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Call Report Modifications


1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

DATE: April 2008 LETTER No.: 08-CU-06
TO: Federally Insured Credit Unions
SUBJ: Call Report Modifications
​Dear Manager and Board of Directors:
In the latter part of 2009, NCUA plans to release an on-line version of the 5300 Call Report that
will replace the existing software. We will provide periodic updates outlining the impact of the
actual changes as we progress through system development. In the interim, NCUA continues to update and enhance the current software and process. There are several important changes for the March 2008 cycle outlined in this Letter and in the Enclosure that you should reference when completing the 5300 Call Report (5300).

March 2008 Call Report Update
The most significant change to the 5300 is the addition of all account numbers in both the software
and the hard copy form. This improvement should help resolve reconciling problems between a credit union’s financial statement and the 5300. A complete list of all changes is included on NCUA’s website at this web page
To run the current call report program, one of the following Microsoft operating systems is

• Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4;
• Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1;
• Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or 2; or
• Windows Vista.

Due to Microsoft’s discontinued support of Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows Millenium Edition (ME), credit unions will not be able to use NCUA’s 5300 software with these operating systems.

In addition to one of the approved operating systems, the credit union computer must continue to
have at least 32 megabytes random access memory, 2 megabytes of free hard drive space, a CD-ROM drive, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP 2 or higher (7.0). The 5300 software program is compatible with any printer supported by the approved operating systems.

As mentioned, Microsoft’s Vista software is compatible with NCUA’s 5300 software. However, the location of the stored report data files could change depending on the user’s operating system permission level. As a result, when the user opens the 5300 program, the prior 5300 cycle data file may appear. System users should be aware of this issue in order to reduce possible confusion. The user should simply ignore the prior 5300 cycle date and choose the option to start a new 5300 in the current cycle.
Future of the Call Report Process
One of the changes when the new call report on-line system is implemented is the requirement to
submit the call report electronically. All credit unions with internet access will file electronically when the system is released. In preparation for this change, NCUA recommends all credit unions with internet access use the eSend feature in the current software to submit the 5300. Benefits of using eSend include a direct, secure transfer of the data to NCUA, which is the most protected, efficient way to submit confidential information and prevent compromise. Our Help Desk is available to answer any hardware or software questions and assist credit unions with their
eSend password at 1-800-827-3255.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us improve the efficiency of our data collection program.
JoAnn Johnson
