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Trinity Site panorama 2010


Visit Trinity Site: Saturday, October 6

On July 16, 1945 the world changed with the explosion of the first atomic test at Trinity Site on what is now White Sands Missile Range. Trinity Site is a national historic landmark open and free to the public twice a year.

Main Hill Road (NM 502) Closed for Repaving

Two miles of NM 502 (main hill road) are being repaved beginning Tuesday, Oct. 2. This portion of NM 502 will be closed to all vehicle traffic from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. while crews remove existing pavement and apply new pavement.

On Columbus Day, October 8, the road will be closed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., according to a news release from the New Mexico Department of Transportation. Weather permitting, the repaving project should be completed by Oct. 14. No work is planned on Sundays.

Please use the truck route (NM 501) or other alternate route to come up to Los Alamos until the project is complete. The state agency will have flashing message boards and other traffic control measures in place to alert motorists of the work.

Pentagon 9/11 Memorial

In 2005, the Laboratory acquired two pieces of limestone from the damaged Pentagon building. Both pieces of stone were sand-blasted with the names of the people killed in the terrorist attack. These have been installed as memorials to the victims—the first stone was installed at the Laboratory in 2006, and the second has just been installed here at the Bradbury Science Museum for the public to visit.

A New Look At Trinitite exhibit photo

Our trinitite exhibit describes how ants, ant sand, and the curiosity of two scientists contributed to a new theory about the creation of trinitite.

Main Hill Road to Los Alamos

Late 1940s aerial view of the Main Hill road up to Los Alamos.

Pentagon memorial stone at Bradbury Science Museum

Pentagon 9/11 Memorial in the courtyard outside the Bradbury Science Museum; an interpretive panel is located inside the Museum.

Pentagon Memorial at LANL

Pentagon 9/11 Memorial outside the National Security Sciences Building at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

updated 10.1.2012 @10:20 am