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ENERGY STAR Qualified Water Heaters — Which Type is Right for You?

Five water heating technologies are eligible for ENERGY STAR qualification. See which ones fit you and your home best.

Natural Gas

Gas Storage Water Heaters

Consider High-Efficiency Gas Storage if you:

  • Currently have a gas storage water heater that needs to be replaced.
  • Don't want to make a major change and are satisfied with the style of water heater you have now.
  • Are willing to pay a little more upfront to reduce water heating bills by about 7%.
  • Want routine installation and maintenance.
Whole-Home Gas Tankless Water Heaters

Consider Whole-Home Gas Tankless if you:

  • Want to replace your existing gas water heater before it fails.
  • Are building a new home or conducting a major remodeling project.
  • Often run out of hot water.
  • Have limited space and need a water heater that doesn't take up much room.
  • Want a water heater with a longer lifetime
  • Are willing to pay more upfront to reduce water heating bills by about 30%.
  • Have a large enough natural gas line in your home (typically at least 3/4") plus space to install the necessary venting.
  • Are willing to take on additional maintenance tasks or schedule a regular maintenance check every few years.
Gas Condensing Water Heaters

Consider Gas Condensing if you:

  • Want to replace your existing gas water heater before it fails, but don't need to do it right now.
  • Are building a new home or conducting a major remodeling project.
  • Often run out of hot water.
  • Are willing to pay more upfront to reduce water heating bills by about 30%.
  • Have space to accommodate a condensate drain and special venting.


Heat Pump Water Heaters

Consider a Heat Pump if you:

  • Want to replace your existing electric water heater before it fails, but don't need to do it right now.
  • Are building a new home or conducting a major remodeling project.
  • Are willing to pay more upfront to reduce water heating bills by about 50%.
  • Have space to accommodate a condensate drain.


Solar Water Heaters

Consider Solar if you:

  • Have dependable access to sunshine on your roof or immediately outside your home.
  • Like the idea of using a renewable energy source to heat your water.
  • Are willing to take on additional maintenance tasks or schedule a regular maintenance check every year.
  • Are willing to install or use an existing auxiliary electric or gas storage water heater to provide back-up on cloudy or rainy days.