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Recovery Directorate

Recovery's mission is to support communities in rebuilding so individuals, civic institutions, businesses, and governmental organizations can function on their own, return to normal life, and protect against future hazards.

Flat Stanley psing next to a laptop with on the screen.
Apply for assistance, check the progress of your application and accessforms from 17 Federal agencies.

A FEMA worker helping a disaster survivor at a Disaster Recovery Center.
Individual Assistance
Find out about programs, services and tools available to individuals and households after a disaster.

A truck removes debris from a disaster impacted area.
Public Assistance
Learn about disaster grant assistance for debris removal and the repair, replacement or restoration of damaged publicly owned facilities.

A FEMA employee holds a discussion with the community of a disaster impacted area.
National Disaster Recovery Framework
Explore how FEMA partners with the "Whole Community" for recovery.

Last Updated: 
06/16/2016 - 09:20