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Welcome to the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies (C4LPT).  I am Jane Hart and I founded the Centre in 2005 to provide independent advice and consultancy on the use of technologies for learning and performance. This website has now become one of the world’s most visited learning sites on the Web, with over 100,000 monthly visits.

The website hosts a number of major resources, including a Directory of Learning & Performance Tools that contains over 2,000 tools. You will also find links to articles and resources produced by me, my Jane’s Pick of the Day and online versions of  two of my books: Social Learning Handbook and the (upcoming) New Workplace Learning.

For the last 6 years, I have conducted an annual survey of learning tools and compiled a yearly Top 100 Tools for Learning list. I released the 2012 list on 1 October 2012. As this is a very popular resource, I am currently building the 100 Tools Knowledge Base - a growing collection of Quick Guides to help you find out more about how to make the most of the world’s most popular tools for learning.

In 2012 I set up the Social Learning Centre – a global online professional community for Learning Professionals (in both education and the workplace) to learn from their peers as well as leading industry practitioners and thought leaders from around the world in a number of different online, social ways, which includes online workshops, webinars, live chats. etc. We now have over 2,000 members.

Learning in the Social Workplace is my blog, and here I write regular posts about how to support learning & performance in the social workplace.

I am  an international speaker and writer on the use of social technologies for collaborative learning and collaborative working, and  I work with organisations all around the world helping them understand how they can use social technologies to underpin new approaches to working and learning. I am also a Principal of  the Internet Time Alliance.

Some of Jane’s upcoming public keynotes, presentations and webinars

Date Event
29 January 2013 Invited presentation, 12 steps to successful social learning, Learning Technologies 2013
12 June 2013 Opening keynote, ICELW conference, New York

Contact Jane

To contact me at the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, email

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