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Review of Local Agency Bridge Inspection Program

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Agency HQ Location:Team:

BIOH - Bridge Inspection Organizational Head
BITL - Bridge Inspection Team Leader
BITM - Bridge Inspection Team Member

  1. Qualifications of Inspection Personnel
    • Who is the head of the bridge inspection organization?
    • Who inspects bridges for the agency?
      BBITL / BITM Title:
      CBITL / BITM Title:
      DBITL / BITM Title:
      EBITL / BITM Title:
    • How many years of bridge inspection experience?
      Years of Experience
       0-12-56-910 or more
    • Is the BIOH/BITL a Registered Professional Engineer?
      a.BIOH:Yes _____ No _____ PE #: _____ State: _____
      b.BITL:Yes _____ No _____ PE #: _____ State: _____
    • OR, is the BIOH/BITL qualified for registration as a professional engineer under the laws of this State?
      a.BIOH:Yes _____ No _____
      b.BITL:Yes _____ No _____
    • Is the BITL currently certified as a Level III or Level IV Bridge Safety Inspector under the National Society of Professional Engineers' program for National Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET).

      Yes _____ No _____

    • What training have bridge inspectors received in bridge inspection?
       2-week BITCBr. Insp'n RefresherFracture CriticalUnderwater InspectionStream Stability & ScourBMS InspectionOther
    • Please indicate the bridge inspection assignments (experience) for the BITL.
      Assignments (Experience)
      No. of MonthsJob TitleBrief Description of Duties
    • How often is the BITL at the bridge site during inspection?

      _____ Always
      _____ Most of the time
      _____ Occasionally
      _____ Never

  2. Available Resources
    • How many bridges is the agency responsible for inspecting?
       TotalFracture CriticalUnderwaterOther Special Inspections
      NBI Bridges    
      Bridges < 20 ft    
    • How many inspections were performed during the last calendar year?

    • How many inspections are scheduled for the upcoming calendar year?

    • Indicate the percentage of time spent on the listed duties in the last calendar year:
       Bridge Inspection and RatingBridge DesignBridge ConstructionBridge MaintenanceOther 
      A     100%
      B     100%
      C     100%
      D     100%
      E     100%
    • How long does it normally take to reinspect the following structure?
      (exclude travel time and bridge load capacity rating time)

      Three simple spans with total length of 200 feet, multi girder or beam, reinforced concrete deck, over local street. Structure is about 20 years old.

    • Does the BIT inspect the following structures:
       YesNoN/AIf yes, how many?
      Major Bridges    
      Fracture Critical Bridges    
      Underwater Components of Bridges    
    • Are other sections (personnel) called for assistance when inspecting the following structures?
      Major Bridges   
      Fracture Critical Bridges   
      Underwater Components of Bridges   
    • What is the status of, and who conducts, evaluations of the following?
       No. RequiredNo. CompleteWho Performs?No. Posted or Scour Critical
      Load Ratings    
      Scour Evaluations    
    • How many bridges require posting, but have not yet been posted? If so, why not?

    • Have action plans been developed for those bridges determined to be scour critical?
      (Please attach a copy of one.)

  3. Inspection Records
    • What type of information is recorded about each inspection?
      a.Time spent on inspection  
      d.Inspectors' signatures  
      e.Other (Please specify)  
    • Are previous inspection reports available at the site for review?
      1. _____ Yes
      2. _____ No
    • Are the bridge plans carried to the bridge site for review if necessary, or are they readily available for review in the bridge office?
      Bridge site  
      Bridge office  
    • What forms are used to record the inspection data? (Choose all that apply)

      _____ (STA) BIS Inventory Data Coding Form
      _____ Bridge Inspection Report Form
      _____ Laptop program
      _____ Other (specify)

    • List the bridges and files evaluated during this review:
       Bridge NameStructure IDBridge No.
      Bridge A   
      Bridge B   
      Bridge C   
      Bridge D   
      Bridge E   
      Bridge F   
    • Please summarize the results of reviewing individual bridge inspection reports and files for a sampling of bridges:
       Bridge ABridge BBridge CBridge DBridge EBridge F
      Coding Accuracy      
      Inv. Data Accuracy      
      Maint. Needs Ident'd      
      Load Ratings      
      Posting Docum.      
      Scour Calcs      

      G- Good; F- Fair; P- Poor; DNA- Does Not Apply; CNE- Could Not Evaluate


  4. Inspection Procedures
    • Are written inspection procedures prepared for the BIT?

      _____ Yes
      _____ No

    • What written procedures are available at the bridge site or bridge office?
      a. General   
      b. Special Feature Inspection   
      c. Fracture Critical Inspection   
      d. Underwater Inspection   
      e. Major Bridge Inspection   
      f. Other   
    • Do you have any special procedures for any specific bridges that your team inspects?

