associations

An "exotic" idea proposed by Viktor Ambartsumian was that new galaxies are formed through the ejection from older active galaxies. Galaxies beget galaxies, instead of the standard scenario in which galaxies stem from the evolution of the seeds derived from fluctuations in the initial density ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Environment or Outflows? New Insight into the Origin of NALs

Recent detailed studies of narrow absorption line (NAL) systems in QSO spectra have revealed that at least 50% of QSOs have NALs associated with the central engine, and in most cases they are found to be outflowing. Will studies of NALs provide the much sought-after evidence for ubiquitous QSO feedback that can halt the formation of stars in ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Broad Paschen-alpha emission in two extremely infrared luminous Seyfert 2 galaxies

The Paschen-alpha emission line in the extremely luminous IRAS-selected galaxies IRAS 20460 + 1925 and IRAS 23060 + 0505 is observed. The observed width of H-{alpha} of Pa-{alpha} in IRAS 20460 + 1925 is 3300 km/s, with a possible broader component of about 3860 km/s, while the observed width of H-{alpha} of Pa-{alpha} in IRAS 23060 + 0505 is 3270 km/s, with a possible broader ...

Energy Citations Database

The Two-component Radio Luminosity Function of Quasi-stellar Objects: Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus

Despite decades of study, it remains unclear whether there are distinct radio-loud and radio-quiet populations of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). Early studies were limited by inhomogeneous QSO samples, inadequate sensitivity to probe the radio-quiet population, and degeneracy between redshift and luminosity for flux-density-limited samples. Our new 6 GHz Expanded Very Large ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Gas, dust and stars in the SCUBA galaxy, SMMJ02399-0136: the EVLA reveals a colossal galactic nursery

We present new multiwavelength observations of the first submillimetre-selected galaxy (SMG) SMMJ02399-0136 at z = 2.8. These observations include mapping of the CO J=1->0 emission using elements of the Expanded Very Large Array, as well as high-resolution 1.4-GHz imaging and optical/infrared (IR) data from the Very Large Array, Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer and Keck-I. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The nature of proximate damped Lyman ? systems

We present high-resolution echelle spectra of seven proximate damped Lyman ? (PDLA) systems. The relative velocity separation of each PDLA from the background quasar is ? V < 3000 km s-1. Combining our sample with a further nine PDLAs from the literature we compare the chemical properties of the proximate systems with a control sample of intervening DLAs. The PDLAs are usually excluded from ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

An excess of star-forming galaxies in the fields of high-redshift QSOs

We present submillimetre (submm) and mid-infrared (MIR) imaging observations of five fields centred on quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) at 1.7< z<2.8. All five QSOs were detected previously at submm wavelengths. At 850 (450) m, we detect 17 (11) submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) in addition to the QSOs. The total area mapped at 850 m is arcmin2 down to rms noise levels of 1-2 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Gemini 3D spectroscopy of BAL+IR+FeII QSOs - II. IRAS 04505-2958, an explosive QSO with hypershells and a new scenario for galaxy formation and galaxy end phase

From a study of broad absorption line (BAL) + infrared (IR) + FeII quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) [using deep Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph Integral Field Unit (GMOS-IFU) spectroscopy], new results are presented for IRAS 04505-2958. Specifically, we have studied in detail the outflow (OF) process at two large galactic scales: (i) two blobs/shells at radius r ~ 1.1 and 2.2 kpc, and (ii) an ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Herschel-ATLAS: the link between accretion luminosity and star formation in quasar host galaxies

We use the science demonstration field data of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey to study how star formation, traced by the far-infrared Herschel data, is related to both the accretion luminosity and redshift of quasars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the 2dF-SDSS luminous red galaxy (LRG) and Quasar Spectroscopic Catalogue survey. By ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Herschel-ATLAS: the link between accretion luminosity and star formation in quasar host galaxies

We use the science demonstration field data of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey to study how star formation, traced by the far-infrared Herschel data, is related to both the accretion luminosity and redshift of quasars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the 2dF-SDSS luminous red galaxy (LRG) and Quasar Spectroscopic Catalogue survey. By ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Herschel ATLAS: The cosmic star formation history of quasar host galaxies

We present a derivation of the star formation rate per comoving volume of quasar host galaxies, derived from stacking analyses of far-infrared to mm-wave photometry of quasars with redshifts 0 < z < 6 and absolute I-band magnitudes -22 > IAB > -32 We use the science demonstration observations of the first ~16 deg2 from the Herschel ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


We calculate the distributions of the total burst energy, the peak luminosity and the X-ray afterglow energy using burst observations and distances to the associated host galaxies. To expand the sample, we include redshift estimates for host galaxies without spectroscopic redshifts. The methodology requires a model ...

