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Application and Award Process

The Department notifies known or potentially eligible institutions of the availability of surplus federal real property and affords eligible institutions an opportunity to make application for all or a portion of the property. The Department is given 30 days from the date of the surplus determination to advise the federal property disposal agency of a potential interest in the property for educational purposes and 60 days from that same date within which to approve applications and request assignment of such property for transfer. Information concerning a formal application can be obtained by contacting the Federal Real Property Assistance Program office, which will supply the proper guidelines and materials and assist with any questions. Applications must establish eligibility of the institution and its program, and must contain all required information and assurances requested in the guidelines.

For more information, select this link: http://www.ed.gov/programs/fedrealproperty/realpropbrochure.html.

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Last Modified: 07/26/2007