U.S. Department of Justice

Sex Offense Courts: Supporting Victim and Community Safety Through Collaboration

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jul. 31, 2012

Library ID

  • 026174

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  • 2010
  • 14 pages

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  • Sex Offense Courts: Supporting Victim and Community Safety Through Collaboration

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “This article traces the problem of managing sex offenders and the establishment of sex offense management courts in New York, discussing their history, how they work and challenges to implementation. By outlining New York’s experience, this paper aims to provide lessons learned to other jurisdictions so that they can continue to improve criminal justice responses to the problem of sex offending” (p. 1). This strategy may be applicable to your jurisdiction’s challenges. Sections include: introduction; the problem; the sex offense court model in New York—a comprehensive planning process; seven key principles; and conclusion.

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