DOE Information Bridge

A Search for the Damped Ly? Absorber at z=1.86 toward QSO 1244+3443 with NICMOS

We have carried out a high-resolution imaging search for the galaxy associated with the damped Ly? absorber (DLA) at z=1.859 toward the zem=2.48 quasar QSO 1244+3443, using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the near-infrared camera and multiobject spectrometer (NICMOS). Images were obtained in the broad filter F160W and the narrow filter F187N with ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


The luminous z = 0.286 quasar HE 0450-2958 is interacting with a companion galaxy at 6.5 kpc distance and the whole system radiates in the infrared (IR) at the level of an ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG). A so far undetected host galaxy triggered the hypothesis of a mostly 'naked' black hole ...

Energy Citations Database

The origin of the dust in high-redshift quasars: the case of SDSS J1148+5251

We present a semi-analytical model for the formation and evolution of a high-redshift quasar (QSO). We reconstruct a set of hierarchical merger histories of a 1013-M&sun; dark matter halo and model the evolution of the corresponding galaxy and of its central supermassive black hole. The code GAMETE/QSODUST consistently follows (i) the black hole ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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MgII Absorption Line Systems: Galaxy Halos or the Metal-Enriched IGM?

MgII QSO absorption lines detected in the spectra of background QSOs were used over a decade ago to infer that all redshift z > 0.2 galaxies have gaseous halos of radius ~ 60 kpc. The actual size of the halo was believed to be proportional to the luminosity of the galaxy. However, these conclusions are now much harder to understand ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

An upper limit to the central density of dark matter haloes from consistency with the presence of massive central black holes

We study the growth rates of massive black holes in the centres of galaxies from accretion of dark matter from their surrounding haloes. By considering only the accretion due to dark matter particles on orbits unbound to the central black hole, we obtain a firm lower limit to the resulting accretion rate. We find that a runaway accretion regime occurs on a time-scale which ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The extinction curve of the lensing galaxy of B1152+199 at

. We present UBVRIz 0 photometry of the gravitational lens candidate CLASS B1152+119 obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope. The two QSO components are resolved in the B, V , R, I and z 0 bands confirming the lensing nature of the system. The z = 0:44 lens galaxy is clearly detected in B, R, I and z 0 and its position is found to be almost ...

E-print Network

Detection of an apparent, distant cluster of galaxies associated with the radio-tail QSO 3C 275. 1

Based on the suggestion that QSOs with distorted radio structures are likely to be members of clusters of galaxies (Hintzen and Scott), we have obtained deep direct observations of the fields containing 3C 270.1 and 3C 275.1, the most reliably substantiated cases of wide-angle radio tails associated with QSOs. Our 75'' square field centered on 3C 275.1 (z = ...

Energy Citations Database

Q0045-3337: models including strong lensing by a spiral galaxy

Aims:Falomo et al. (2005, A&A, 434, 469) discovered a disk-like galaxy at ~1.2 arcsec from the QSO Q0045-3337 by means of ESO VLT adaptive optics. They estimated a galaxy Einstein radius (for a point mass) of comparable size, thus suggesting the existence of a new, rare, spiral lens candidate, despite no evident image splitting. We ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

New redshifts of bright galaxies. III

Redshifts of 196 bright galaxies, and 2 QSO's are derived from 246 spectrograms obtained from 1972 to 1977 with the Galaxy meter's two-state image tube grism spectrograph attached at the Cassegrain focus of the McDonald Observatory Struve reflector. The reciprocal dispersion in 335 A/mm at H..cap alpha.. and the ...

Energy Citations Database

High energy astrophysics and its relation to elementary particle physics

QSO's observations and the redshift problem are considered, taking into account the ejection of matter from galaxies, redshift anomalies in associations of large galaxies and their companions, features of radio sources associated to elliptical and spiral galaxies, and observational differences between ...

Energy Citations Database

zsmdust: extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies

Extinction by dust grains suited to starburst galaxies and the hosts of gamma ray bursts. ... extinction curve, unlike those found in local galaxies. ...

NASA Website

Galaxy Mergers in a Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter - ABSTRACT

In a universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy, galaxies and their host ... of dark matter halos is therefore a key step in understanding galaxy ...

NASA Website


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasar J092712.65+294344.0 has been proposed as a candidate for a supermassive black hole ({approx}10{sup 8.8} M {sub sun}) ejected at high speed from the host galactic nucleus by gravitational radiation recoil, or alternatively for a supermassive black hole binary. This is based on a blueshift of 2650 km s{sup -1} of the broad emission ...

Energy Citations Database

The Physical Nature of the z 0.274 Lyman-Limit System toward PKS1630-377

The absorption features seen in the spectra of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) provide a unique opportunity to probe the galactic and intergalactic regions which intersect the lines of sight (LOS). Understanding the environment of these absorbers allows us to make a connection with physical structures and study the properties and evolution of galaxies, the intergalactic medium ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Is GRB 050904 at z = 6.3 absorbed by dust?

