U.S. Department of Justice

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Psychological Changes Underlying Long-Term Criminal Desistance Among Former Career Criminals
By Bourget, Sarah C.K..
Psychological changes associated with desistance from criminal activity (for at least 3 years) by individuals with long-term criminal histories are investigated. Chapters following an abstract are: introduction; review of the literature; method; findings; and discussion. “The findings demonstrated that long-term criminal desistance is accompanied by an increase in prosocial impulses. The strength of the prosocial impulse is the product of other psychological phenomena including thoughts about ch... Read More
265 pages
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Thinking for a Change Resources
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Designed for use with offender populations, this integrated cognitive behavioral change program represents the integrated synthesis of three cognitive based approaches - cognitive self-change, social skills and problem solving. Its purpose is to change an offender’s behavior by restructuring their thinking so that their behavior is positively impacted.
NOTE: This i... Read More
4 video DVDs (660 minutes) + 1 CD
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Implementing Motivational Interviewing in Correctional Settings: An Interview with Dr. William Miller
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
This presentation is an extended interview with Dr. William Miller regarding the utilization of motivational interviewing (MI) in correctional settings. Topics discussed include:
  • Background of MI
  • MI in corrections
  • How MI works
  • The spirit of MI
  • Implementing MI
  • MI applications and assessment
  • Brief and one-time MI
  • Essentials of MI
  • MI roll-out and training
  • The supervisor’s role
  • MI research
  • And implications for policy makers, supervis... Read More

1 computer disk; DVD-ROM (142 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Thinking for a Change: An Integrated Approach to Changing Offender Behavior [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held September 17-20, 2002]
National Institute of Corrections Academy [Longmont, CO].
A 32-hour training program on how to deliver an offender program which integrates cognitive approaches for changing behavior by restructuring offenders' thinking and teaching pro-social cognitive skills is provided. Participants will be able to: describe the theoretical foundations of cognitive behavioral approaches; articulate the core principle and components of the "Thinking for a Change" (T4C) program; utilizing the T4C program, demonstrate a cognitive self-change lesson, a social skill les... Read More

5 VHS (504 minutes) + 3 video DVDs
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Thinking for a Change: Facilitator Training: Lesson Plans
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
A 32-hour training program (consisting of 32 modules) explaining an integrated cognitive behavior change program for offenders is presented. Participants will be able to: describe the theoretical foundations of cognitive behavioral approaches; articulate the core principle and components of the "Thinking for a Change" (T4C) program; utilizing the T4C program, demonstrate a cognitive self-change lesson, a social skill lesson, and a problem solving lesson; and plan for the implementation of the pr... Read More
231 pages + 1 CD
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Thinking for a Change: Integrated Cognitive Behavior Change Program [Lesson Plans]
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
A problem solving program for offenders is provided. At the core of this curriculum is an integrated, seamless synthesis of cognitive restructuring and cognitive skills interventions. Lesson topics include: active listening; asking a question; giving feedback; our thinking controls how we act; paying attention to our thinking; recognizing the thinking that leads to trouble; finding new thinking; using thinking check ins; knowing your feelings; understanding and responding to the feelings of oth... Read More
327 pages + 1 CD
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Facilitation Skills for Offender Groups: Training Curriculum Package
By Yeres, Susan; Collins, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Designed for counselors or other staff who run offender groups, this 16-hour course addresses group process strategies. The following lesson plan modules are provided:
  • Introduction and course overview;
  • What facilitation is;
  • Goals for personal development;
  • Stages of group development;
  • Stages of individual change;
  • Setting a climate for change;
  • Communication skills;
  • Facilitating participation;
  • Facilitating behavior change;
  • Facilitating changes in perspective;
  • A... Read More
approximately 560 pages
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Pensar en un Cambio: Programa Intigrado de Cambio Cognitivo-Conductivo [La Leccion Planea]
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
El programa, Pensar en un Cambio, tiene como centro, un programa de resolucion de problemas detallada con ambas intervenciones de restructuracion cognitiva y habilidades sociales. El formato del programa se comprende de zz lecciones con una capacidad de extender el programs endefinidamente, dependiendo de la cantidad de habilidades cognitivas [cognitive] ensenadas. Suplementos: fichas, transparencias, folletos, cuadros, y los suplementos para el instructor.... Read More
347 p. + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Syllabus of Supportive Literature: NIC Thinking for a Change Program
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Additional sources of information regarding concepts covered in the Thinking for a Change program can be found in this list of 21 items.... Read More
2 p.
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Cognitive/Behavioral Strategies to Changing Offender Behavior [Videoconference held September 15-18, 1997]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
The objective of these training sessions is to empower corrections institutions to significantly decrease the percentage of recidivism as they work with offenders. This four-session training in the area of cognitive/behavioral strategies will help participants to become aware of the research, understand cognitive principles and apply these principles along with the methods of cognitive restructuring, and understand the principles and methods of cognitive skills therapy.

3 video DVDs (395 min.) + 1 CD
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NAVCON Brig Sex Offender Treatment Program [Facilitator and Participant Manuals]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NAVCON Brig Sex Offender Treatment Program (N.P.).
This two year voluntary program assists participants through group sessions and individual behavioral treatment sessions in finding ways to avoid inappropriate and illegal sexual behavior in the future. There are eight modules in this program.
  • Module I is an introduction to the program and covers why enter, what is treatment, autobiography, blocks to treatment, and a glossary.
  • Module II covers relapse prevention and includes: information on the cycle of abuse; building, adding thoughts... Read More
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National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections (Madison, WI).
The focus of the Cognitive Interventions Program is to change the criminal behavior of offenders by motivating them to change themselves. Cognitive change is self-change. This program is divided into four phases. Phase I - Orientation: This phase is designed to teach the basic concepts and techniques of cognitive change. Phase II - The Change Process: In this phase offenders use techniques of cognitive self-observation (Thinking Reports, Journals, Problem and Hassle Logs) to identify thei... Read More
148 p.
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Aggression Management: A Program of Communication Skills and Strategies for Probation and Parole Officers [Lesson Plan]
By Bush, Jack. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Missouri Dept. of Corrections (Jefferson City, MO).
The objective of this lesson plan is to provide skills that will assist probation and parole officers to minimize conflict and maximize cooperation between themselves and non-compliant offenders under their supervision. Module topics include:
  • The cognitive foundations of aggressive behavior,
  • Basic skill strategies,
  • Critical situations,
  • Thinking reports as a counseling tool,
  • The follow-up interview,
  • And cognitive counseling skills.
The curriculum pack... Read More
52 p.
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Interpersonal Violence Treatment Program
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Vermont Dept. of Corrections (Waterbury, VT).
The purpose of the Criminal Violence Program is to significantly reduce the violent behavior of program inmates during and after incarceration. Also included in this packet of material is a lesson plan outline (1989) on treating the criminal personality and a description of VOP (Violent Offender Program) treatment activities.... Read More
32 p.

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