
10 Books For Learning Professionals To Read In 2013 10 Books For Learning Professionals To Read In 2013

Need some reading recommendations for the coming year? The varied books listed here... Review: Looking for software tutorials? Review: Looking for software tutorials?

Is it worth your time and money to subscribe to If your job or life demand... 

Axonify Review: An Effective Model For Online Learning Axonify Review: An Effective Model For Online Learning

The failure to achieve sufficient learning transfer through formal workplace training... 

Learning Articulate Storyline: Two Books Reviewed Learning Articulate Storyline: Two Books Reviewed

If you’ve used authoring tools, you know that programs with lots of functionality... 

3 Books by eLearning Experts 3 Books by eLearning Experts

Do you want to tap into the power of social media for learning? Are you looking for... 

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eLearning Design

Most Shared Articles on The eLearning Coach in 2012 Most Shared Articles on The eLearning Coach in 2012

In 2012, some articles from The eLearning Coach were shared hundreds of times and... 

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Five Resources for Estimating Development Time Five Resources for Estimating Development Time

Are you unsure of how to answer the big question: How long does it take to develop... 

Writing Multiple Choice Questions For Higher Order Thinking Writing Multiple Choice Questions For Higher Order Thinking

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If you continuously come up with compelling and novel ideas at a moment’s... 

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It’s Not eLearning On A Phone It’s Not eLearning On A Phone

The only way we can understand something new is to create an analogy from something we know.  Read More →

Designing An iPhone App: Instructional Design Guru Designing An iPhone App: Instructional Design Guru

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