Dust is an important tracer of chemical enrichment in primeval galaxies and it has also important implications for their evolution. So far, at z > 6, close to the reionization epoch, the presence of dust has only been firmly established in quasar host galaxies, which are rare objects associated with enormous star formation rates. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On the Cosmic Evolution of the Scaling Relations Between Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies: Broad-Line Active Galactic Nuclei in the zCOSMOS Survey

We report on the measurement of the physical properties (rest-frame K-band luminosity and total stellar mass) of the hosts of 89 broad-line (type-1) active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected in the zCOSMOS survey in the redshift range 1 < z < 2.2. The unprecedented multi-wavelength coverage of the survey field allows us to disentangle the emission of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Redshifts of southern radio sources. V

Redshifts derived from further observations with the image-tube dissector scanner on the 4 m Anglo-Australian Telescope are reported for 19 QSOs and three galaxies associated with southern radio sources. Included are the red stellar object PKS 1402+044 with a redshift of 3.202, and a QSO--galaxy pair separated by 15''.

Energy Citations Database

Color-Magnitude Relation and Morphology of Low-Redshift ULIRGs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey

We present color-magnitude and morphological analysis of 54 low-redshift ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs; 0.018 < z < 0.265 with z median = 0.151), a subset of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite 1 Jy sample, in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The ULIRGs are both bright and blue: they are on average 1 mag brighter in M_{^{0.1}r} than the SDSS ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


We present color-magnitude and morphological analysis of 54 low-redshift ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs; 0.018 < z < 0.265 with z{sub median} = 0.151), a subset of the Infrared Astronomical Satellite 1 Jy sample, in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The ULIRGs are both bright and blue: they are on average 1 mag brighter in M{sub {sup 0.1}r} than the ...

Energy Citations Database

The Incidence Of Cool Gas In 1013 m&sun; Halos

We present the first results of an ongoing spectroscopic follow-up of close luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and MgII ??2796,2803 absorber pairs for an initial sample of 15 photometrically selected LRGs at physical projected separations ? ? 350 h-1 kpc from a QSO sight line. Our moderate-resolution spectra confirm a physical association between the cool gas ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quasars with Super-Metal-rich Emission-Line Regions

We study the degree of chemical enrichment in the broad emission line regions (BELRs) of two QSOs with unusually strong nitrogen emission lines. The N V ?1240/C IV ?1549 intensity ratio is often used as a metallicity indicator for QSOs. The validity of this approach can be tested by studying objects in which the N IV] and N III] lines, in addition to N V, are unusually strong and easily ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Multiple Scattered Sight Lines to the Red QSO 2MASX J10494334+5837501

The reddened, highly polarized QSO 2MASX J1049334+5837501 (2M 1049+5837) shows a strong IR dust signature with a spectral energy distribution peaked at ~20 ?m and a luminosity of ~1011 Lsolar, but the active nucleus is outshone at optical wavelengths by the host galaxy. Remarkable variations with wavelength in the degree and position ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The LMC as a QSO Absorption Line System

We propose to obtain high resolution, high signal-to-noise observations of QSOs behind the Large Magellanic Clouds. These QSOs are situated beyond the star forming disk of the galaxy, giving us the opportunity to study the distribution of metals and energy in regions lacking significant star formation. In particular, we will derive the metallicities and study the ionization ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The Chemical Evolution of QSO Absorbers

The chemical evolution of the high redshift intergalactic and interstellar media of galaxies is studied using QSO absorption lines. The redshift evolution of damped Lyman alpha (DLA) system metallicity is studied down to z=0.5, and no significant increase in metals is found. The CIV/HI ratio in the Lyman alpha forest is investigated at z approximately 3 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The line-of-sight towards GRB 030429 at z =2.66: Probing the matter at stellar, galactic and intergalactic scales

We report the discovery of the optical afterglow (OA) of the long-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 030429, and present a comprehensive optical/near-infrared dataset used to probe the matter at different distance scales, i.e. in the burst environment, in the host galaxy and in an intervening absorber. A break in the afterglow light curve is seen approximately 1 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Heavy Element Abundances and Dust Depletions in 4 Gamma Ray Bursts

We have determined the column densities of UV absorption lines in 4 Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) optical transients, using the curve of growth analysis. From a direct comparison with the column densities of the same elements observed in damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems along QSO sight lines, we unambiguously find that 3 GRB-DLAs are characterized by much higher column densities of ...

E-print Network

Black Hole Caught Zapping Galaxy into Existence?