      _____ Yes (Please specify)
      _____ No

      (Whenever it is determined that the BIT uses specific written procedures for a bridge, the review team should obtain a copy and attach it to this questionnaire

    • Who determines the depth of inspection if there are no written procedures?
      a. BITL 
      b. Head of bridge inspection unit 
      c. Other (specify) 
    • How are new written procedures distributed?
      a. Training session 
      b. Mail 
      c. General Meetings 
      d. Other (Please specify) 
    • Do BITMs have specific duties conveyed to them by the BITL?
      1. _____ Yes
      2. _____ No


  5. Inspection Equipment
    • What equipment does your team have available for "hands on" access to bridge members?
      a. Ladder  
      b. Aerial Lift Platform ("manlift")  
      c. Underbridge Inspection Unit (Snooper, UBIT)  
      d. Boat  
      e. Scaffolding  
      f. Climbing Gear  
      g. Other  
    • How accessible is the equipment?
      (A) How many bridges need a UBIT?
      (B) How many bridges is it used on?
      (C) Readily AccessibleMust be ScheduledMust be Rented or billed to OthersAlways Difficult to Obtain
      a. Ladder    
      b. Aerial Lift Platform ("manlift")    
      c. Underbridge Inspection Unit (UBIT)    
      d. Boat    
      e. Scaffolding    
      f. Other:    
    • Does the Agency ever use NDT (excluding visual)? If yes, complete 4 and 5 below; if no, skip 4 and 5.

      _____ Yes
      _____ No

    • If your answer to question (3) is yes, please indicate who is responsible for NDT?
      a. Bridge Unit 
      b. Maintenance Unit 
      c. Materials Testing Unit  
      d. Other 
      e. Don't know 
    • Who determines the frequency of NDT?
      a. Bridge Unit 
      b. Maintenance Unit 
      c. Materials Testing Unit 
      d. Other 
      e. Don't know 
    • What equipment does the BIT normally carry with them to the inspection site?
      Extension ladder  
      Measuring tape  
      6' folding rule  
      100' fiberglass tape  
      Geologist hammer  
      Inspection mirror  
      Plumb bob  
      2'-0" level (carpenter)  
      Brush hook/machete  
      First Aid kit  
      Wire brush  
      Screw driver  
      Incremental borer  
      Deck sounding chains  
      Hip boots & waders  
      Paint stick/keel  
      Feeler gauge  
      Probing rod  
      Vertical clearance measuring rod  

      List additional items below

  6. Follow-up Procedures
    • Do Agency maintenance personnel accompany the BIT on inspections?

      _____ Always
      _____ Occasionally
      _____ Most of the time
      _____ Never

    • Are recommendations for maintenance or repairs identified on the bridge inspection form?

      _____ Yes
      _____ No

    • Does the BIT assess whether previous maintenance problems have been corrected?

      _____ Yes
      _____ No

    • How do you call the attention of maintenance personnel to routine bridge maintenance problems?

      _____ Written procedure
      _____ Verbally
      _____ Regularly scheduled meetings

    • How is the BIOH notified of needed repairs, and how and to whom are completed repairs communicated?

    • Who does the BITL notify when emergency repairs are necessary?

      _____ Bridge Section
      _____ Maintenance Section
      _____ Other
      _____ Not required to notify anyone

    • If a bridge requires emergency repairs, is this noted as part of the inspection report or as a separate document?

      _____ BIR
      _____ Separate document
      _____ Not documented

    • What procedures and documentation are in place to insure timely correction of emergency needs?

    • Who checks proper placement of signs (load posting, clearance, speed restriction, narrow bridge etc.)?

      _____ BIT
      _____ Bridge Section
      _____ Maintenance Section
      _____ Other
      _____ Don't know

    • What is the annual bridge maintenance budget?

Review Summary

CategoryAdequateMinor Inadequacies (Corrective Action Desirable)Not Adequate (Corrective Action Imperative)
A. Qualification of Inspection Personnel   
B. Available Resources   
C. Inspection Records   
D. Inspection Procedures   
E. Inspection Equipment   
F. Follow-up Procedures   
G. Condition/Appraisal Ratings   

Summary Comments

Inspection Report Evaluation Form

Bridge Name:Evaluated by:
Structure ID No.:Date:
  • Please indicate whether the following information is included in the most recent inspection report:
    a. Narrative Section   
    b. Sketches of cracks, spalls exposed rebar, etc.   
    c. Bridge Photographs   
    d. Maintenance needs identified   
    e. Emergency repairs required   
    f. Posting signs documented   
  • Are the sketches identified in (1b) of sufficient detail to track changes in the bridge (joint opening measurements, widths of cracks etc.)?

    a. _____ Yes
    b. _____ No

  • Do the condition and appraisal ratings from the current inspection report agree with the condition and appraisal ratings on the Agency's most recent SI&A sheet? (This question evaluates if the inspection data is reliably captured into the State's bridge inventory database.)

    c. _____ Yes
    d. _____ No

  • Does the inspection form list the members of the BIT?

    e. _____ Yes
    f. _____ No

  • Is the inspection form signed and dated?

    g. _____ Yes
    h. _____ No

  • What are the dates of the previous 5 routine inspections?

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Inspection File Evaluation

  • Written Procedures

    Are written inspection procedures required for this bridge? If no, skip the rest of this section

  • Evaluate the following:

    Critical inspection locations identified

    Inspection frequencies identified

    Inspection methods identified

    Discussion of deficiencies to look for

    Special equipment needs identified

  • Load Rating Calculations

    What is the method used for calculating the load rating?

    Is the HS truck used with the Load Factor method to determine Inventory & Operating Ratings?

    What are the calculated ratings:

    Type 3 (25.0 Tons)
    Type 3-S2 (36.7 Tons)
    Type 3-3 (43.2 Tons)
    HS Truck 

    What is the recommended load posting? Is it physically posted?

    Is the load rating signed and stamped by a registered P.E.?

  • Scour Evaluation

    Has scour been evaluated in accordance with acceptable practice?

    If the bridge is scour critical, has a written action plan been developed addressing:

    • Monitoring
    • Installation of temporary countermeasures
    • Permanent countermeasures
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Construction Feedback
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Updated: 04/04/2011

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration