U.S. Department of Justice

Contracting for Health Care Services in Local Jails and Juvenile Detention Facilities: Achieving a Community-Based Standard of Care

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Apr. 22, 2011

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  • Contracting for Health Care Services in Local Jails and Juvenile Detention Facilities: Achieving a Community-Based Standard of Care

ANNOTATION: Individuals needing to reduce their agency’s health care costs should look at this publication. “The purpose of this guide is to provide the reader with information about the evolution of incarcerated individuals’ right to health care, current trends in monitoring and enforcement, and considerations relevant to the procurement of health services” (p. 1). Five chapters comprise this paper: introduction; legal framework—the right to medical and mental health care; an emerging consensus—the community-based standard of care; the procurement process; and health centers—logical partners for the provision of care.

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