Which come first, the supermassive black holes that frantically devour matter or the enormous galaxies where they reside? A brand new scenario has emerged from a recent set of outstanding observations of a black hole without a home: black holes may be "building" their own host galaxy. This could be the long-sought missing link to ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

QSO Clustering - Part One - Optical Surveys in the Redshift Range 0.3<2.2

We present QSO clustering results from ~700 QSOs detected in three surveys, including the Durham/AAT UVX Survey. We have made a 4? detection of QSO clustering at scales of < 10 h^-1^ Mpc (q_0_ = 0.5), stronger than expected on the basis of models of the evolution of the galaxy correlation function where the clustering is assumed to ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mapping the circumgalactic medium of high-redshift galaxies

We present a preliminary analysis of a large spectroscopic survey of z � 2-3 star-forming galaxies conducted in fields of very bright background QSOs whose lines of sight pass through the survey volume. By analyzing the high resolution, high S/N QSO spectra near the redshifts of the foreground galaxies, we measure the impact of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Three intervening galaxy absorbers towards GRB 060418: faint and dusty?

We present an analysis of three strong, intervening Mg II absorption systems (zabs = 0.603, 0.656, 1.107) towards the optical afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 060418. From high-resolution Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) spectra we measure metal column densities and find that the highest redshift absorber exhibits a large amount of dust depletion compared with damped Lyman ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Radiative Feedback from Massive Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies: AGN Flaring and Central Starburst Fueled by Recycled Gas

We show how the observed AGN radiative output from massive black holes at the centers of elliptical galaxies affects the hot ISM of these systems with the aid of a high-resolution hydrodynamical code, where the cooling and heating functions include photoionization plus Compton heating. Radiative heating is a key factor in the self-regulated coevolution of massive BHs and their ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Results of a homogeneous survey of absorption lines in QSOs of small and intermediate emission redshift

Results are presented for a spectroscopic survey of an intermediate (1.20z/sub em/ have velocity dispersion very similar to that expected if the absorbing material and the QSO are members of clusters of galaxies, and we interpret systems with vertical-bar z/sub em/-z/sub abs/ vertical-bar< or approx. =3000 km s/sup -1/ as predominantly associated with ...

Energy Citations Database

GCN 11847

Mar 28, 2011 ... With this interpretation, we would expect the emission to be astrometrically coincident with the nucelus of the host galaxy (something not ...

NASA Website

5161 - GCN

The strengths of the Balmer lines and the fact that the host galaxy is seen close to face on argue against strong dust extinction. ...

NASA Website

Simulating the Growth of a Disk Galaxy and its Supermassive Black Hole in a Cosmological Context.

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are ubiquitous in the centers of galaxies. Their formation and subsequent evolution is inextricably linked to that of their host galaxies, and the study of galaxy formation is incomplete without the inclusion of SMBHs. The...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Moderate-resolution spectroscopy of the lensed quasar 2237 + 0305 - A search for CA II absorption due to the interstellar medium in the foreground lensing galaxy

The gravitational lens system 2237+0305 consists of a low-redshift barred spiral galaxy (z = 0.0394) centered on a more distant quasar (z = 1.695). Because the lensing galaxy is nearly face on, spectroscopy of the background quasar affords a unique opportunity to study the interstellar medium in the galaxy's center and . We report ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A galaxy as the source of a C IV absorption system close to the epoch of reionization

We find a bright (LUV= 2.5 L?z= 6) Ly? emitter (LAE) at redshift z= 5.719 at a projected distance of 79 physical kpc from a strong triply ionized carbon (C IV) absorption system at redshift z= 5.7238 previously reported in the spectrum of the zem= 6.309 quasi-stellar object SDSS J1030+0524. This is the highest redshift galaxy-absorber pair detected to-date, supporting the idea ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Automatic QSO Selection Using Machine Learning: Application on Massive Astronomical Database

We present a new QSO (Quasi-Stellar Object) selection algorithm using Support Vector Machine (SVM), a supervised classification method, on a set of multiple extracted times series features such as period, amplitude, color, and autocorrelation value. We train a model that separates QSOs from variable stars, non-variable stars and microlensing events using the richest ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Detection of CO(1-0) emission and optical imaging of the Seyfert galaxy/QSO Markarian 231

The detection of CO(J = 1-0) emission and optical imaging of the luminous infrared galaxy Markarian 231 are reported. The galaxy is extremely rich in molecular gas with MT(H2) approximately equal to 1.4 x 10 to the 10th solar masses, approximately 5 times the molecular gas content of the Galaxy. Markarian 231 is the most luminous ...

Energy Citations Database

The Mid-IR- and X-ray-Selected QSO Luminosity Function

We present the J-band luminosity function (LF) of 1838 mid-infrared and X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the redshift range 0 < z < 5.85. These LFs are constructed by combining the deep multi-wavelength broadband observations from the UV to the mid-IR of the NDWFS Bo�tes field with the X-ray observations of the XBo�tes survey and the spectroscopic observations of the same ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Complex QSO absorbers: High-redshift clusters of galaxies?

