U.S. Department of Justice

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Sleep and Job Performance in Law Enforcement: Measuring Differences Between Highway Patrol, Sheriff, and Municipal Police Officers

Publication year: 2007 | Cataloged on: Oct. 01, 2012

Library ID

  • 026351

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  • 2007
  • 17 pages

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  • Sleep and Job Performance in Law Enforcement: Measuring Differences Between Highway Patrol, Sheriff, and Municipal Police Officers

ANNOTATION: The relationships between sleep, fatigue, and work performance are examined for sheriff’s deputies, municipal police, and highway patrol officers. The results show that law enforcement officers do not get the recommended amount of sleep per night. It also appears that “municipal police, compared to sheriff deputies or highway patrol officers are more careful about excessive work hours, work fewer second jobs, and get more sleep. Highway patrol officers consistently placed second to municipal police among these variables while the sample of county sheriff's was the most overworked as well as the most under slept” (p. 207).

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