U.S. Department of Justice

United States: Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jun. 05, 2008

Library ID

  • 023073

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  • 2008
  • 64 pages.

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  • United States: Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States

ANNOTATION: Sentencing disparities, particularly those faced by African Americans, resulting from the "war on drugs" in the U.S., are documented. This report contains the following sections: introduction; recommendations; background -- the war on drugs and the U.S. criminal justice system; race and the incarceration of drug offenders; changes between 1996 and 2003; origins of racial disparities in prison admissions for drug offenses; racial injustice and human rights; conclusion; and methodology.

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