Using the PSPC instrument on the ROSAT satellite, we have obtained deep exposures of the fields centered on the QSO's 1556+335, 1037-271, and 0854+191 in an effort to search for extended X-ray emission corresponding to complex QSO absorption-line systems (QALS's) that could be indicative of clusters of galaxies at high redshift. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Impact of Starbursts on the Gaseous Halos of Galaxies

Perhaps the most important {yet uncertain} aspects of galaxy evolution are the processes by which galaxies accrete gas and by which the resulting star formation and black hole growth affects this accreting gas. It is believed that both the form of the accretion and the nature of the feedback change as a function of the galaxy mass. At ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Black Hole Growth and Host Galaxy Morphology

We use data from large surveys of the local universe (SDSS+Galaxy Zoo) to show that the galaxy-black hole connection is linked to host morphology at a fundamental level. The fraction of early-type galaxies with actively growing black holes, and therefore the AGN duty cycle, declines significantly with increasing ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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A QSO survey via optical variability and zero proper motion in the M 92 field. III. Narrow emission line galaxies

We study a sample of 23 narrow-emission line galaxies (NELGs) which were selected by their strong variability as QSO candidates in the framework of a variability-and-proper motion QSO survey on digitised Schmidt plates. In previous work, we have shown that variability is an efficient method to find AGNs. The variability properties of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

VLBI Observations of Large Radio Sources Hosted by Spiral Galaxies

Large, powerful double-lobed radio sources are generally hosted by elliptical galaxies. Only two examples of radio sources hosted by star-forming galaxies are known in the local Universe. Here we propose VLBI observations of the two examples of this phenomenon to see how they differ from normal radio ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

VLBI Observations of Giant Radio Sources Hosted by Spiral Galaxies

Giant, powerful double-lobed radio sources are generally hosted by elliptical galaxies. Only two examples of radio sources hosted by star-forming galaxies are known in the local universe. Here we propose VLBI observations of the two examples of this phenomenon to see how they differ from normal radio ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

QSOs and Absorption-Line Systems surrounding the Hubble Deep Field

We have imaged a 45' x 45' area centered on the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) in UBVRI passbands, down to the limiting magnitudes of approximately 21.5, 22.5, 22.2, 22.2, and 21.2, respectively. The principal goals of the survey are to identify quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and to map structure traced by luminous galaxies and QSO absorption line ...

Energy Citations Database

Missing Seyfert Galaxies

The aim of this work is to estimate the number of Seyfert nuclei missing in catalogs due to obscuration by the dust disc in host spiral galaxies. We compared the distribution of inclinations of host galaxies of Sy1s and Sy2s with that of in control sample of spiral galaxies, and found that the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Space Images: Galaxies of all Shapes Host Black Holes (Artist ...

Jan 10, 2008 ... Observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope provide strong evidence that the slender, bulgeless galaxies can, like their chubbier ...

NASA Website

Author(s) - Goddard Library Repository


NASA Website

--No Title--

Satellite galaxy merging and disruption Andrew Wetzel Abstract: Dark matter halos that merge with larger halos persist as subhalos, which host satellite galaxies. While subhalos... Websites

The time delay in the twin QSO Q0957 + 561

From 10 yr of brightness monitoring of the two gravitational mirage components of Q0957 + 561 A,B it is shown that the time delay is 1.11 yr. An intensive program of daily brightness monitoring suggests a further refinement of the time delay to 404 days. Careful superposition of the phased brightness records shows that small differences are seen. These differences are attributed to microlensing by ...

Energy Citations Database

Emission-line galaxies and quasars in the southern hemisphere. I. Description and applications of an objective-prism survey

A selection of objects from the first plates of a low-dispersion, objective-prism survey for emission-line galaxies and quasars is used to illustrate the application of the survey to the following lines of research in extragalactic astronomy: quasi-stellar objects, Seyfert galaxies, instabilities in galaxies produced by tidal ...

Energy Citations Database

X-ray-selected AGNs near bright galaxies

Among the numerous low-redshift low-luminosity X-ray sources discovered with the Einstein Observatory, ten AGNs were identified that are projected within three optical diameters of bright (V less than 18) foreground galaxies. These AGNs near galaxies have significantly higher redshifts than the sample as a whole. This discovery is interpreted in terms of ...

Energy Citations Database

Galaxies with an ultraviolet continuum. IV

The fourth list of galaxies having an ultraviolet continuum containing data for 99 objects is presented. The procedure described in the preceding articles of this series was applied in the case of the observations and spectral investigations of faint galaxies. The notation in the lists remains unchanged. The presence of emission lines was ...

Energy Citations Database

Detection of the lensing galaxy in PG 1115 + 080

An image of what is believed to be the lensing galaxy of the quasar PG 1115 + 080 was obtained by using an RCA CCD at the CFHT. The photometry of the galaxy is R = 20.20 mag, V - R about 0.70 mag and (B-V) at least 0.75 mag. Comparison of the photometry to synthesized colors of redshifted galaxies suggests that the object may be a ...

