USGS - science for a changing world

GMEG - Geophysics Unit of Menlo Park, CA- (GUMP)


Geophysics Unit of Menlo Park, CA (GUMP)

U.S. Geological Survey - Western Region - Geology and Geophysics

USGS Rock- and Paleo-magnetics Laboratory

Paleomagnetics equipment


Paleomagnetics lab schedule


Duane Champion
Jonathan M.G. Glen
Jonathan Hagstrum
John W. Hillhouse
Edward A. Mankinen

Allan Cox
Richard Doell
Myrl Beck
Sherman Gromme
Michel Prevot
Norman Watkins

paleomag building


The Rock- and Paleo-magnetics Lab
The U.S. Geological Survey's Rock- and Paleo-magnetics Laboratory is a facility dedicated to the study of past variations of the Earth's magnetic field and the magnetic properties of rocks. Scientists affiliated with the laboratory work to gain a better understanding of the Earth's field by studying the magnetic record contained in rocks and archeologic materials. The knowledge gained can then be applied toward the solution of various geologic problems including the mapping of active volcanoes and correlation of ancient earthquake deposits to better understand the related hazards, aiding in the determination of young geologic materials, and deducing the tectonic histories of structurally complex regions

Map and Directions The Rock- and Paleo-magnetics Laboratory is located in building 16 along the southern edge of the USGS campus at 345 Middlefield Road in Menlo Park, CA.

Pioneering research on the geomagnetic polarity time scale performed in the original laboratory was instrumental in confirming the hypothesis of seafloor spreading and led to the development of the theory of plate tectonics. In recognition of this landmark research, the original laboratory building was designated as a National Historic Landmark (#94001647) in 1994. Although the original laboratory building no longer stands, it and the historic research performed within it are commemorated in the new Rock- and Paleo-magnetics Laboratory building. Visitors are welcome to visit the laboratory, view the historical exhibits, and see a video describing the research and events that led to the landmark designation. To learn more, see:

History of the Paleomagnetics Lab

Learn more about what we do

***see our new automated sample handling system***


Affiliated labs:
Berkeley Geochronology Center
U.C. Santa Cruz
RAPID Consortium

Paleomac software for paleomagnetic analyses
AGU geomagnetism and paleomagnetism section  
Institute for Rock Magnetism

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