Summaries of Legislation of the 105th Congress With Provisions Affecting Social Security:

  • PL 105-285, (S. 2206), the Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998, was signed into law by the President on October 27, 1998. Among other things, the law created a demonstration under which low income individuals including SSI recipients could establish dedicated savings accounts for certain purposes.
  • On June 4, 1998, the House passed HR 3433, the Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency Act of 1998. [refer to LB 105-11]; The bill would direct the COSS to establish a program under which a disabled beneficiary could use a ‘ticket’ to obtain employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, or other support services from an employment network of the beneficiary’s choice.  HR 3433 was placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders on June 9, 1998. No further action was taken on the bill.
  • On February 25, 1998, the House passed HR 1544, the Federal Agency Compliance Act. The bill would require agencies, in most cases, to follow appellate court rulings when administering policies or regulations and to stop  adopting  non-acquiescence policies.  HR 1544 was received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary on February 26, 1998. No further action was taken on the bill.
  • On June 10, 1997, the House Ways and Means Committee reported its recommendations to the House Budget Committee for inclusion in an omnibus budget bill. [refer to LB 105-4].  The recommendations included welfare reform provisions for SSI and noncitizens, State Supplementary Payments, and disabled children.  The SSI noncitizens provisions would be effective as if enacted in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA).  Description of PRWORA may be found in previous actions.
    Previous action: 8/22/1996 [refer to LB 104-32]