Energy Citations Database

Optical Color Selection of Faint AGN in the COSMOS Field

We outline a strategy to select faint (iAB < 25.5) AGN candidates for spectroscopic targeting in the COSMOS field (Scoville et al. 2007, ApJS, in press). Similar in design to the SDSS QSO selection algorithm outlined by Richards et al. (2002), this selection picks candidates by their nonstellar colors in ubvriz broadband photometry from the Subaru and CFH Telescopes. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Diffuse interstellar bands in z < 0.6 CaII absorbers

The diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) probably arise from complex organic molecules whose strength in local galaxies correlates with neutral hydrogen column density, N(HI), and dust reddening, E(B - V). Because CaII absorbers in quasar (QSO) spectra are posited to have high N(HI) and significant E(B - V), they represent promising sites for the detection of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

arXiv:1006.5033v1[astro-ph.CO]25Jun2010 DRAFT VERSION JUNE 28, 2010

of gamma-ray burst (GRB) progenitors and the probability distribution function (PDF) of GRB host galaxies of GRB host galaxies changes in the simulation. We perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest, and show reason for the lower luminosities of GRB host galaxies, but the observed ...

E-print Network

X-shooter Science Verification Proposal Observing the very first galaxies: the host of GRB080913

X-shooter Science Verification Proposal Observing the very first galaxies: the host of GRB080913 to observe the host galaxy of GRB080913 at a confirmed redshift of 6.7, the second most distant GRB and third enrichment history of the Universe. GRB hosts can also be used to further explore the ...

E-print Network

The population of barred galaxies in the local universe. I. Detection and characterisation of bars

Context: Bars are very common in the centre of the disc galaxies, and they drive the evolution of their structure. The state-of-the-art imaging and redshift surveys of galaxies allow us to study the relationships between the properties of the bars and those of their hosts in statistically significant samples. Aims: A volume-limited ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


We present near-infrared imaging obtained with ESO VLT/ISAAC of a sample of 16 low luminosity radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) at the epoch around the peak of the quasar activity (2 < z < 3), aimed at investigating their host galaxies. For 11 quasars, we are able to detect the host galaxies and derive their ...

Energy Citations Database

Early-type Host Galaxies of Type II and Ib Supernovae

Recent studies find that some early-type galaxies host Type II or Ibc supernovae (SNe II, Ibc). This may imply recent star formation activities in these SNe host galaxies, but a massive star origin of the SNe Ib so far observed in early-type galaxies has been questioned because of their ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The Host Galaxies of Gamma-ray Bursts. II. A Mass-metallicity Relation for Long-duration Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies

We present a statistically robust mass-metallicity relation for long-duration gamma-ray burst (LGRB) host galaxies at z < 1. By comparing the LGRB host mass-metallicity relation to samples representative of the general star-forming galaxy population, we conclude that LGRBs occur in host ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


We present a statistically robust mass-metallicity relation for long-duration gamma-ray burst (LGRB) host galaxies at z < 1. By comparing the LGRB host mass-metallicity relation to samples representative of the general star-forming galaxy population, we conclude that LGRBs occur in host ...

Energy Citations Database

Environmental Dependence of Active Galactic Nucleus Activity. I. The Effects of Host Galaxy

Using a large sample of local galaxies (144,940) with -17.5 < Mr < -22 and 0.025 < z < 0.107, selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5, we compare active galactic nucleus (AGN) host galaxies with non-AGN galaxies at matched luminosity, velocity dispersion, color, color gradient, or ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week - HEASARC - NASA

Abell 2104 - Chandra Image. Credit: NASA/CXC/P.Martini et al. Surprisingly Active Galaxies. Many galaxies (if not most galaxies) play host to supermassive ...

NASA Website

AO Observations of Three Powerful Radio Galaxies.

The host galaxies of powerful radio sources are ideal laboratories to study active galactic nuclei (AGN). The galaxies themselves are among the most massive systems in the universe, and are believed to harbor supermassive black holes (SMBH). If large gala...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The Gas�Galaxy Connection at z abs = 0.35: O VI and H I Absorption toward J 0943+0531

We present observations of H I and O VI absorption systems proximate to a galaxy at z gal = 0.3529. The absorption was detected serendipitously in Cosmic Origins Spectrograph observations of the low-z QSO J 0943 + 0531 (z qso = 0.564). The data show two separate clouds along the sightline at an impact parameter of 95 kpc from the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Searching for high-redshift superclusters

Studies of QSO absorption lines can be used to discover superclusters of metal-line systems (thought to be associated with galaxies) at large redshift, analogous to the absorbers found in the field surrounding the southern pair Tol 1037/1038. The unique ability of QSO absorption lines to reveal modest columns of gas at high redshift ...

Energy Citations Database

Searching for high-redshift superclusters

Studies of QSO absorption lines can be used to discover 'superclusters' of metal-line systems (thought to be associated with galaxies) at large redshift, analogous to the absorbers found in the field surrounding the southern pair Tol 1037/1038. The unique ability of QSO absorption lines to reveal modest columns of gas at high redshift ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Wandering Black Holes in Bright Disk Galaxy Halos

We perform SPH+N-body cosmological simulations of massive disk galaxies, including a formalism for black hole (BH) seed formation and growth, and find that satellite galaxies containing supermassive BH seeds are often stripped as they merge with the primary galaxy. These events naturally create a population of "wandering" BHs that are ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Luminosity Distribution of Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies at Redshift z = 1 in Cosmological Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic Simulations: Implications for the Metallicity Dependence of GRBs

We study the relationship between the metallicity of gamma-ray burst (GRB) progenitors and the probability distribution function (PDF) of GRB host galaxies as a function of luminosity using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation. We impose a maximum limit to the gas metallicity in which GRBs can occur and examine how ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Associations of High-Redshift Quasi-Stellar Objects with Active, Low-Redshift Spiral Galaxies

Following the discovery in the 1960s of radio and optical QSOs it was found that some of them lie very close to low-redshift (z <= 0.01) spiral galaxies with separations of lsim2 arcmin. These were discovered both serendipitously by many observers, and systematically by Arp. They are some of the brightest QSOs in radio and optical wavelengths and are very rare. We have ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


Following the discovery in the 1960s of radio and optical QSOs it was found that some of them lie very close to low-redshift (z <= 0.01) spiral galaxies with separations of approx<2 arcmin. These were discovered both serendipitously by many observers, and systematically by Arp. They are some of the brightest QSOs in radio and optical wavelengths and are very ...

Energy Citations Database

Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): the red fraction and radial distribution of satellite galaxies

We investigate the properties of satellite galaxies that surround isolated hosts within the redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.15, using data taken as part of the Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey. Making use of isolation and satellite criteria that take into account stellar mass estimates, we find 3514 isolated ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The role of black holes in galaxy formation and evolution.

Virtually all massive galaxies, including our own, host central black holes ranging in mass from millions to billions of solar masses. The growth of these black holes releases vast amounts of energy that powers quasars and other weaker active galactic nuclei. A tiny fraction of this energy, if absorbed by the host ...


The role of black holes in galaxy formation and evolution

Virtually all massive galaxies, including our own, host central black holes ranging in mass from millions to billions of solar masses. The growth of these black holes releases vast amounts of energy that powers quasars and other weaker active galactic nuclei. A tiny fraction of this energy, if absorbed by the host ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chemistry and Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae

We study the effect of environment on the properties of Type Ia supernovae by analyzing the integrated spectra of 57 local Type Ia supernova host galaxies. We deduce from the spectra the metallicity, current star formation rate, and star formation history of the host and compare these to the supernova decline rates. Additionally, we ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Host Galaxies of Low-luminosity AGN and Starbursts in the Northern COLA Sample

The COLA (Compact Object in Low-luminosity AGNs) sample is aimed at understanding the possible relationship between nuclear radio sources and their host galaxy environment. I will review the status of an all-sky IRAS-selected galaxy survey which includes CO, HI and optical observations of galaxies spanning a wide ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Statistical Cluster-QSO Weak Lensing in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

We investigate the cross-correlation between galaxy clusters and QSOs using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR4 ~5000 deg2 data. With photometric redshifts of galaxies, we select galaxy clusters based on the local projected densities of LRGs brighter than Mr' = -22. The QSOs are from the main sample of SDSS QSO ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A Direct Detection of Gas Accretion: The Lyman Limit System in 3C 232

The gas added to and removed from galaxies over cosmic time greatly affects their stellar populations and star formation rates. QSO absorption line studies in close QSO/galaxy pairs create a unique opportunity to study the physical conditions and kinematics of this gas. Here we present new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

AGN Host Galaxy Evolution - Science Visitor and Colloquium Program

AGN Host Galaxy Evolution Presented by David J.E. Floyd Space Telescope Science Institute Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:00 P.M. in 169-336. Abstract ...

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Hubble Space Telescope Near-infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts. III. Radio Galaxies and Quasars in Context

We compare the near-infrared (NIR) H-band photometric and morphological properties of low-z (z < 0.3) 3CR radio galaxies with samples of BL Lac objects and quasar host galaxies, merger remnants, quiescent elliptical galaxies, and brightest cluster galaxies drawn from the literature. In ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Large scale environmental bias of the QSO line of sight proximity effect

We analyse the proximity zone of the intergalactic matter around high-redshift quasars in a cosmological environment. In a box of 64 h-1 Mpc base length we employ dark matter only simulations. For estimating the hydrogen temperature and density distribution we use the effective equation of state. Hydrogen is assumed to be in photoionisation equilibrium with a model background flux which is fit to ...

E-print Network

The Nature of Optical Features in the Inner Region of the 3C 48 Host Galaxy

The well-known quasar 3C 48 is the most powerful compact steep-spectrum radio-loud QSO at low redshifts. It also has two unusual optical features within the radius of the radio jet (~1"): (1) an anomalous, high-velocity narrow-line component, and (2) a bright continuum peak (3C 48A) ~1" northeast of the quasar. Both of these optical features have been conjectured to be related ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


In an effort to study Damped Ly{alpha} (DLA) galaxies at low redshift, we have been using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to identify galaxies projected onto quasi-stellar object (QSO) sight lines and to characterize their optical properties. For low-redshift galaxies, the H I 21 cm emission line can be used as ...

Energy Citations Database

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 369, 1189�1195 (2006) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10355.x Millimetric properties of gamma-ray burst host galaxies

. Our targets include two of the most unusual GRB host galaxies, selected as likely candidate submm galaxies: the extremely red (R - K 5) host of GRB 030115, and the extremely faint (R > 29.5) host of GRB 020124. Neither of these galaxies is detected, but the deep upper ...

E-print Network

Host Galaxy of the Dark Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 051008

We present observations of the dark Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 051008, the burst detected only in gamma- and X-rays but without any optical and radio afterglows. We identified the host galaxy of the burst, it has the R-magnitude of 23m.92+/-0m.07. The photometrical redshift of the galaxy is z = 1.07+/-0.13. We provide arguments in favor of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

GCN 9137

However no other Balmer lines appear prominently detected and there is no apparent [OIII] or [OII] as seen in the host galaxies of essentially all long- soft ...

NASA Website

GCN 2163

Apr 14, 2003 ... Polarization within the host galaxy interstellar medium seems unlikely due to the small internal extincion (Caldwell et al. ...

NASA Website

A Proposal for a Renewed Research Emphasis in ...

... exoplanet systems; � the population of trans-Neptunian objects; � the link between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies; and � the link ...

DTIC Science & Technology

1595 - GCN

Feb 10, 2007 ... This, in addition, leaves little room for host galaxy ISM induced polarization, that could account for at most a small fraction of the ...

NASA Website

--No Title--

of SNe Ia from a complete sample to help with the rate calculations, and the correlations between SN rates and their host galaxy properties. We find that there is a... Websites

Search for the Active Objects by Spectral Energy Distribution

Most optically selected QSO samples are expected to be more or less complete at either z < 2.2 or z > 3.6, where QSOs show conspicuous colours in broad-band searches, while within this redshift band, confusion arises with stars and compact low-redshift galaxies. Any practical approach of following up QSO samples in this ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Revising the Fe II (UV) Empirical Template for I Zw 1

The QSO UV continuum is strongly affected by multitudinous weak, broadened Fe II lines producing an Fe II pseudo- continuum superposed upon the intrinsic continuum of the QSO. Several independent attempts have been made to estimate and subtract this somewhat uncertain Fe II contribution by the use of Fe II observational templates where the Fe II emission ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Refractive Focusing of Interstellar Clouds and Intraday Polarization Angle Swings

Intraday variations of compact extragalactic radio sources in flux density and polarization are generally interpreted in terms of refractive scintillation from the continuous interstellar medium of our Galaxy. However, continuous polarization angle swings of �180� (for example, the one observed in the QSO 0917+624) could not be interpreted in this ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts in the Millennium Simulation

In this work, we investigate the nature of the host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) using a galaxy catalogue constructed from the Millennium Simulation. We developed an LGRB synthetic model based on the hypothesis that these events originate at the end of the life of massive stars following the collapsar model, with the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Lyman ? emission of high-z damped Lyman ? systems

Using a spectral stacking technique we searched for the average Lyman ? (Ly?) emission from high-z damped Ly? (DLA) galaxies detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasi-stellar object (QSO) spectra. We used a sample of 341 DLA galaxies of mean redshift = 2.86 and logN(HI) >= 20.62 to place a 3? upper limit of 3.0 � ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Effects of AGN feedback in galaxy groups and Intergalactic Medium

The combination of Cosmological numerical simulations and semi-analytical models of galaxy formation is a very appropriate method to study how different phenomena influence the galaxy and galaxy cluster formation. The main advantage of this combination consists in the fact that N-body simulations do not need to be rerun every time a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Host Galaxies and Black Hole Growth at z 1

We investigate the co-evolution of galaxies and black holes at the epoch of maximum growth, comparing normal galaxies and active galactic nucleus (AGN) host galaxies at z 1, using new, highly accurate photometric redshifts from the MUSYC medium-band survey in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (ECDF-S) and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Metallicity properties of the simulated host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts and the fundamental metallicity relation

By combining high-resolution N-body simulations with semi-analytical models of galaxy formation, we study the implications of the collapsar model for long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) on the metallicity properties of the host galaxies. The cosmological model that we use reproduces the fundamental metallicity relation - the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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