U.S. Department of Justice

Audit Report: Performance Audit of Pharmaceutical Costs, Department of Corrections

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Apr. 20, 2011

Library ID

  • 024988

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  • 2011
  • 80 pages

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  • Audit Report: Performance Audit of Pharmaceutical Costs, Department of Corrections

ANNOTATION: This report provides a look at how one agency is dealing with rising healthcare costs. You can this document to create a checklist for determining your own agency’s effectiveness in managing prescription drug costs. It was determined that the Michigan Department of Corrections (DOC) is not effective at managing pharmaceutical costs. Comments, findings, recommendations, and Agency preliminary responses are given for: the effectiveness of efforts to manage prisoner pharmaceutical costs—atypical antipsychotic medications, monitoring of medication returns and disposals, refills, nonformulary prescriptions, duplicate medication orders, over-the-counter (OTC) mediations, verification of pharmaceutical rebates, pharmaceutical billing verification, and actual acquisition cost verification; and effectiveness of efforts to control and safeguard prisoner pharmaceuticals—prisoner medications, facility controls over unused or expired medications, stock pharmaceuticals, controlled substance medication controls, and medication box controls. Some supplemental information includes: Comparison of Total Pharmaceutical Costs and Average Prisoner Count; Comparison of Michigan’s and Other States’ Average Pharmaceutical Costs Per Prisoner Per Month; Breakdown of DOC Pharmaceutical Utilization by Primary [and Secondary] Drug Category; and Comparison of Michigan’s and Other States’ Average Atypical Antipsychotic Pharmaceutical Costs Per Prisoner Per Month.

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