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You are here: Methods > Laboratory methods
Core analysis
Study of the composition and layers of cylindrical samples of rocks, trees, ice, and other materials extracted by drilling into a mass. Intended for broad use for the analysis of all types of core samples. The combination of this term with other terms will convey the context of the activity.
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Results 1 - 9 of 9 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Core Research Center [More info]
Overview of the Core Research Center (CRC) in Denver for preserving valuable rock cores for permanent storage and making the cores available for examination and testing. Includes links to services, well reports, and resources.
National Ice Core Laboratory [More info]
The U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL) is a facility in the Denver Federal Center, Colorado, for long-term storage, curating, and studying ice cores recovered from the polar regions of the world with information on public tours.
PDF Corals as climate recorders [More info]
Shows how coral reef specimens are collected, the type of information gained from them, and the methods by which they are measured and studied to understand recent (past few centuries) changes in climate.
PDF Devils Hole, Nevada--A Primer [More info]
Explains the important paleoclimatic information we have obtained from this subaqueous cavern. The time-series data show important contrasts with what would be predicted from orbital theory, provoking extensive scientific discussion.
PDF Effects of Ocean Acidification and Sea-Level Rise on Coral Reefs [More info]
By measuring the current and historical growth rates of coral skeletons, and using field experiments, we intend to find out whether rising atmospheric CO2 and rising sea levels will cause coral reefs to erode and cease to function.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Legacy Data Archive [More info]
Access is provided to seismic data, image files of seismic data, well logs, and cores of petroleum reserves in Alaska from the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, and (NPRA) Legacy Data Archive.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program: reconstructed trends national synthesis study. [More info]
Program to compile data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program study units to study national trends with links to sediment coring sites, video on Salt Lake City, study units identification, and publications.
The Chesapeake Bay bolide: modern consequences of an ancient cataclysm [More info]
Presentation that the location of Chesapeake Bay may have been predetermined by a Eocene bolide, an extraterrestrial body, impacting the Earth in the vicinity of the Delmarva Peninsula at high velocity and exploding to create a large crater.
Western lake catchment systems - Bear Lake region, Idaho-Utah [More info]
Homepage for project on Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah, to study past climate change and effect on lake catchment basins. Includes link to summary, personnel, geology, methods used including coring and seismic surveying, and publications.
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