National Institute of Corrections
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Register Now! Correctional Industries Director’s Training

Course Description:

Correctional Industry Directors are called upon to provide dynamic and effective leadership, which is a critical component in the success of any organization. Expanding leadership knowledge and enhancing leadership skills is the foundation for this training as it helps lay the groundwork for the complex work that must be done in this ever changing and challenging industry.

During this 34 hour blended-training course, Correctional Industries administrators will develop the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to identify relevant organizational priorities, establish strategic objectives, identify measurable goals and objectives, establish collaborative partnerships, utilize current labor market information, and provide specialized services and programming that support the offenders’ long term attachment to the labor force.

Training Outline:

Two pre-training orientation webinars (schedule to be announced)
Four E-Learning Courses/Modules
Twenty-eight hours of classroom instruction


Correctional Industries Directors - noting that Directors may refer/recommend
managerial staff in support of organizational succession planning.

Training Dates:  Nov. 27-30, 2012

Apply By:  October 12, 2012

To Apply:  Correctional Industries Director’s Training

For additional information from NIC on Correctional Industries

Posted Mon, Sep 24 2012 8:31 AM by Susan Powell


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